Hello my fellow readers, it has been a long while since I touched this story and I probably won't for a few more weeks at least. I mean, I got a tip from a fellow writer like me and she gave me some wonderful advice. I can't give her name out at the moment, but it was very helpful. I gonna be re-editing all my chapters and fixing them. Apparently, they haven't lived up to my standards so I'm postponing it until I get my writing streak back. All the updates are gonna be mostly reposts until I get to where I was so please bear with me. I'm most likely gonna delete this too after I'm done just to alert you all. I'm really sorry for making you all wait but I've kinda been preoccupied with my other stories. Anyway, hopefully I'll redo the first chapter in three days so I hope you all don't get impatient. Thank you all for reviewing and following, it meant a lot to me and I will see you all again soon. Peace and love - Genora :)