Act 1

Is This the End?

"You. Are you Furihata Kouki?"

Furihata was just on his way home when, as he passed by the usually empty on weekdays playground he would usually pass by on his way to his house, an unfamiliar person approached him.

The person had vibrant red hair and a pair of heterochromic eyes of gold and red. He wasn't the tallest and the most muscular man out there, but he had a good built—in fact, his body seemed like it had perfect proportion or something. His skin—don't get Furihata started with it (okay, too late)—was just perfect. Small pores, flawless, velvety and smooth (or at least that was how it seemed). This man was just plain beautiful.

But then again, you do know what they say: Nothing's perfect.

The redhead took a few steps closer to Furihata. From around five meters, their gap had closed down to no more than two meters. It was only then when the mousy boy noticed the iciness of the stranger's gaze (or was that a glare?) and the heaviness of his aura. For some reason, he found himself frozen on his feet.

His breath hitched after hearing the beautiful stranger speak again.

It was like a low hiss, how he let the words flow out of his mouth.

"I hate repeating myself. Now, answer me. Are you, or are you not Furihata Kouki?"

In spite of the natural beauty of the stranger, he was just downright scary.

Although hesitant, Furihata felt compelled to answer the stranger's question in an instant. Almost witlessly, fidgeting, he squeaked, "Y-Yes, t-that's me!"

The imaginary shadow floating above the stranger's face disappeared. Along with the shadow also vanished the grim frown that was plastered on his face all along. He broke out into a slight smirk right after. Suddenly, he pulled out a knife under his sleeve.

Seeing the knife, Furihata's eyes widened and his arms shook. His heart rate increased and his (cold) sweating began intensifying by the second. Although his mouth was slightly hanging, nothing other than air came out from it. Words—as much as he would want to scream (for help), he couldn't. Perhaps this was what people meant when they say the cat got their tongue. There was just something in the way that redhead looked at him that petrified him down to the soul—something that rendered him breathless.

'He's so…beautiful—wait! Fu—No! Kouki, no! Jesus, what are you thinking!? The guy has a knife and he knows you name! This isn't the time to appreciate beauty! G-Gwargh! S-Snap out of it!'

"H-hey… u-uhmm… a-are y-you…"

He was supposed to be running away, really. He was supposed to be shouting for help, seriously. But no. Instead of asking for help—

"…free on Saturday?"

—He just asked the mugger (or was it assassin?) with a beautiful face out.

'Kouki, what are you doing, you moron!? Not only does he seem like he's about to beat the living daylights out of you for good, but you're also straight! What the hell, man!?'

The redhead's smirk disappeared. With a bemused look on his face, he spun the knife with his fingers (his index finger and middle finger respectively). Now holding it like how a kunai should be held (or was usually held), he shot the mousy brunette with a similar glare he sent him earlier, only this time, it was more menacing. This time, there was killer intent in his gaze.

Completely ignoring Furihata's rambling (invitation to go out with him), he nonchalantly announced, as if it was the most normal thing to say to someone you just met while holding a sharpened knife, "I declare this engagement off, whether my father agrees or not. And to officially put an end to this misery, I will now put an end to your pathetic excuse of a life."

Furihata jolted, "E-Engagement!? H-hey, I… I only a-asked y-you out! W-w-what a-are you t-talking a-about? I don't even k-know your name!"

Again, he was ignored, "Prepare to die, mouse."

"M-Mouse!? I-isn't t-that a b-bit r-rud—WHAT THE HELL!?"

Without any warning, the stranger swung his weapon. Only (what surprised Furihata was that), instead of stabbing him, the redhead had stabbed his own hand.


The stranger casually pulled the knife out of his hand and tossed it aside. His expression not changing, he plainly replied, "I know. That's the whole point."

Furihata tilted his head and blinked a couple of times, "H-hu—HOLY CRAP!"

With legs shaking and (actually) whole body trembling, Furihata lost his balance and fell aback, down on his behind. If he was somewhat petrified before and after the young man took out the knife, he was completely frozen after the stranger pulled the knife out of his hand. The droplets of his blood that were falling on the ground, they were literally melting the concrete. If that wasn't crazy enough, the blood that was oozing out of his hand—it was solidifying, and it seemed like it was also turning into something—an object.

"W-what t-the…hell?"

The way his heart beat—it was almost as if there was a monster inside his chest trying to break free. It was pounding that hard. How could it possibly not, the solidified blood—that now looked like red glass—just turned into some sort of broadsword, and now, the man was slowly advancing (walking) towards him.

He was going to die; he was going to die; he was definitely going to die, wasn't he?

"Engagement ends today, and so does your life."

Yes. He was seriously going to die, because of a goddamn engagement he didn't even know anything about too.

Life—he should've spent it more wisely.

Furihata closed his eyes tightly. His fist clenched and his head turned away from the direction where his killer was coming from.

'I haven't even gone to a date yet—not a single one!'

The attacker raised his weapon. Swiftly, he swung his blade then muttered lowly:



A/R (Author's Rambling HAHA): Thanks for reading! Just so you all know, Akashi-kun's ability is based from the ability of Kuriyama-san from Kyoukai no Kanata. Before you get the wrong idea though, this fanfic isn't KnK AU. It's just a… well… a supernatural AU. Yeah.