Lian is 9 and TJ is 4.

Lian is Roy and Jade's daughter and TJ (short for Thomas Junior) is the son of Jade and Catman for those of you who don't know.

Chapter 29: Will You Be My Valentine?

Roy's POV

"You are being completely ridiculous. They're literally ten feet from us," Jason mumbled.

I pulled the binoculars away from my eyes and looked away from where Lian and Dean were sitting on top of the monkey bars. I watched as they exchanged their cards and candy with each other before finally turning to Jason, who sat next to me on the bench. I glanced over at Jason's wife, who was busy pushing TJ and Sam on the swing set.

"Okay, first of all, I am not being ridiculous. Your kid is getting fresh with my daughter. Don't think I can't see him blushing past all of those freckles. Boys have only one thing on their minds."

Jason instantly groaned. "Roy, Dean is eight. He's not going to do anything."

"He better not," I growled.

A few minutes later Isabel trotted over. She quickly reminded Jason of the reservations they'd made for dinner. Less than ten minutes later we were all waving goodbye to each other. I couldn't help the sudden twinge of jealousy as I watched the four of them disappear.


TJ always stayed completely glued to my side whenever we visited Jade. Lian never appeared to be bothered by the cells, inmates, or even the guards. She always launched herself at her mother the second Jade was handcuffed to the desk. Meanwhile, TJ chose to stay in my lap. Other than being born in this prison and those visiting hours, TJ barely even knew the woman across from him.

My heart hurt as I watched the way she smiled as she listened to Lian's highly detailed story of her Valentine's Day at the park. This should be the four of us anywhere but here. It should be the two of us alone at a romantic dinner while Lian and TJ stay with Aunt Artemis. It should be the two of our beautiful bodies pressed together under satin sheets covered in rose petals.

But it's not and it never can be.

"Thomas, sweetheart, since Lian already has a valentine, will you be mine?" Jade asked softly as she held her arms out toward him.

He made no move until I prodded him forward. Watching her hold the two of them was more than enough to completely shatter my world.


I'd already flipped through every single tv channel there was only to find a sappy love story on every freaking single channel. Both the kids were asleep and everyone I knew already had a valentine. Ollie and Dinah, Wally and Linda, Dick and Babs, Jason and Isabel, Garth and Dolphin, Mia and Damian, and Artemis… had no one either.

She answered on the first ring. "Happy Single Awareness Day."

I cracked a smile before muttering, "Yeah. Same to you… You doing okay?"

"I'm okay… Did you see Jade?"

"Yeah… She's alright."

"I'm sorry, Roy."

"Yeah. Me too… So, you wanna watch a movie or something?"

She hesitated before replying, "If I say yes… Will you be my valentine, big bro?"

I smirked before asking, "You sure you don't want to ask Wally?"

"Ugh! I was like five! You always have to bring it up!"

My smirk grew even wider. "Just hurry up and get over here."

"Fine but you better have candy for me."

"Don't I always?"