I hope you enjoy this chapter!
Don't forget to Review when you are done!
I do not own the Teen Titans.
Sorry it is a short chapter!
The day after the ball Raven awoke in her bed, the sun shined through her old blinds on her face. She let out a big yawn and stretched her arms out, hitting something with her hand. Raven peered over her should to see a big green arms wrapped around her waist. Letting out a small smirk, she unraveled Beast Boy's muscular arms and stood up. He wasn't snoring, in fact he was making any noise or even moving. Raven watched to see his chest move, it didn't.
"Beast Boy..?" She whispered, feeling scared Raven leaned closer and put her hand on his shoulder. "Gar…Garfield?"
Beast Boy's eyes shot open, his once emerald eyes now glowed crimson. The room faded black and his body disappeared, "You can not run girl. As far as you go you will not get away." A deep familiar voice spoke. "He can not save you, I know your secret. Your brothers will deal with your lies and insolence!" Trigon appeared in front of Raven with an evil grin. "Child, I can wait an eternity to kill Earth. You will not live to see me again but I will win in the end…" His body slowly dissipated with each word until Raven was left alone in her room. Beast Boy was gone.
Raven's eyes opened, it was just a dream. She peered to her left with no sign of Beast Boy, without thought the witch jumped out of bed and ran to his bedroom. Shooting black magic from her arms, Raven ripped Beast Boys doors off and ran inside too find another empty room. A growl found it's way through her now sharp teeth, Raven's uniform grew over her body, feather by feather she was now covered head to toe. As she strode down the long hallway to the common room her long cape formed out of her back, slightly painful but she loved it. Well…Rage loved it.
When the doors to the common room opened nobody was present, not even Beast Boy. Raven's brain scrambled, had her father really taken him?
A sinister chuckled came from the kitchen, "Sister you will not find him here. You will not find him ever. Trigon will escape." Out from the shadows came her eldest brother Sloth, he had changed. Instead of his old sweatpants and T-shirts he was now in a tan suit with a loose black tie. His black hair was slick back, on his feet were old Irish made wooden soul shoes. Sloth noticed Raven observing, "I know big change, huh? I promote lazy activity, I don't have to appear that way."
Sloth took out two mugs from the cabinet and took the screaming pot off the stove. He poured two cups of tea and motioned for Raven to sit across from him, she obliged. Taking a sip from her tea she sighed, "Where is he?" she asked.
There was a moment of silence, "I can not tell you." He replied. He wanted to but Sloth could not betray his father, even for his sister. Even thought Trigon treated his children as slaves, Sloth felt a sense of pride in the name. Even if it was an evil name, Sloth could not understand why Raven hated their father so much.
"YOU WERE NOT USED AS A PORTAL!" Raven scream at the top of her lungs, Sloth jumped back in fear. She took a deep breath, "I need to find Garfield, Jeremy please help me." Jeremy, his human name Raven called him. As of habit he smiled, although he was evil and he knew his sister was good, that name made him feel good.
"You know I will forever be evil, right?" Raven wasn't expecting to hear that, she shook her head in disagreement. This reaction made Jeremy chuckle, "Beast Boy is safe. Before Gluttony could grab him he changed into a fly and flew into Nevermore." Sloth stood up as did Raven, he lifted his arms up and grabbed her for a tight hug.
"HEY! Get off of her!" A deep voice yelled behind Raven, a blast of blue hit Jeremy in the face. His face grew back instantly, "Who are you!"
Raven turned and lifted her hand up to Cyborg's face, "This is my brother, Jeremy." Cyborg's eyes widened, from what he heard all of Raven's brothers were evil.
Jeremy gave a forced smile, "Sister I will leave now. You know where your fiancé is and I assure you Affection is keeping him company." He then turned to Cyborg, "Hurt my sister and I will kill you." A black energy appeared around Jeremy and he disappeared leaving Raven and Cyborg in the common room alone.
Raven stared at the spot her brother once stood, a hand tapped lightly on her shoulder. Although she didn't want to look, Raven turned to see not Cyborg but Red. She stood with her eyes wide open and a smile across her face. Raven did not understand why she was smiling.
"I have uncles?" Red asked slightly curious and happy. She knew Raven, her real mother had evil brothers but it was better then nothing. She had family, blood family.
Raven nodded while Cyborg grunted in disappointment, "They are evil, Red. No good can come of those demons!"
"They are not demons! They are my family! And you will respect them as you respect Raven!" Red growled at her boy friend. Cyborg snorted and flumped onto the couch to play video games in defeat. He couldn't argue with Red, she was cute when she was mad.
Raven watched the two talk on the couch, she soon realized she forgot about Beast Boy. "SHIT!" She ran into her bedroom to find Garfield with him front hands gripping the carpet and his behind in the mirror with hands clutching him to come back in. His head snapped at the open door, "RAE HELP!" he panted, sweat dripping down his brow.
Raven grabbed hold of Beast Boy's hands and pulled, they hands gripped harder and screams rang in Garfield's ears. Slowly each hand let go and he fell out of the mirror, Garfield looked up at her and pressed his lips against hers. They lingered for only a moment before he let go and whispered, "I only want the real Raven." She giggled at him comment, so very much unlike her normal self. Beast Boy flinched, "HAPPY I SWEAR TO-"
"Beast Boy it's me." Raven dead panned, she glanced at the mirror in confusion. "What happened in there?"
Garfield blushed, "They attacked me…" Raven cocked her brow in confusion so her further explained. "When I got in…there…I just walked around for a bit. They must have felt me come in and next thing I knew…BAM…They all attacked me! Even Rage was in on it, I thought it was fun at first but there were so many and I didn't want to have sex! They kept kissing me and I…well ya know…got horny but I didn't DO anything! They wouldn't leave me alone so I found an exit and that's when they started grabbing me!...Then you saved the day and now please-d-d-ddon't k-kkk-kil-ll m-meee…" He cringed at the thought of Raven hurting him.
Raven smiled, he hadn't changed too much. He still seemed to be slightly afraid and he explained that story as if he was seventeen again. She noticed Beast Boy let his hands down and his big green eyes were exposed. They hinted a simple emotion of confusion upon noticing Raven's smirk.
"It's okay Gar, I am just happy you are safe." Raven lifted her hand on Garfield's face and leaned in to kiss him, he leaned to her and their lips touched. As they unlocked Raven spot again, "Sorry about my father and brothers."
Beast Boy shrugged, he truly didn't mind even though his fiancé did. He suggested they retire to the common room with their friends and she nodded. The coupled interlocked hands and made there way to Cyborg and Red. It was odd that Red was Raven's real daughter but it couldn't be helped. Unfortunately it meant Red would have to be trained properly, Raven decided to talk to Red about time in Azarath another time. When they got to the common room Nightwing and Starfire were enjoying breakfast while Cyborg and Red tinkered with a new bow she acquired.
The bow was a gift from Raven, a small token of love. It was hand crafted by a monk in Azarath specifically for Red. Raven had not known of her daughter but the monks have direct connects to such knowledge and had been preparing for the moment for years. When the box showed up on Raven's door step scripted "To Red, From Raven. With all my love." She didn't know what to do with it but she kept it anyway. When they met Raven knew something was going to happen but she waited so it would happen on its own and was not forced. As Raven sensed Red's mind she could tell there was more secrets, some for another day though.
Starfire turned to her friend Raven, she flew up a few inches in front of her smiling. "Friend Raven let us go to the mall of shopping? Pleeeeeeeeease!" She clasped her hands together and gave 'the face of puppies'.
Raven smiled, "Sure. Just let me put on civilian clothes." She walked to her bedroom quickly leaving behind a confused team.
Nightwing was the first to speak, "What…just happened?"
"Friend Raven said yes, with no objections?" Starfire questioned.
Beast Boy shrugged, "I don't know…" he walked to Cyborg and his daughter Red, whom didn't understand why everyone was shocked. Garfield further explained how Raven was a 'stick in the mud' and usually refused to do anything with anyone. Red laughed, not able to think of Raven like that.
"I think she wanted to socialize with all of you but could not control what was inside of her. That, and she must have been afraid." Red spoke almost as dryly as her mother, rather shocking. Garfield smiled at his daughter, she truly was Raven's daughter it's a wonder he didn't notice it before.
"Good morning Titans," Said a female voice on the TV. "You all remember little old me, don't you?" A slight chuckle left the orange and black mask. "I see my experiment is doing well, isn't she Gar? It's a shame you abandoned me in the future, they have the best technology. Terra was a big help…"
"Rose! What do you want?" Beast Boy yelled at his ex-lover. Beast Boy had traveled to a corrupt future with Rose, Deathstroke's illegitimate daughter, to try and save what was left. In doing so he fell for Rose, they had a daughter together but she soon died from Kryptonite poisoning. It took Gar a while to recover but Rose never did, she blamed Beast Boy for the death and went on to seek revenge. After Beast Boy escaped from the future and came back in time, he found Terra was fighting on the good side again. After being told she was a clone he wanted to be with her regardless and they 'had a daughter'. Rose and Terra worked together to seek revenge on Garfield once and for all but the plan failed when Garfield had Terra killed.
"You will soon find out, Honey. Bye-bye Titans…" The feed buzzed, Cyborg turned the TV off. They knew she would be up to something, targeting Garfield and Red. Raven walked into the room wearing dark blue short shorts, a white tank-top that was easily see through with her black laced bra under it. On her feet were black combat boots, on her hands were small black leather gloves holding a black leather jacket. Raven's long black hair was in a high pony-tail, she even put on make up.
Everyone was staring at her with red faces, until her fiancé decided to speak up. "Uh, Rae?..." She turned to him, eyebrow cocked. "Um, why are you dressed like that?" He crossed his legs before anyone could see he was getting aroused.
"I never get to where normal clothes, I've had this for years." She looked down sadly, "Is it-"
"NO friend Raven it is perfect! You look so 'asses of the bad'!" Starfire gave her friend a bone crushing hug. Letting go she began to talk, "But we seem to have run into a problem, Rose is evil and after Garfield."
"We need to find her." Nightwing continued. "I assume she will be at an abandon warehouse like Deathstroke would be-"
"No, Rose is nothing like her father." Beast Boy interrupted, everyone looked at him for knowledge now. "Rose is careful at planning, she will find a place suitable to her every need. Like a hotel or she may have even bought some property and built on it. Was there any recent construction in Jump city?"
Nightwing turned to the control panel to search for construction, "I think I found something…But it is under water?" he questioned. "Tempest wouldn't allow that, would he?"
Raven flipped her old communicator open to try Tempest on his, there was no reply. Everyone assumed he threw his away or disposed of it otherwise. Just then Tempest appeared on the same screen Rose was on.
"Titans," he began. "I wish for you to come to Atlantis, we have much to discuss regarding our contract AMF-31." The screen buzzed out and he was gone.
"Everyone suit up!" Robin said, mostly talking to Raven. She walked off to change into her wet suit, it amplified all of her female parts and when she arrived in the submarine room Garfield blushed.
Red didn't have a suit so Raven teleported one in from the Titans East headquarters, so she could still go with them. After all, you only see Atlantis a few times in your live. Tempest was the type to invite people into his homeland. The team got into Cyborg's alien tech submarine, although it changed much over the years Raven still couldn't stand confined places. She turned to see Red having the same fears, she felt them as well.
You will be fine Red, I promise. Raven transferred her thought telepathically to her daughter.
Red flinched to face her, I didn't know you could do that too! A smile appeared on her face.
I will train you soon enough…We can finish this conversation later. Right now focus on the mission at hand. And with that comment Red nodded and looked straight forward to Cyborg, who was describing how the sub worked.
"And that's why we don't need to change air pressure babe…So you ready to go to Atlantis?" he asked sweetly, she nodded in return.
Nightwing buckled Starfire in, blushing more than usual. Assuming they spent they spent the night together would mean they defiantly succumbed to more primal instincts. Although nobody realized and they were thankful for that, Nightwing sat back down in his seat and strapped himself in. Cyborg pulled a lever and pressed a big red button and the sub began to move. Red watched the fish swim around the sub in confusion, she glance at her parents to see what they were doing. Garfield and Raven were reminiscing of the first time they went to Atlantis together, how Beast Boy turned into a whale and her sarcastic remark. Beast Boy grunted when he remembered Raven liked Tempest when they were young, she only smiled in return.
"And yet look who I'm marrying." She said and they both smiled, soon turning their attention back to the wonders of the ocean.
"It's safe to unbuckle now, the ride is about an hour long so make yourself comfortable." Cyborg place auto-pilot on and opened an unnoticed door that let to a small living/dining/bathroom. He grabbed a box from the cupboard then turned, lifting the box in the air grinning. "Who wants waffle baby!?" he yelled.
Everyone started laughing and saying yes, except Raven she just smirked and said, "Three please." Garfield kissed her on the cheek.
"Only if you make a tofu based one for me! No milk or eggs! VEGAN!" Beast Boy yelled as he walked up to the robotic man.
"Man! No! Nobody likes that Tofu shit, PLUS I don't have any soy and/or tofu based products on my ship! MEAT ONLY!"
"I knew you'd say that, so I brought some of my own!" Garfield laughed in triumph.
Cyborg laughed louder, "I knew you'd do THAT, so I found it and threw it AWAY! AHAH!" Beast Boy now frowned in defeat until Raven stepped in.
Raven slammed soy products and tofu based ingredients on the small island, "And I knew you would do that…" she walked away but glanced over her should with a smirk. "Now who gets the last laugh?" She let out a snide chuckled upon hearing her fiancé bursting with laughter. Cyborg growled and mumbled under his breath as he mixed the soy waffle ingredients together.
Stinking all knowing Raven…He spit out his tongue at her only to notice Red giggling. He was acting like a child, but it felt right, he never acted like this anymore. Red walked up to Cyborg with an innocent smile and took the tofu waffles from him, she whispered "I am a vegan too dear." His eyes widened, he fell for a vegan, the ultimate defeat. She rolled her eyes and sat back down by her parents.
Nightwing and Starfire were sitting on a small sofa discussing her feelings towards Roy Harper. Although she did not wish to speak of it she found herself confessing everything. She cared for him, truly cared but he was just as broken as she was. Which was why her memory had to be erased, she was reluctant to forget her friends but it had to be done. To make her future bright, she had to forget her past…forget Nightwing. He was hurt, hell he was broken! But there was nothing to be done but nod and accept her final choice, he thanked her for the time they would have together. The conversation ended as they arrived to their destination, the alarm sounded letting everyone know Atlantis was only minutes away.
The city shined through the subs windows, everything but at the same time, nothing changed. Atlantis was more high-tech now, but the beauty of their old city and ancient castle showed. It was a beacon of light, to anyone who knew it was there, most didn't due to a cloaking device set up many years ago. Everyone was still amazed as they would always be, Atlantians swam around the sub directing them where to 'land'. When they did, Aquaman greeted them along with his wife and a young male.
"My friends, it is good to see you!" Aquaman's voice boomed through the long golden hallway as he shook everyones' hand. He then noticed Red, "And who is this young woman?" He didn't sound alarmed, but defiantly concerned.
Garfield placed his hand on Red's shoulder, "This is my daughter, Red." He nodded to Red, "Red this is an old friend of ours, Aquaman." She smiled at Aquaman and he returned the gesture.
The young black male then stepped into the picture, "My king?" he questioned.
Aquaman laughed as he forgot his manners, "Yes of course! My apologies land dwellers, this is my new apprentice Aqualad! Tempest went on his own soon after you all broke apart. He has returned with unwelcoming news though, as I assume you know." Each Titan nodded, although no one was ready for what was to come.
The doors opened gently, Tempest walked through the doors, determination on his face. He walked up to the titans, "Friends. Glad to see you I am sorry it is on negative terms."
"We are sorry as well." Nightwing spoke dryly, Tempest had grown quite a bit. His appearance is what shocked most, he was no longer a womanizer due to scars and his dry expressions.
Tempest nodded, "Aqualad take them to their quarters. We will have dinner tonight and speak of what is to be done with the intruders." He then turned back to the door and walked out in haste.
The titans were shocked, he did not act this way at the party, in fact he was his old self then. There gaze was met by Aquaman who was concerned for his old apprentice. Only difference was he knew what was wrong, the titans did not. It was not only the intruder, but that was the cause of his agony. Aqualad began the tour to their rooms, talking about the new improvements and their history, mostly talking to Red because she did not know much.
Review and give me some more ideas :)
If anyone comes up with one I like for a chapter in the future, I will include you as a character!
But you will have to wait so I can fit it into the story!
Thank you for reading!