Hey everyone so as promised here is the update!
So I've been thinking a lot and you all inspire me so much and I love when I get the chance to talk to guys! This chapter will be more of a emotional one rather than the action butt kicking kind of chapter.
Tris P.O.V.
Things have been quiet for the last few days. I've spent them in the hospital, Tobias too. Mostly for our protection and safety. The cops were not letting anyone on the floor that wasn't immediate family, not that anyone came however Christina managed to weasel her way in.
I keep finding myself looking out the window. The mob of reporters still waiting with dozens of fans. I cross my arms, and wince at the pain I felt in my torso. My whole body ached. I couldn't close my eyes without the events continually playing through my mind. My eyes felt dull and ached in my skull from lack of sleep.
I haven't told anyone of the exact events that took place that night, I hardly could believe them myself.
I couldn't believe I was capable of getting myself out of that situation.
I run my hand through my hair I was alone in my room, I began pacing slowly.
"Vanessa.." I whisper to myself shaking my head. I felt so betrayed. How could I ever trust anyone again, she was my best friend.
I get to leave the hospital today. I had no idea where I would be staying, I wasn't safe in my own home and Vanessa would know where Tobias safe house was.
I wasn't safe anywhere not while she was still out there. I hear a knock on the door and my head snaps up as Tobias walks in, he was no longer using the crutches, his exact words were somewhere along the lines of "I'm strong enough to walk on my own." He has a small limp but other than that and the few bruises and scratches on his face you never would of known anything had happened.
"Hi." I say weakly.
"Hey Tris." He offers me a small smile. "We have a place where we are going to stay." He seemed a bit apprehensive.
My eyebrows furrow together. "We are going to leave town for a while."
I open my mouth to protest but instantly close it and just nod. There was no point arguing after last night. It was hopeless. I had to give up my life, for who knows how long.
I turn around so my back was facing him and I was looking out the window again. I rest my head in my hands.
"We spoke to the director of your show, they agreed to halt production until this is over."
"When do we leave?" I ask turning around almost emotionlessly.
"Christina left to pick up a few things for all of us, but as soon as she is back with the car we are leaving."
"Where are we going?" I ask.
I just nod.
He wasn't the kind of person to push a subject, I guess that's what I liked so much about him. Even though I didn't talk to him about it I felt at ease when he was around.
Tobias P.O.V.
Later that day. Christina had made it back with the car and she had parked out back and was waiting for us. We were trying to avoid the paparazzi. Christina had brought us both a change of clothes, me plain jeans and a red t-shirt. I wait outside of Tris's room waiting for her to finish getting dressed.
I hear the door open and Tris walks out in a pair of jean shorts and a white tshirt with sleeves up to her elbow.
Her face was blank. I had no idea what had happened last night when she wasn't in my presence. But whatever it was, really is taking its toll on her. That's one of the reasons why we have decided to leave town. She would feel safer while the police continue their search for Vanessa.
I offer Tris my hand and she takes it as we walk down the halls. We can see flashes of light coming through the window. Tris ignores it and we continue to walk faster.
The flashes follow us, I had no idea they would be here. We needed to get out of here fast, Tris shouldn't have to deal with them.
"Lets go out this way." Tris says referring to the exit on the opposite side of the paparazzi.
"We have to go quick though." She nods.
Tris P.O.V.
Tobias's grip on my hand tightens as we walk fast away from the building. I breathe a sigh of relief when I no longer see the annoying flashing lights.
"TRIS!" I hear someone yell. My head snaps up to be met face to face with a man about Tobias's age he towered over me. He stood about 5 feet away from me.
He has a dark look in his eyes. "Stupid bitch, should of died." And then I get a flash back to the night. The face that stared back at me as I was lowered into the water.
"It-t-s- you.." I whisper. And just like that he throws water in both of our faces I stumble back as he takes off.
My lungs felt heavy like they did that night. My vision was blinded as it kept replaying over and over in my head.
I couldn't breathe.
"Tris, are you ok?" I feel Tobias arms around me.
"He was there."
He looks around and brings me closer to him, not in a romantic way but in a protective way. I felt as if my body was being submerged. I felt arms around me but I was blinded.
"It's going to be ok." Is all I hear, bringing me out of my dilution. I was being haunted by those events. I look around and I am now in the car speeding off. Christina driving as Tobias sat in the back with me. My head resting on his lap as he tried to sooth me by gently rubbing my back.
"Can I tell you a secret?" He asks, trying to change the subject.
I sit up next to him so we were at eye level. I wipe the tears off my cheeks.
"I heard you that night." He tells me.
I look at him confused. "What do you mean?" I ask and then I realized what he was talking about. I blush deeply.
"Oh, that." I say looking away.
"I've been waiting for the right opportunity. The perfect moment. But it just never seems right…" He continues. I was about to get turned down. And this was about to get awkward, he probably just saw me as some kid.
"But now is as good of a time as any." He takes my head in his hands gently.
"I love you too, and not for the reasons your fans love you. But because of who you are Tris." I couldn't help but even in the spit of all danger and death, a smile found its way onto my face. And he pulls me in close and places a soft kiss on my lips.
To be continued….