A/N: It's been awhile. Hopefully the next chapter also doesn't take me 4 years to post. Everyone take care of your mental health please.

Disclaimer: I don't own HP.

Of Prats and News

The Quidditch World Cup had taken a turn for the worse, but Harry had not been there. His options had been to either travel alone or stay with Malfoy and his father and neither sounded pleasant. He had lucked out it seemed since the match had been overrun by Death Eaters in the end. He briefly wondered if Hermione had gone, but knew she didn't care much for Quidditch to bother going to the World Cup.

The rest of Harry's summer was a blur of learning and sleeping. He had kept mostly to himself since his outburst with Hermione in Diagon Alley. He'd come to the conclusion that he really needed to learn how to keep his emotions in check. Upon researching in the Black library he'd found a book about Occulmency - a practice of keeping the mind and emotions sealed and organized.

He found too that the way he had treated Sirius and Remus over the summer wasn't fair. They both were actually decent guardians and even somewhat entertaining. Harry would never admit to anyone how much he enjoyed their stories about their time at Hogwarts with his parents.

So he spent many nights practicing what he learned about Occulmency without telling anybody. He started by organizing memories, thoughts, and emotions into different rooms inside his mental version of Hogwarts. He knew that it would be easier to organize his mind if he could get it to resemble the best thing to happen to him to date. It helped for the most part and he did feel that it diluted his angst a bit. Harry had always known he was a bit more moody than other's, but he couldn't help it. It was this teeny, tiny annoying voice in his head that would make him fed up with everyone and anything.

It was what had made him snap at Hermione in Diagon Alley and oh how he had regretted it. He had wanted to communicate via journal with her again, but hadn't been able to bring himself to do it even when he had seen that she had wrote to him multiple times.


Are you alright?

Harry, please talk to me.

I miss you.

Happy Birthday, Harry.

Harry never really felt bad about his actions but Hermione had been one of his few friends and his favorite person to hold a conversation with. Even as he sat in the train compartment with his Slytherin companions he found himself bored.

That was until a very interesting topic came up.

"Well, my father already told me what the Ministry has been up to. Finally I get the chance to show these worthless hermits what I'm really made of," came the arrogant voice of Draco Malfoy. Harry rolled his eyes, Malfoy was such a prat and he went to tell him so. Malfoy sneered back at him, "Of course, you wouldn't know anything about the events taking place at Hogwarts this year - you spend your summers with filthy Muggles."

Harry internally scoffed, as if Malfoy knew where he spent his past summer. It definitely wasn't with the Dursley's. "Enlighten me, then," he said, his voice even.

"Wouldn't you like to know," Malfoy smirked.

"Oh stop flirting you two," Blaise exasperated, sitting across from Harry. "Drake, come off it, what has your father told you?"

Malfoy loved when the attention was on him and his smirk deepen. "The Triwizard Tournament," he half-whispered, looking outside the compartment to make sure no one was walking by. Harry had heard of this before but was unable to remember what it was. Theo was the first to ask.

"The what?"

Malfoy shrugged. "The Triwizard tournament. They pick a champion from three different schools to compete in three dangerous, glory worthy tasks. The winner wins galleons and fame. I'm going to be Hogwarts's champion," he puffed his chest out proudly.

"Sure you are mate and I'm the Minister of Magic!" Blaise joked, reacting to Malfoy's cockiness. Harry gave a cold laugh at that, rising to his feet. He wanted somewhere quiet to process this information and how it would affect his school year.

Ever since he had came to Hogwarts, every year had been filled with some sort of unwanted adventure. It had started with his DADA professor, Quirrell, who had been possessed by Voldemort and lured him through death traps to try and find the Philosopher's Stone. His plan had failed as he had had Hermione and Theo by his side and had killed Quirrell just with the touch of his hands.

In his second year he had saved Ginny Weasley and had sworn Hermione, Theo, and Ginny to secrecy. He hadn't so much saved Ginny because he wanted to but more so for the fact that Hermione had been petrified and he had needed to kill the beast that had hurt her. It was without a doubt his least favorite year.

Last year had proved to be no less adventurous and as he wasn't a Gryffindor, Harry despised how useless his Professors and Headmaster were to proving his Godfather being innocent. Though he spent most of the summer being annoyed by Sirius, all in all he was a decent (if not reckless) wizard who gave Harry the freedom he'd craved all throughout his years with the Dursley's.

He stopped on in the train corridor for a moment wondering fleetingly if the secret his Godfather and Remus had been keeping from him was the Triwizard Tournament. It seemed silly to keep something like a competition secret from him, but it was plausible that that was what it was. There were two things he was tired of. Number one, saving the school every year and number two, having secrets being kept from him.

Harry was about to continue walking when he noticed a bushy-haired outline in the compartment next to him. It was their compartment. He hesitated, wondering if he should go in.

Before he lost the nerve he slid open the compartment door and slipped inside, not making eye contact with Hermione as he did. The air felt thick and tense with awkwardness and Harry immediately used his Occulmency training to sort out his thoughts and emotions so they wouldn't interfere with the next few moments.

"Hey Harry," she had said to him.

He had responded with an awkward, "Hi" whilst running his hands through his hair and sitting down across from her. Hermione eyed him almost sadly and Harry felt instantly annoyed. Cursing inwardly, he sorted that emotion into it's own room. "How was the rest of your summer," he asked, hoping his voice remained indifferent but he was truly curious.

She eyed him peculiarly and said slowly, "Er - it was fine. I spent more time with Luna and then went back to my mum's. Read a few books on practical theory for Charms."

Harry nodded. "One day when I'm able I want to bring you Sirius's so you can see the Black library. Honestly, even I'm impressed." Hermione's eyes lit up at that and soon they were back to their usual chatter about books, theories, and magic. It seemed neither one of them wanted to bring up what had happened when they last met.

He had been enjoying the intelligent conversation. Hermione always had a way to add insightful meaning to what she learned, giving information and more depth then what was usually described in books. Harry wondered if there was anyone in the Wizarding Community as knowledge thirsty as her - he seriously doubted it.

Pleased with how he was able to keep his temper in check this time around, Harry didn't even react to when there was a knock on the compartment door and without a response it open. Theo walked in, taking a seat next to Harry. He gave a look and said, "I've hit my limit with Draco today, thought I could use a change of scenery."

Harry didn't mind since Theo also made for intelligent or sometimes no conversation. He was almost as easy as Hermione to be around. She acknowledged him with a nod, "Nott, I trust your summer was good."

"I mean, besides the the World Cup being completely ruined I can't complain."

"What are you talking about?" Hermione asked, brows furrowed. "Did your team not win?"

Harry then realized that Hermione had probably been with her Muggle mother when the Prophet came out - depicting the events of that night. They had found a House Elf holding a government official's wand with the Dark Mark enchantment on it. "There was an attack after the match," he turned to her and finally met her eyes with his. "Death Eaters, or so they believe." Her eyes widened in shock.

"What?!" She exclaimed. "But I thought those events were heavily secured! How could something happen like this!" Her question had been meant for Theo but he answered with a simple shrug. Knowing his background better than Hermione did Harry wondered if Nott Sr had been in the chaos. It was probable.

"Your guess is as good as mine," Harry said.

"Something feels different about this year, doesn't it?" Theo asked. Hermione and Harry stayed silent, both contemplating Theo's question. Most definitely, something felt different.

Just checking in

A little while later Hermione suggested the boys leave to go change their robes, something she didn't have to worry about because Hermione made it a habit to go change as soon as they left Kings Cross. She reached for her bag and pulled out a compact that her mother had given her and looked at herself in the tiny mirror. She had a nice summer tan which brought life in her face and splatter of freckles on her nose hinting at the extra time she had spent in the sun over the summer. Her hair was frizzy as ever and Hermione made a mental note to find some sort of spell or potion to manage it.

It wasn't as though Hermione was overly concerned about her looks, she wanted to look professional and put together as much as she could for at 14 (almost 15) year old girl. Besides, some of the pureblood boys, like Theo Nott, always looked their best. Hermione heard a knock on the compartment door and quickly closed her compact, stuffing it back into her bag.

"Yes?" She called out. The door slid to reveal both of the Weasley twins behind it. "Fred, George," she greeted them.

"Actually, I'm George," the twin on the right said, and Fred laughed.

"Wotcher, Hermione!" Fred said and he slid down next to her on the bench. "I hope the rest of your summer was good, yeah?"

She nodded, "Yeah, it was alright I suppose."

George sat across from them. "I, er, saw Potter and Nott walked out of here a bit ago. They're not giving you any trouble are they?" He asked.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Just because they're Slytherins doesn't mean they're evil. On the contrary, it's quite nice to be able to hold conversations with people without them interrupting to exclaim how bored they are and change the subject."

"I reckon you're right, Potter really isn't too bad. Just have to check on our fellow youngins who could be susceptible to the dark minds off teenage boys," Fred said, putting an arm around Hermione's shoulder.

She laughed, "As if you're trying to give me the birds and the bees talk right now Fred."

"Birds and the bees?" Both twins asked in unison. "You mean Phoenixes and the pixies?"

"Wizards," Hermione sighed. "Always have to be so different than Muggles,"

"Well, I know one thing the wizards and witches do that Muggles also know…" George started before he was hit from a book Hermione threw.

"Gah!" She exclaimed. "You too are really incorrigible!"

"You love it," they both said, smirking.

Hermione laughed rolled her eyes once again and started saying something when she was interrupted by the compartment door sliding open.

"What's this then?" Harry quirked his eyebrow looking pointedly at Fred's arm around Hermione.

She chuckled and shrugged off Fred's arm. "N-Nothing Harry, just joking around in here. Where's Nott?" Hermione asked.

"Went back to the Slytherin compartment." Harry walked in, but didn't sit.

Hermione instantly felt awkward and squirmed in her seat. The twins must have felt something similar because they both stood at once and made some excuse up about having to lead. Harry then sat down directly next to Hermione and picked up a book and started to read. Hermione laid her head on the window and watched the trees past until she fell asleep, only to be awaken a bit later.

They had finally arrived.

And we back

As expected, Dumbledore had announced the Triwizard tournament to everyone at the Opening Feast after the First years were sorted. Harry had watched Hermione exciting talk to twins over at the Gryffindor table and it seemed the whole school was buzzing.

Harry had also noticed the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Moody, who had kept his eye on him for most of the feast. Apparently it hadn't gone unnoticed by his housemates either.

"Bit weird how Moody was eying you up and down tonight. It looked like he was going to eat you," Theo said as he got into his four poster bed. Harry was sat at the window and looking at the fish that swam by. Because the Slytherin dorms were in the dungeon it meant they got to see the Great Lake through their windows.

"Agreed," Harry said. "Although, he does look familiar, I feel like I know him from somewhere… I just can't place where."

"Maybe he's the type of bloke you dream about, eh?" Blaise attempted to joke but instead of a response he got a pillow to his head and he quickly closed his curtains in defence.

"He's probably trying to figure out how he can take points from you in class. I swear all the professors have something against us Slytherins," Malfoy murmured as he change the sheets on his bed from the school ones to silk ones that were obviously classier. "Although Potter, you do have quite a punchable face. Maybe Moody was imagining beating the shite out of you instead."

"Very funny, Malfoy," Harry said and got up from the window to head to his own four poster bed. "Who do you think is gonna be Hogwarts's champion?" He asked, changing the subject.

"Well whoever it is it's sure as hell going to be a lot smarter than you lot," Blaise's voice came from the other side of the room and he poked his head out from behind the bed curtains. "Let's quit the chit chat, yeah? Some of us need our beauty sleep. Specifically, you Malfoy. Looking a bit saggy lately."

"What?!" Malfoy yelled. "Take that back! I do not look saggy!"

"Hm…" Theo cupped his chin and squinted his eyes to look at Malfoy. "Yeah I see it, definitely saggy."

Malfoy growled and retreated inside his newly changed sheets. "Bloody tossers, all of you. Can't believe I have to spend the next few months with you arseholes."

"I assure you, Malfoy, we feel the same way about you." Harry said and smirked to himself when he heard the other boys chuckle. He fell asleep that night thinking of Moody and trying to place where he'd seen him before.