I do not own the Teen Titans
Please enjoy
Raven grunted as she opened her eyes, the day was just beginning and the sun hard already ruined it. She leaned up from her bed and turned to see the clock, 8:30. It was rather late for her, normally she would have been up and out by five. But she did have those occasional days, maybe once a year. As she got up to go to the bathroom she glanced at the calendar, it was December 10th. Almost Christmas, she thought. The idea of celebrating a holiday on a false deity wasn't her idea of a gift giving occasion, human traditions were strange.
She picked up a tube of wintergreen toothpaste and started brushing her teeth, roam dripped from her lips. Why do I feel like I have something to do today…? She thought for a moment. CRAP! She went back to the calendar, in small black letters it read:
Teen Titans Reunion
Titans Tower
12:00 pm
Raven had completely forgotten, she must have written that down years ago, but never the less it was there. She had to go.
By the time she was finished getting ready, it was 11:25. Before leaving, she looked in the mirror.
Ravens uniform had changed a lot over the years, she retired her cape and dress for a more evil uniform. That wasn't her first idea but it worked for her. Her hood was now a metal cowl shaped like bird feathers, merging into her typical blue 'cape'. If you could call it a cape, it appeared like dragon wings, with tares from battle. She wore a body suit with blue feathers wrapping around only her breast and lower body, the rest was metal. Raven looked at her hands, although they could be called claws, she used her demonic abilities to alter her feet to look the same. It almost came off as if she wore long feathered blue gloves and boots.
I wonder if this is too scary…? She thought, then shook it off. This was who she was now, she was no longer a little girl. And just like that Raven was off, not using her normal teleportation, she would rather walk through the front door or maybe the one on the roof.
As Raven flew over the tower, she noticed nobody had arrived yet so there was time to look at her old room. When she arrived on the roof of the T-tower the door was already opened, maybe somebody was there. She gently lay her hand on the ground and sensed there was two people inside, but could not tell who it was.
Raven carefully walked down the step onto the floor with her room, whoever it was was on her floor. Turning the corner she noticed Beast Boy's light was on, So it's just him and Terra…okay. Although it hurt her to see him and Terra happily married, she only wanted what was best for Beast Boy.
She heard his booming laughter as she got closer to the door, "Yeah and Raven got SOOO mad when we played Stank Ball!" A girl laughed.
Their talking paused, then the girl spoke. "Do you think she will hate me?"
Raven decided it wasn't good to ease drop and she didn't want to here Beast Boy answer that touchy question to his wife. She opened the door slightly to relieve herself. But although she was expecting Beast Boy, it was not Terra he was with. Beside him was a young girl, probably 13, she had tan skin and green hair. She had bright green eyes and a smile resembling Terra's. They had a daughter, Raven thought.
Raven forced a smile as Beast Boy remained silent, he seemed shocked. Not only at her change of clothes but Ravens whole domineer had changed, she smiled. "Hi Red, my name is Raven. It is a pleasure to meet you." It was painful but she felt as though she had to be nice, it was Beast Boy's child.
Red smiled, her change in emotion so rapidly startled Raven but she recovered almost instantly. Definably Gar's kid, she giggled to herself.
Beast Boy placed his hand on Red's shoulder, "Cyborg just got here, go greet him while I talk to Raven." Red nodded, but before she left she grabbed Raven and hugged her.
She carefully whispered, so even her father couldn't here her. "He still loves you…" then she dashed off to the common room.
There was an awkward pause after she left, neither of them knew what to say. Raven observed Beast Boy for a moment as he decided to sit, he was taller. He had also changed his uniform, now he wore a skin tight body suit. It was white down the middle and red down the sides, he had even cut his hair very short.
Raven noticed he had been patting the side of the bed, she walked over and sat with no objection. Finally he spoke, "She died." Referring to Terra.
Raven placed her hand over his, "I'm sorry Garfield." She didn't know how to comfort him, not seeing him for 15 years changed a lot of emotional attachments.
Garfield hadn't changed his tone or facial gesture, "Don't be. She betrayed me again and I had a witch turn her to stone." He turned to Raven and smiled, "I'm sorry we haven't been in contact, I was raising Red in private."
Raven leaned over and kissed Garfield on the cheek, I will always loves him she thought. She saw Garfield blush, "You know I never stopped thinking about you." He said.
"I know. Let's go see the others." Raven replied. She sensed everyone had arrived excluding Starfire. After doing much investigating Raven realized Starfire's memory had been erased so she was not expected. But the invitation had still been sent to her location, Raven sent one out just in case.
Garfield nodded, he grabbed Raven's now clawed hands and they disappeared through the floor and arrived in the common room.
Cyborg had not grown, considering he was more robot then man and even more so now. His body was basically the same besides some new equipment that made him look even more 'muscular'. Garfield watched him play with Red, who was admiring his metal body.
Raven slipped away from Beast Boys grip and off to the kitchen to make her herbal tea. Some things never change, Garfield thought as he glanced at her.
Cyborg looked up, "Hey BB!" He walked over and gave Garfield a tight hug.
"Sorry man! I forget that you're all squishy!" Cyborg laughed. "Rae, loving the new clothes!"
Raven flinched at the name, it had been a long time since she heard that. She sipped her tea, "Hello Cyborg. How has your work with The Justice League treated you?" Unsure what to say to him, that's all she could think of.
"It has been well, after Doctor Light's death we haven't been doing much. Luckily there hasn't been anything big, just small robberies." Cyborg said, staring at Raven. She's changed, he thought. Although he still loved her, she was his 'sister from another mister'.
After a small pause, Robin, now Nightwing entered the room. His uniform had changed but not by much, instead of a blue robin it was now a dark red. He surprisingly had a smile on his face, since he left the Titans he seemed unhappy. Not to say he hated being a super hero, but without comic relief friends, there wasn't much to smile about. Nightwing silently walked over to Raven, giving her an innocent hug and turned his attention to Cyborg and Beast Boy.
"WHAT'S UP GUYS!" he yelled, causing Raven to jump and spill some tea on the counter. She groaned, rolled her eyes and began to clean the mess.
"HA! Hey man!" Cyborg shook Nightwing's and Garfield patted him on the back.
They caught up over recent activities, now having any more stories, they were there for a while. Raven took the time to get to know Red more, as a simple hello was not enough.
Red told Raven about her mother, Terra and how she betrayed her father. How Terra and Garfield would fight everyday, mostly over stupid things but sometimes it was about Raven. Terra knew Garfield could not stop his feelings for his ex-team mate. Raven couldn't help but blush, Red admire Raven for her strength.
"I never thought of Terra as a mother, she was very cold to me and Dad." Red said solemnly. For a girl of her age, Red suffered much emotional pain, all of the original Titans had.
Raven put her claw out reaching for Red's hand, she obliged. "I see you will have a bright future, but do not let that say you will not suffer pain in your life. Be prepared for a difficult sacrifice." Raven frowned. Red was destined to die, but she could not see why or how.
Red's frown changed to a smile, "As long as I do it for the great or good." Raven was shocked at her happiness, she spoke again. "Dad didn't tell me you could see into the future."
So Garfield did talk about her, "It is a new ability and I can only do it through contact." Raven said smirking.
Beast Boy had appeared net to the Raven and Red, both unaware until he made a subtle noise. They both looked up at him, Red got up and ran to Nightwing to introduce herself.
Garfield sat down next to Raven, who was sitting at the island in the kitchen. "She's a good kid, nothing like her mother." He gave a fake chuckle.
Raven nodded, "She doesn't seem to miss her."
"Not at all, neither of us do." Garfield stared at Raven. "Why don't you take that thing off?" He motioned to her feathered cowl.
She shrugged, "It's hard to take off."
Garfield laughed, he reached his hand out to take the cowl off but she grabbed his wrist and shook her head. I just want to see her eyes, he thought.
"Later, I promise.." Raven was serious now.
Her face had changed over the years, Ravens innocent purple eyes were now replaced with blank white slates. She still had the gem on her forehead but over her left eyes was a long scar. A battle wound that she didn't heal, to remind her what was out there. Although she could fix it, she had thought of it many times. But Raven never expected to take the cowl off again, not even for bed.
Raven and Garfield hadn't noticed, but Cyborg and Nightwing were now on high alert. Even Red was glaring at something out the window. They followed Red's line of sight, it was Starfire and she looked angry.