"We all need a day off!" SSA Derek Morgan was moaning at his Unit Chief, SSA Aaron 'Hotch' Hotchner in Hotch's office about how much work the BAU seemed to be getting lately. SSA David Rossi was in the office, also complaining about overwork and it was only Tuesday….

"You know we haven't had a karaoke night at my mansion yet…."

Since their week long camping trip months ago, which had all been because Jack, Hotch's 8 year old son, had asked him to take him camping, during which time they'd sat around the campfire most nights and, with the help of Dave's guitar and Will on his harmonica, they had all had a great time singing their hearts out.

"Oh yeah I had forgotten about plans to make that karaoke nights a regular event. What happened about doing them?"

"Work, work and more work."

"Oh yeah."

"Hey, isn't Jack on vacation at the moment?"

"Yeah he's on his easter break. Why?"

"We so need to have a karaoke night! Rossi what do you think man?"

"I agree with Morgan….Can't you phone up the Section Chief and get us a day or two off?"

"The section chief would also be coming…."

They all remembered how their section chief Matt Cruz had been so jealous that they were spending the week camping that, being an avid camper himself whenever he got the chance to, he had joined their camping party halfway through the week and he too had not only thoroughly enjoyed himself all week but he had really enjoyed the campfire karaoke sessions they had done and plus he'd been one hell of a singer.

"He can still come and he can stay along with the rest of you."

"When were you thinking about having the karaoke?"

"How about Friday night? Jack is still off next week isn't he?"

"Yeah, he's only just broken up from school so he's off this week and next week."

"He's not with his grandparents or anything over the easter break is he?"

"No. He's spending his time between spending his days at one or another of his friend's houses and spending his days with Jessica."

Jessica was Hotch's sister in law who helped Hotch care for Jack when Hotch had to go away and had done ever since Haley, his beloved ex wife had been murdered by George Foyet almost 5 years ago. Since then he had been a single father to Jack and, if it hadn't been for the kindness of Jessica's offer of helping him take care of Jack whenever Hotch had to go away with the team on another case, he would have had to retire after Haley's murder just so he could take care of his, then, 4 and a half year old son.

"So Jack's free to come, I know Will is free as he's taking care of Henry these 2 weeks, would Jessica come do you think?"

"I'm pretty sure she would love to come."

"So how about you try to get us say Thursday to Monday off?"

"Why so long for one night of karaoke?"

"One, cos we need the time off, 2, so we can get hammered and stay up late without worrying about work until at least Tuesday, 3, in case we decided to do a second karaoke night in a row, 4 cos we're all staying with Rossi and get to enjoy the comforts of his mansion which we might not want to leave…."

"And which I personally kick your butt out if you overstay your welcome Morgan…."

"You'd really kick 2 little boys out of your mansion?"

"I didn't say anything about kicking Jack or Henry out for overstaying but you…."

"Okay, okay, if you promise to be silent, I'll see if Cruz is reachable now."

Hotch dialled Cruz's office number into his office landline phone and held the receiver in his left hand to his left ear.

"This is SSA Hotchner of the BAU. May I speak with Section Chief Matt Cruz?"

"Please hold.."

"This is SSA Cruz."

"Matt, its Hotch here…."

"Hey how you doing in the BAU? Not too overworked I hope?"

"Nothing more than usual…." He glanced knowingly at the 2 agents in his office "Actually we were thinking about the team being let off from Thursday until Monday. Dave is hoping we can have one of those karaoke sessions in his mansion on Friday and I was thinking the team all deserved not only Friday and Saturday off but Thursday, Sunday and Monday as we've all been working so hard."

"For you Hotchner your team is officially on stand down from Thursday morning until Tuesday morning. I am still invited to the karaoke night aren't I?"

"Of course Matt. Bring a go bag as we're all crashing at Rossi's mansion Friday night. Save us leaving somewhere early or having to go back home tired and or drunk. Was gonna invite Jessica, Jack, Will and Henry anyway."

"Tell Dave I'll be there and tell the team they got that time you asked for off. They deserve it and so do you. What time does Friday night start?"

"Not sure yet. I'll text you when we have made more plans but thanks for letting the team take the days off."

"No problem. See you all on Friday. I have to go as I got a meeting in a half hour."

"Alright. Bye."

Hotch put down the receiver down.

"We all got Thursday to Monday off and Matt's coming to karaoke on Friday with a go bag. So what time are you planning on everyone getting there on Friday Dave?"

"Maybe 6 or so? Would that be okay for Jack? I'll order some pizzas for dinner so he can eat with us."

"Sure. Like we did during the camping week, I'll get him to have a nap in the afternoon so he's more awake in the evening. Let me just get the others in here so I can tell them all the good news."

Hotch sent a quick text to agents Blake, Spencer, J.J, and their tech goddess Garcia. Whilst he waited for the to arrive, he text Matt saying 'Rossi's mansion about 6 or so. Having pizza there so don't worry about eating before coming. Hotch.'

Within a minute of sending the text the others piled into Hotch's office.

"Hotch dude, what's up? We're not going on another case already are we?"

"No Spencer, don't worry we're not."

Just then Hotch's cellphone beeped with a message. "Hang on a sec…."

He read Matt's reply of 'Ok. Be there bout 6 with a go bag. Can't wait for karaoke. Tell Dave thanks. Matt.'

"Dave, Matt says thanks by the way."

"What's Cruz thanking Rossi for?" J.J just looked confused.

"I got 2 lots of good news. I've just spoken to Matt Cruz whose granted us team from Thursday until Monday off so no one needs come into work until Tuesday."

"Woo-hoo! Way to go Hotch! So what's the second piece of good news?"

"Clear your calendars for at least Friday and Saturday as Friday night we are all going to Rossi's mansion for karaoke. Take go bags for everyone as we're all staying Friday night there too instead of worrying about going home."

"Woo-hoo! Way to go Rossi….."

"J.J Will and Henry can come can't they?"

"Yeah definitely. Are Jack and Jessica coming too?"

"Jack definitely. I gotta ask Jess but I'm pretty sure she'll come too…."

"So what time on Friday Rossi?"

"About 6 be okay? Am ordering some pizzas so no one has to worry about eating before they come."

"That's fine with us."

"J.J, I'm gonna try and do what we did during our camping week and get Jack to sleep for the afternoon so hopefully he can stay up later on Friday night with us. It might be a good idea if you could try and do the same with Henry."


"Aaron, J.J, why don't you guy's come over in the morning and the boys can sleep in the beds I'll have for them until just before we start the evening? That way they can get as much sleep as possible before we begin."

"Thanks Dave. I appreciate that. Might be a good idea. J.J?"

"Yeah if that's okay with you Rossi."

"Was thinking but would Jack and Henry like to share a room with 2 beds in it?"

"For sure. Jack would love that. Would also help later if they were both sleeping and either one woke up so they wouldn't feel alone."

"I got the perfect room in mind then. Even has its own small en-suite bathroom that they can use in the night, save trying to find a bathroom if they get up and need to go."

"Thanks Rossi."

"J.J, there's a room next door with a double bed in it for you and Will. Aaron there are 2 single rooms on the other side of the boy's rooms that you and Jessica can use."

"Thanks Dave, means we can all stay near enough to the boys if they want us in the night or first thing in the morning."

"No problem. The rest of you I'll have rooms ready for you all as well but was just planning rooms around Jack and Henry."

"Sure Rossi man. Of course Jack and Henry should always come first when it comes to sleeping arrangements."

"Okay everyone back to work now but at least we can all look forward to the weekend….