Hiccup looks at the dead dragon before him. The yellow green light of the sun through the leaves makes the drake's black scales look unusual. The gash in it's chest is an empty hole, where the beast's heart used to be. White blood spatters the ground and covers Hiccup, who is holding the beating white heart he grabbed from the bloody hole.

Hiccup looks at the heart with a scowl, and pockets it, grumbling about how tough the demon's hide was. Snapping twigs and stomping through the forest, a new energy fills him. He knows, THIS is the feeling of becoming a man, becoming a viking.

He walks into the village, a smirk upon his face and a disdainful look in his eyes for everyone he meets. Upon reaching his home at the top of the hill where his house is, he finds his father, Stoik the vast, outside of their home. "Where've you been so-" he starts, but notices his son is covered in white blood, "Why are you covered in... That?"

Hiccup says nothing, instead, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out the heart which still beats (and will do so forever, mind you, if not consumed or otherwise ingested) and hands it to his father. "What-t i-is th-this-s...?" His father is absolutely horrified as he says this, because his son has gone, in an instant, from a sniveling wimp to what you might call a badass.

"That, Dad," Hiccup points to the heart as he wipes some blood off, finally realizing it was there, "Is the heart of the beast everyone keeps saying I have not killed. I have killed. And it was good. I'd like to wash this off, have fun with the heart." And walks off, to clean up.

Hiccup walks through the middle of the village towards the stream where he could wash off, and bumped into Astrid. "Watch where you're going, useless!" She yells, having not yet noticed the blood which was drying and dying his clothes brighter colors. Hiccup had long since had enough of that nickname, but only now had he the courage to respond.

"Why don't you fuck off, Whore?" Hiccup says flatly, plainly, and loudly enough for not only her, but others to hear as well.

"What did you say?" Her eye twitches a bit as she saya this and her face is slightly reddened.

"Fuck. Off. Whore. I knew you weren't smart but you should at least understand that." Hiccup did not change anything about how he says that. It was just as plain flat and loud as his last words.

Hiccup went on to his original destination as he had planned, leaving behind a slouching, red, downright STEAMING Astrid. Humming to himself a battle hymn, the only one he had bothered to remember, in fact, he strolls to the edge of the village where he has to leave a very damaged nose on a Snotlout for pissing him off.

As Hiccup washes himself, he finds himself very hungry, for meat were he to be specific, but he isn't sure what kind if meat...

- With Stoik -

Gobber sits across the table from Stoik in the great hall, which was more dimly lit than usual, the heart in between the two of them. "Gobber, my son killed a dragon, and this is it's heart. I can't make sense of it, can you?" Stoik asks his friend, the concern evident in his eyes. "I can't make sense of it much either," Gobber says in that Scottish accent of his that isn't NEAR thick enough for me to write his speech differently, " He constantly talks about killing dragons, sure, but he actually went and did it? Impossible. And yet, it happened, nonetheless."

Hey, guys, CreeperBlast here. This is my first fanfiction so tell me what you think, BTW, not uploading Ch.2 until review #2, understand? So review, and receive. Supply and demand. You demand, I supply. See ya later!