Arrow Family

Random one shot drabbles about Roy, Connor, Artemis and Mia. Mostly brotherly/sisterly fluff with Mommy Canary and Daddy Arrow!

Rated T for language (mainly from Roy) and sexual references (also from Roy).

I do not own Green Arrow or anything related to DC.

Roy is 15, Connor is 9, Artemis is 5, and Mia 2 in this chapter.

Chapter 1: Nightmares

Roy's POV

Turning the TV off, I climbed into bed and flipped the lights off. Five minutes later, I could hear little feet quickly running towards me. My door was soon thrown open by my sobbing little sister. Holding her stuffed lime green unicorn against her emerald green nightgown, she ran straight for me.

"Artemis, what's wrong?"

"I can't find Mommy and Daddy." the five year old sniffled as I pulled her into my bed.

"Mom and Dad are on patrol. They'll be home soon… Did you have a bad dream?"

She nodded and squeezed her stuffed animal, allowing tears to fall from her gray eyes as I crossed my legs and settled her onto my lap. I wrapped my arms around her and rested my chin against her soft, blonde curls as she hugged me back.

"Don't cry, Missy. It's okay. I'm not gonna let anything happen to you. I promise. Do you wanna sleep with me?" I said softly as she nodded and wiped at her eyes.

"Hold Mr. Snuggles." She instructed, jamming the stupid unicorn's horn into my stomach as she slipped off my bed and ran straight out of my door. What? Where is she going?

I rolled my eyes and flopped down onto Connor… Connor! What the hell! How long has he been in my bed? Okay, this is not going to happen. Artemis is one thing, but Connor kicks in his sleep and he drools everywhere! And he's nine!

"Roy, stop moving. I'm sleeping." He mumbled into my pillow.

"Connor. Get. Out. Of. My. Room." I growled, only to have him and his stuffed bear snuggle against my side.

"I had a bad dream." He muttered as I groaned. He knew I couldn't kick him out if he was being all needy and-

I paused as Artemis burst through the door; her arms filled with her vast collection of plush. Okay, that is not going to happen.

"What's she doing here!" Connor snapped, sitting up as Artemis piled her stuffed animals onto my bed.

Artemis narrowed her eyes and pointed towards my door. "Out!" she ordered, glaring at Connor.

"No way! You get out! I was here first!" he yelled leaning across me.

Oh great. The nine year old is fighting with the five year old, again.

"Enough! Unless the two of you want to sleep alone, I suggest you both shut up!" I yelled.

I lay back down and rested an arm around each of them as Artemis and Connor started to snuggle against me. The requirements of being the oldest can be tiring.

"Night, Roy. Love you." Artemis whispered.

"I love you too."

"Well, I love you more than she does!" Connor shouted in my ear loudly.

"Do not!" she yelled in my other ear.

"Do too!" he yelled as I rolled my eyes.

"Enough!" I yelled as they quickly shut up.

"Woy." Mia whimpered as she toddled into my room.

"Come here." I ordered as I sat up and picked the almost two year old off of the floor and settled her into my lap. "Did you have a bad dream too?"

She nodded and wrapped an arm around me, while keeping one hand on her stuffed kitten.

"Don't cry, Sissy." Artemis whispered as she gave the youngest a hug.

"Yeah, Mia. It's okay." Connor replied.

I lay back down with Artemis and Mia snuggled together on one side and Connor on the other. Closing my eyes, I waited for sleep to come. Instead, I got jabbed in my left side by a unicorn, drool all over my T-shirt and Connor kicked my hip. Why me?