HELLO EVERYONE! No I did not die. School and depression kinda got the better of me. I'll try and be working more on all this but best ive been able to do is idly pick away at chapters. Anyways here's chapter six and I'll be working on chapter 7 and the other junk I posted. Anyways enjoy and really sorry.
Chapter 6: Angels of Death (Pt 1)
Omega, Afterlife
April 15, 2185
Afterlife was far different from any club Shepard had visited on the Citadel, even on the seedier parts of the wards. The very air of the place seemed primal, dangerous. The feeling was amplified by the deep bass lines being played and glares from the less than reputable patrons; all if it was setting him on edge. Shepard's unusual group made their way across the dark club, pushing through crowd, only to be stopped at the stairs to Aria's VIP room by a rough looking Turian.
"Wait here. Aria's busy." He stated simply and held up a hand.
"What the hell do you mean she's busy? I don't get thirty feet off my ship and I'm told to come here immediately. Here I was thinking I'd be polite and oblige her and now I'm being told to wait?" Shepard fumed at the lackey, not so subtly resting a hand on his pistol on his hip. The guard flicked the safety off on his rifle before answering.
"Listen buddy, I don't know what kind of badass VIP you think you are but I was told that no one goes up there for the next twenty minutes. So I suggest you go sit the fuck down." The now agitated Turian growled and pulled the rifle up to a more ready position. 'Fuck this guy.' Shepard thought to himself and lunged foreward, ripping the guard's rifle out of his grip with one hand and delivering a punishing blow to the abdomen with the other. Immediately the Turian doubled over and fell to the ground in pain.
"I'm Commander Shepard and I don't take to kindly to being told to wait when I'm expected." He spat down at the Turian before continuing up the stairs, squad in tow. At the top they were greeted with a wall of guns, a half-naked human girl, and a pissed off Asari. Shepard pulled his pistol from its holster and had it aimed at the Asari before anyone had a chance to react with the exception of Six, who had his strange rifle pointed at the guards. 'Damn that guy's fast. 'Shepard thought, looking out of the corner of his eye at the massive human. Turning his gaze back to the Asari it looked like she had regained her composure.
"Now what in the name of the Goddess is this? Explain why the hell I shouldn't smear you against the wall?" She said flippantly but the tone of annoyance was there all the same. Shepard gave a dark laugh and holstered the pistol.
"Funny, and here I thought I was invited Aria." He said, mirroring her tone. Aria gave an annoyed gesture and the guards lowered their weapons.
"So I did Shepard. Although I didn't expect you as the type to come kicking down my door over a little wait." The Asari crime lord said sitting back down on the couch that lined the room and motioned for him to sit as well.
"Yea well, being dead has a way of changing you." Shepard said as he took a seat to the side.
"So it does. However there's one rule you need to learn on this station if you expect to survive much longer." She started before locking him in a deadly serious gaze. "Don't FUCK with Aria. I'll give you a pass this one time on good faith and the fact that you could be useful."
"Reasonable enough however don't tell me to come and then expect me to wait." Shepard shot back with a glare of his own. There was a tense second as the two stared off before Aria waved a hand dismissively.
"So be it. Now what brings a dead Spectre to my station?" She asked, sinking into her seat, looking at him out of the corner of her eye.
"I'm looking for some people, one Zaeed Massani, a vigilante called Archangel, and Doctor Mordin Solus. You have any info on them?" He asked also getting comfortable. At his question Aria gave a laugh and looked directly at him.
"You're hilarious Shepard. Of course I have information on them. Massani is downstairs in a private room with one of my girls, Mordin and Archangel are going to be more… difficult to acquire. Mordin is running a clinic in the plague zone down in Gozu District, always liked him. He's as likely to kill you as help you. Archangel is in a bit more trouble. Why do you even want to find him anyway? Out to kill him as well?" Aria asked, curiosity playing across her face.
"No, I want to recruit him; whys everyone out to get him?" Shepard asked, leaning foreward. It sounded as if this vigilante was more interesting than expected.
"He thinks he's fighting for the side of good, only problem is Omega doesn't have a good side. Everything he does has pissed someone off and now Omega's major players are looking to take him down. Must've done a damn good job at pissing them off cuz the only other time you'll see Blue Suns, Eclipse, and Blood Pack together is a turf war. They've gotten as desperate to hire free lancers. In fact they are using one of the private rooms to recruit." The Asari explained gesturing over to a room off to the side of the club. Everything he's heard about this 'Archangel' brought a smile to Shepard's lips.
"He sounds perfect, although I think I should hurry then." He laughed standing from the couch. "Ohh and what room is Zaeed in?"
"You got all the time in the world Shepard, Archangel? Not so much." Aria said dismissively "And Grizz, the Turian you kicked the shit out of, will tell you where Massani is."
Shepard nodded and gestured for his team to follow. After a short conversation from the now incredibly polite lackey, they had the location of the room Zaeed had rented. A quick walk to the lower bar left them outside the mercenary's room. The sounds coming from it making it blatant obvious that he was currently preoccupied.
"It would appear that Mr. Massani it currently… engaged. Should we just leave a message Commander?" Miranda asked, trying to tune out the increasing noises.
"No, I want to actually size him up before telling him where to go. He can wait a minute or two while I talk to him." Shepard said with a laugh. Stepping foreward he gave three loud raps on the door. Immediately the noises stopped and a loud grumbling could be heard through the door.
"Guddamn assholes are going to regret interruptin me. Where did I leave my pistol?" came a deep almost gravelly voice that was clearly displeased. Shortly after, the door whooshed open to reveal a shirtless, scar ridden, older man. However the mercenary was far from frail looking. "Who in the shit are you four?"
"Zaeed Massani I presume?" Shepard asked, looking the man over. He had apparently seen a lot of war as his body appeared more scar than flesh. The man even had a cybernetic eye. He had to admit, even shirtless with a prostitute failing to cover herself in the background, the man was definitely imposing.
"Yea that's me. I'm guessing you're Commander Shepard? Saving the galaxy and all that shit?" The man asked, slightly less annoyed. Shepard gave a nod and let him continue. "I got paid for your fun little crusade but come back when I'm not busy."
"Sorry about interrupting your… free time. Send me the bill and when you're done, its docking clamp A24." Shepard said, already turning to leave. Behind him he heard Zaeed's reply as the door shut.
"You're not half bad Shepard."
"I cannot believe you actually agreed to pay for his prostitute! Those are Cerberus funds!" Miranda fumed. She had immediately started to lay into him the second the door to Zaeed's private room had closed.
"Yea I know and I don't particularly care. I interrupted the guy and if we want him to work with us it might be a good idea to get off on the right foot. Drop it." Shepard snapped back, ending the argument. "Alright let's go find that recruiting room. It sounded as if Archangel didn't have a lot of time."
"Affirmative" Six replied however all he got from Miranda and Jacob were nods. Their group took off back to the upper levels of the club and found themselves outside the room. A Batarian in Blue Suns armor was standing outside, scaring off the drunken riffraff.
"We want in." Shepard said to the guard and was waved in. Inside was another Batarian at a terminal explaining the job to a few freelance mercs before they were waved off.
"Next!" He yelled as they stepped foreward, "Heh looks like you guys could do some damage. Here to sign up?"
"This the place to go after Archangel?" Shepard asked.
"That it is, sounds like he pissed you guys off too. Standard pay is five hundred credits each. If you die, your friends don't collect your share. Need your own weapons and armor, looks like you have that taken care of though. The driver just outside the club will take you to the operation area. Anything else?" The recruiter explained while entering them into some system. When no questions were asked he waved them off. "Next!"
The door opened as a kid no older than twenty walked in confidently. Seeing the amount of people in the room he asked "Hey this is where I sign up right?"
"Aren't you a bit young?" Shepard asked. 'What the hell is this kid doing? He doesn't know what he's getting into.'
"Hey! I grew up on Omega! I know how to use a gun and I just bought the pistol for fifty credits. I want to try it out." The kid spat back indignantly, as he produced an incredibly cheap looking handgun. Shepard immediately grabbed it from the kid's hands and in three sharp strikes dented the housing, jammed the gun, and caused the trigger assembly to completely fall out.
"Get your money back." Was all he said walking away before anyone could speak up. Their group continued out the front of the club coming to a stop just past the crowd waiting to get in. "Alright people, link up your omni-tools to everyone else's to we can keep track of where we all are in there. I have the feeling it's going to get messy."
"Um, Commander Sir? I don't have one of these omni-tools." Six spoke up when he saw everyone else bring up the holographic interface. The rest of the group was visibly shocked by the declaration, most notably, Shepard facpalming. After an audible sigh he began digging around in the back compartment of his armor.
"Here, I keep a spare on me just in case. Sorry about the music files. It's a lot easier to have them loaded on already then wait for them to download again." Shepard said as he handed over a simple metal bracelet. Six grabbed the device, examining it briefly, before clipping it around his wrist. Immediately the device flared to life starting as its normal orange before shifting colors and settling on a light blue.
"Fascinating, a micro-fabricator, computer interface, audio and video storage, external network connections, and even a limited database! Gee Six, my birthday isn't for another few months." Artemis proclaimed through Six's armor sounding absolutely gleeful. The Spartan shook his head at the AI before continuing on. With the rest of the group falling in behind, Shepard ran up beside him.
"Sometime you're going to have to explain that AI to me. She sounds a hell of a lot more human than any I've ever encountered." He said, looking up at the massive human.
"Sorry Sir, that's classified information." Six deadpanned. Shepard gave an annoyed shrug to this and continued foreward to catch the Blue Sun driver's attention.
"You the group?" The Batarian asked, stamping out a cigarette. Shepard gave a nod and the driver waved them into the drop shuttle. "Gunna be a bit of a ride. You guys get filled in?"
"We know enough." Shepard deadpanned as he settled into one of the seats. The pilot gave a shrug and lifted off.
As the shuttle sped through Omega Six took the chance to see what Artemis found out about the new gear the Commander had given him. He shut off his helmets audio pickups before asking "Hey Artemis, wanna give me a rundown on this omni-tool thing?"
"Of course." Came her disembodied voice as several windows opened themselves on his HUD, scrolling technical data. "So these omni-tools come in varying qualities from basic chronometers and networking to extremely high end capable of advanced hacking, high end sensor suites, and extreme computing power; the one we currently have appears to be military grade. So higher end but nothing too fancy. The part that does intrigue me though is the ability to deploy electronic warfare measures, plasma bursts directed by 'Mass Effect Fields', and Bose-Einstein Condensates via the same direction. All in all, I would say this device is at least ten times more capable then UNSC TacPads and Wrist Comps."
Six nodded at this and let the AI continue. She went on for another half hour briefing him on everything from politics to weapons and armors. The standard armor of kinetic fibers, ablative plates, and Kinetic Barriers that stopped projectiles past a certain speed seemed inferior compared to his own hard plates, and energy shields. However the weaponry was far more intriguing. They used mass accelerators firing sand grain sized slivers of soft, ferrous metals at incredible speeds. The armor would prove no problem to the armor piercing rounds his weapons used and the slugs were massive enough to overload Kinetic Barriers after a round or two. The problem was the armament; while energy shields were likely more resistant, the sheer speed and force of the weapons could prove problematic. 'Well no point in worrying over it until the bullets start flying.' He thought to himself as he opened up the omni-tool, scrolling through some of the files. Eventually he came across the music files Shepard had mentioned.
"Artemis, link up my 'tool to my helmets internal audio." Six called out to, receiving a green light showing the link in response. He selected one of the list at random and his helmets speakers came to life.
Fall! Now the dark begins to rise. Save your breath, it's far from over. Leave the lost and dead behind. Now's your chance to run for cover. I don't want to change the world. I just want to leave it colder. Light the fuse and burn it up. Take the path that leads to nowhere.
Six was unconsciously bobbing his head to the tune as the shuttle began descending toward the landing area. 'Hm, Shepard has good tastes in music if a bit old.' He thought, quickly setting up a playlist as the shuttle finished setting down. Stepping out, the group was greeted with a warzone. Fortifications were set up an avenue ending in a bridge to a housing complex. Bodies, all with bullet wounds to the head, lay strewn about in the districts refuse. 'Sniper. And damned good one too.' He thought upon seeing the dead and moved behind a pillar.
Watch the end through dying eyes. Now the dark is taking over. Show me where forever dies. Take the fall and run to heaven.
Shepard was busy talking with the driver and the other two, Lawson and Taylor if he remembered right, seemed to be gawking at the situation. 'Damn FNG's. If that sniper saw them two they'd both be gone before the other could piss themselves.' At least Shepard seemed to understand the battlefield, Six noticed. The Commander had positioned himself behind a stack of crates off to the side, leaving the driver in the open. Whatever was being discussed was cut short when the Batarians head exploded in a shower of gore. Six stifled a laugh when he saw the two Cerberus operatives dive and scramble for cover next to the Commander who appeared just as amused at their reaction.
"Commander, this sniper seems to have us dialed in. I'm sure my armor can take the hits so I'll go draw their attention while you make a break for the alley by the first barricade." Six yelled over the gunfire from some of the barricades, as several more rounds slammed into their cover. Shepard mulled over the thought for a minute before giving a thumbs up.
I will not bow! I will not break! I will shut the world away. I will not fall! I will not fade. I will take your breath away.
Six popped out from behind the pillar serving as his cover as soon as he heard a shot, DMR at the ready. A quick look down the scope gave him a visual on the sniper. Looked to be a Turian in heavy armor, Artemis identified the rifle as an M-92 Mantis on his HUD. The sniper was in a superior position with good cover and a clear funnel for any approach. 'This must be our Archangel guy. Text book killing field, I may just have to like this alien bastard if he doesn't kill me.' In the second it took the Spartan to appraise the situation, the Turian had reloaded and lined up another shot. Just as his finger squeezed around the trigger, Six's shields dropped seventy-five percent. 'Shit...' He fired off several suppressing shots from his DMR, and sprinting foreward. In several steps he had reached the first barricade and jumped, clearing it, much to the surprise of the handful of Vorcha huddled behind it.
And I'll survive; paranoid. I have lost the will to change. And I am not proud, cold-blooded fake. I will shut the world away… Fall!
Archangel dove behind his own cover under the precision, suppressive fire allowing Shepard and his group to make it to the alley. At least Six hoped.
"Artemis, open me a line to the Commander." He said, running up behind the second barricade and sliding to a crouch beside it.
"On it Shaun. Lines open." The AI said as an indicator showing the open line flashed onto Six's HUD.
"Commander? Did you make it to the alley?" He asked while peering over the barricade, seeing that Archangel had hunkered down with the loss of his quarry.
"Yea we made it. The alley dumped into some housing that some merc leaders were also hiding in. Gotta say you're one fast SOB." Shepard's voice crackled over the comm. In the background Lawson was making a fuss over something. "Hey it looks like Miranda found where they are storing their heavy mechs. We're going to see if we can hack their IFF protocols so it may be a minute."
The line clicked off leaving him sitting behind the barricade. He quickly peeked over the top seeing that Archangel was still hunkered down for the most part, occasionally ending a merc that decided to stick his head out too far. There was an exit from the alley that Shepard and group had ducked into up ahead, just in front of the barricade he was taking cover behind. 'Well, might as well move up and be ready.' Six though before hopping the barricade and jogged over to the alleys exit. He leaned against the wall and checked out the surrounding area, he noticed that most of the non-affiliated mercs were gathered off toward the opposite side where the street was wider before narrowing at the bridge, giving safe cover behind a wall. There was an entrance to another alley where two mercs in uniform stood guard as runners, all of different uniforms, entered and exited. 'Probably where the command post is.' Six noted and then footsteps from the alley drew his attention. Shepard and the rest of the squad came around the corner.
"Well that should be quite the surprise for them." Taylor said with a laugh. Shepard just gave a shrug and walked up to Six.
"So, learn anything while we were busy breaking these guy's toys?" The Commander asked, peeking around the corner. A shot rang out, knocking Shepard off his feet. "Fuck! Concussive shot. That damn asshat's playing with us."
"Well as you saw, the guys a crack shot. He's got anyone trying to advance pinned down at the first barricade up there. The bridge looks to be a perfect killing field and I wouldn't be surprised to find anti-personnel ordinance place around it. Basically a textbook last stand." The Spartan explained as more gunfire ensued. A quick peek around the corner showed a few Vorcha trying to jump the barricade only to drop dead before they ever made it over.
"Well, getting in will is the easy part compared to when these guys find out we're here to help Archangel. Let's go find the guy in charge of the freelancers and get up there." Shepard mused to the squad and took off around the corner running up to a large vehicle bay to the left. Six immediately followed, casting a quick glance back to make sure Taylor and Lawson were following, and rounded the corner right after the commander. Inside the bay was some type of gunship surrounded by a few freelancer mercs and a Batarian working on the craft.
"I take it you're Cathka?" Shepard asked, walking up to the Batarian. The alien immediately whirled around and de-polarized the visor on his helmet.
"That's Sergeant Cathka." He said, putting extra emphasis on 'Sergeant', and lit a cigarette. "You must be the last group. Listen up, the plan is when I get the signal you and the other freelancers are going to storm the bridge and keep Archangel's attention. While you're doing that, the infiltration team will get in there and end that bastard. Don't play the hero, just keep his attention."
"So are you going to be leading the assault?" Shepard asked as he batted the smoke away from his face. Cathka only laughed at this and took another drag off the cigarette.
"No, I'm only here to coordinate with the freelancers and fix the damn gunship." As he stated that, the terminal on a nearby table gave off a tone and showed a green symbol.
"Infiltration team is in! All teams go!" The Sergeant yelled into his mic before adding "You four need to get up there and I need to get this gunship back to a hundred percent."
As the Batarian turned back to continue working on the gunship a particularly dark though crossed Shepard's mind when he saw the welder left on the worktable next to the Batarian's cigarettes. Snatching up the welder, he tapped the Sergeant on the shoulder and jammed the welder into his back saying "You're working too hard"
Stepping away from the smoldering corpse, he spotted the pack of cigarettes still sitting on the table and grabbed them to get a better look. "Hmm Marlboro, crispy bastard had good taste." Stuffing them in a storage case on his hip, Shepard turned to face two appalled squad members and a grey mountain of indifference. "What? Keeps them from fixing the gunship and he don't got a use for these anymore. Now let's go save our vigilante."
The mad dash across the bridge and ensuing firefight through the complex had been surprisingly easy. No anti-personnel explosives or other traps were triggered and the freelance mercs were laughably inept. As the last shot rang out, Shepard motioned for them to stack up on the door to an apartment.
"Alright, once were through keep your heads down. I'm not sure what to expect from this guy but the safe bet is bullets. Just don't fire back unless you have to and we'll let him know were here to help." He said and activated the hacking program on his omni-tool. 'Just another thing I'll have to thank Tali for.' His omni-tool gave and beep and the doors display went from red to green, showing it was now unlocked. Shepard ducked through the door and was greeted by Archangel gesturing to wait a second as he looked down his scope. The Turian quickly brought his hand back to steady the rifle before a shot rang out. Slowly he stood up and leaned against several crates of thermal clips. Slowly taking off the helmet a familiar flanged voice echoed through the room.
"Shepard, I didn't realize you'd bring company when the Spirits sent you to collect my sorry ass." He said with the Turian equivalent of a smirk.
"Garrus? What are you doing here? No, what the hell are you talking about? I'm here to save your sorry ass." Shepard said, dumbstruck at the revelation. Garrus seemed equally as confused at Shepard's words as it took him a minute to respond.
"What? No, no you're dead. Joker said he watched you get spaced. What kind of sick joke it this?!" He finally stuttered out in disbelief before adding "No, I'm hallucinating now; lack of food and sleep. That has to be it."
"Garrus, it's me. I'm alive, granted with some strings attached, and I'm here to pull your ass outa the fire. C'mon man, keep it together." Shepard said, stepping foreward and grabbing Garrus by the shoulders. "Trust me. We'll get you out of this and then drinks are on me. Alright?"
"Spirits, it is you, isn't it. Okay…alright then, let's get out of here. Who are your friends?" Garrus asked with a gesture to the rest of the squad.
"The woman and the man are Miranda and Jacob, part of the strings attached bit. That giant grey mountain calls himself Six. Ran into him a bit ago and he signed on to help us but doesn't exactly like to share." Shepard explained and then turned to face his squad "This everyone is Garrus Vakarian. Best damned sniper I've ever met and one hell of a friend. Let's kill these merc bastards and get home."
Everyone gave a quick nod and moved to take up positions. Six quickly grabbed two of the crates tucked on the far side of the room and began to build up more over for him-self on the opposite side of the window from Garrus' position. Once satisfied with the arrangement, he settled down and took aim at the first barrier. Lawson and Taylor were set up by the stair well to the second level, covering their backs, and off to the side Garrus and Shepard were conversing as they geared up for the ensuing fight.
"So Shepard, where'd you pick up tall, dark, and invincible? I shot the bastard right in the head and his shields just ate up my slug like it was nothing. No one has personal shields that strong." Garrus asked as he dug through a footlocker coming away with a half empty tube of dextro nutrient paste. Shepard gave a shrug as he yanked the pack of cigarettes out of the case he stuffed them in earlier.
"Found him heading into Afterlife. Big bastard took out a Krogan in hand-to-hand and then had a few Batarians for seconds. Figured I could use a guy like that so I offered him the job and he agreed. Still won't explain his past or all his fancy gear, keeps saying 'It's Classified'." He said with a laugh and lit a cigarette off a spent clip that was still hot. Garrus gave a disapproving shake of his head and tossed him a rifle out of the locker he was digging through.
"Those things will kill you ya know." He said as he finished off the tube of nutrient paste before pointing to the rifle Shepard was now examining. "Vindicator. Top of the line and calibrated by yours truly. Fires a three round burst with enough power to punch through even Geth shields in one burst."
"Well I already died once so I don't think these are gunna do much more than them mercs sittin out there. Damn nice rifle though, mind if I give it a try?" Shepard asked, pulling the gun into a ready position.
"By all means. I still got my baby right here." The Turian laughed as he hefted his Mantis. Shepard shook his head at the Turian but was interrupted by Six yelling over to the pair.
"Sir, it looks like we got hostiles about to clear the barrier. Light mechs and a few scouts. Probably to probe our defenses." The Spartan reported and sent several rounds across the bridge.
"Well they took long enough. Welcoming committee?" Garrus said with a wry smile as he settled back down into his perch.
"Ohh but of course!" Shepard shot back as he took cover behind the wall under the window. Leaning over to look out the door of the apartment they were in he called over to Miranda and Jacob. "Hey! Company's coming, if they get past us make sure you say hello!"
"You got it commander!" Jacob yelled back and readied himself as Miranda did the same. Shepard turned back to the bridge to see more mechs pouring over the barrier followed by several Salarians in Eclipse armor. 'Figures they would insist on assaulting separately.' He mused to himself as he fired several bursts from the Vindicator Garrus had tossed him. Two mechs and one merc dropped only to be stepped over by more behind them. Off to either side Six and Garrus were cutting them down just as well. Every round from either of them ended another merc or mech and between the three of them, they had the assault bogged down in its own bodies.
"Ya know Six, if these mercs got any more inept I may actually begin to feel sorry for them." Artemis said with a laugh, highlighting several more targets on his HUD.
"Tell me about it. It's like they're not even trying. There were at least three different groups there and they're coming one at a time? Any dumbass could tell that wouldn't work." The Spartan shot back, an evil grin crossing his face. Just as he was lining up another shot, a Salarian with white markings jumped over the barrier and motioned for something to be brought foreward. Not seconds after his gesture, a floating lift carrying something appeared over the barricade. Artemis flagged the object it was carrying as a YMIR heavy mech.
"Heavy mech inbound!" Garrus shouted from behind his rifle. Shepard turned around, pulling another cigarette from the pack as the last had been crushed in the rush over to the window.
"Yeahhhh, that problem's gunna solve itself. Just sit and watch." He said with a satisfied smirk, lighting the smoke on another spent thermal clip. Garrus started to ask something in confusion but was answered as soon as the mech was activated. Instead of charging headlong toward their location, it immediately swung around and unloaded a long stream of slugs into the lead Salarians chest. It continued on its rampage until all of the Eclipse merc were wiped out. Once out of targets Shepard sent a signal from his omni-tool triggering its power core to overload. "So… that one for the books?"
"Heh, I'd say so Shepard. You just wiped out all of Eclipse's leadership here on Omega. Even that slippery bastard Jarrut." Garrus laughed, grabbing more thermal clips out of one of the crates he was taking cover behind. Six just shrugged. Impressive as it may have been, still was nothing compared to his assault on the covenant supercarrier.
"Really Shaun? Just a shrug? I mean not EVERYONE can be an augmented super soldier." Artemis chastised from inside his helmet. Unfortunately his pickups were still on and just broadcast her scolding out the helmet's speakers. Shepard faceplamed while Garrus gave a confused look.
"Ummm… Shepard?" The Turian vigilante finally asked, adjusting his rifle into a ore ready position. "Did you say he was a 'he'?"
"Ughh, yeah." Shepard said pinching the bridge of his nose. Throwing his arm out he added. "Six, this ones on you."
'Ugh, god damnit Artemis.' The Spartan thought to himself as he reached around and popped her chip out of its slot on his helmet. He held his palm out with the chip in it and her avatar popped up. "This is Artemis."
"Umm… hi." She said bashfully, giving a small wave and stared at her 'feet'. Garrus, less confused and more concerned, shot a glance at Shepard. He just went back to his smoke and gesture toward Six and the AI.
"Uh, hi." The Turian said back awkwardly before looking into Six's faceplate. "So can you explain what the hell is going on?"
"Artemis?" The Spartan said looking towards the AI. She huffed at this and began the long explanation of what she was. 'This is going to be a lot of fun.' She thought sarcastically.
Okay and here's chapter six part one! I thought about putting it all into one huge chapter but realized that would be insane so I'm breaking it into two. So now We've all met Garrus, will his winning personality overcome Shaun's distrust of Aliens? Will Artemis be able to pull her ass out of the fire after her blunder? We shall find out next chapter. And again sorry for taking so long.