Eren was eventually allowed out of the cellar, though it was several days before Levi thought of him again.
Jean suffered a concussion and had bouts of memory loss for the rest of his life.
Sasha and Connie provided Hanji with ample amounts of inside information.
Erwin Smith remained slightly jealous of his subordinates.
Humanity's Strongest Pair was, well, Humanity's Strongest Pair. Difficult to get along with and far too susceptible to jealously, they had many public arguments. Some wondered if their relationship would last, but of course it did until the very end and even beyond that.
A/N: And as suddenly as it began, it has come to an end. (I'll probably post one-shots linked to Jealous/Difficult later on, so be on the look out for those.) THANKS SO MUCH FOR ALL THE FEEDBACK; I'm glad so many enjoyed the micro-chapter style!