Sixty Seconds

A Gakuen Alice Fan fiction Partnered by Universal Pictures and Spyglass Entertainment's Leap Year

Disclaimer: I totally disclaim Gakuen Alice. There is nothing here that I own, neither the plot. But I do own the idea of merging Gakuen Alice's main protagonists Mikan Sakura and Natsume Hyuuga and Leap Year's story line. I repeat – I do not own Gakuen Alice and Leap Year.

Author's Note: If the site sees that I have broken a policy upon posting this story, then I don't have anything to object to. However, I just wanted to share this wonderful story to everyone with Mikan and Natsume being the protagonists. So if ever this story is deleted or blocked by the site, then it means that you guys cannot read this anymore. But if not, I hope you'll enjoy :).

"Love isn't something you find. Love is something that finds you." – Loretta Young

It's a sunny, crisp winter day – the day after the last day of fall, where dried leaves are still scattered on the cemented grounds of this upscale Tokyo neighborhood – when Mikan Sakura is walking with her high heeled gray shoes. She sees a sign of "OPEN HOUSE TODAY: 11-2" out in front of one of the townhouses, where she is destined to go for today.

Mikan, poised and driven, stands inside the vacant apartment. She is a lady in thirties, with wavy locks of hazel hair that ends on her waist, a pair of amber sparkling eyes, petite and fair. She looked around. It is dark. The carpets are worn, dusty curtains hang in the windows and everything else similar. It was a disaster. Mikan smiled to it – means that her work will be challenging today. She blew air with a pretty cute smile and clapped her hands two times.

"Okay guys, let's get started!"

A team of movers came out and she directed them as they carry inside a beautiful antique furniture, new rugs, curtains and art. Mikan showed them exactly where to put the furniture. She arranged beautifully bound books on the shelves and then put fresh flowers in vases. She also hung classy black and white photographs on the well-painted walls. She even put a Mozart piano CD on the stereo.

The job was done in just exactly two hours – no more, no less.

Not for long, the Realtor walks inside and looked so pleased and amazed with the transformation of the room. It was completely changed – a good change. It looked bright, airy and beautiful. Mikan politely and gratefully handed the realtor a package of sliced and bakes cookies. Oh thank goodness Anna is her friend.

"Put these in the oven a half hour before the open house and you'll have multiple offers by lunch." She said with confidence and wore that common smile of hers. Her Blackberry suddenly buzzed and she excused herself, bidding a short goodbye after the Realtor had thanked her.

Speeding along in a cab, Mikan checks her scheduled list. She cannot live in a day if everything isn't planned. She is an upright woman and asystemed one. She never lets out herself outside her house without planning what she'll do for the day. She hates disarrays.

"A Downtown Loft." Mikan speaks.

Her next appointment was in a downtown loft where she transformed the said place from a cold industrial space to a cool modern apartment. She repeated the cycle with the movers and she handled everything else personally. After having done to the arrangements, she put a Miles Davis CD on and then gave the Realtor, a different one, the same frozen cookies.

After that, Mikan came out with a wide smile and a happy thought of "GOOD WORK" inside her head. She pulls another cab and rode towards a small studio apartment. When she got there, the place looked tiny and cramped. But after she worked her magic, it looked charming and spacious. She then put a hipster Francoise Hardy CD on and hands yet another Realtor the cookies.

"Thanks. You know I sold that Back Bay two-bedroom on the first day? To the first couple who walked in! Boy, I got lucky on that one." The blonde Realtor with pink eyes said.

Mikan smiled at him. "Luck did not sell that place. A new sofa and a vase of dahlias did. I don't believe in luck. You make your own luck."

The Realtor chuckled and patted her shoulder. "All I know is you're worth every penny." Then he muttered a small thank you and handed her a bottle of wine which Mikan accepted.

While in the middle of a good talk to the blonde Realtor, Mikan's BlackBerry suddenly buzzed again. She politely excused herself and then bid goodbye afterwards, as she saw her next appointment near approaching.

"Gotta go." Mikan mumbled, placing her phone back to her purse. "Co-op Board, 3 pm."

The Realtor chuckled. "You're staging an apartment at NAGIHIKO's?"

"No, I may be buying one." She said and went gone as the Realtor looked very impressed.

And the day ended very well.

This was her daily routine. Mikan Sakura had the talent of reviving a dead space of room into the one that you never think of it will be. She was a house decorator – a professional one. She is very hands-on in her work. The reason why maybe her clients were ended up very impressed on her.

The next morning, Mikan found herself standing in front of a beautiful Prewar Apartment Building. She looked up to meet the warm rays of the sun, which her smooth porcelain face absorbed gently. She closed her eyes and sniffed the fresh morning breeze and plastered a wide innocent smile on her lips.

She had been a career-woman for almost five years and with that she's now quite popular into the decorating world. Many people know her because of her profession and either way because she is Eyouhan Ayuzawa'a four-year girl friend. The latter is a renowned cardiologist, a medical practitioner who specializes in the central pumping organ of the body which is the heart.

Mikan and Eyouhan were contented in their lives as it is. They seemed happy with their status in life – both are well-off and wealthy, they both have jobs that could keep them alive and kicking – but Mikan was actually not.

The brunette was an impatient woman in her thirties. She might not admit it but she was being problematic that her boyfriend and herself had been together for quite a time now but he's still not proposing to her.

Mikan shook her head lightly, brushing off the thoughts.

I'm sure Eyouhan will...uh, someday.

"Mikan!" A manly voice approached but unconsciously ignored. "Hey, sweetie?"

Mikan was quite startled with the sudden approach but then snapped in her thoughts and met her boyfriend, Eyouhan – also in thirties, looking very enthusiastic and intelligent as always with his black coat, blue shirt and white with black little polka dots in his tie- out front. He has dark brown hair with golden brown with some reflection of yellow pair of eyes. Everyone couldn't deny he's such an Adonis.

They shared a quick kiss in the lips and Eyouhan invited her sweet girlfriend inside.

"Hey, you didn't wear your lab coat?" Mikan asked softly. "Co-op boards love a doctor."

Eyouhan chuckles shortly and entwines his fingers in Mikan's hands. "This is NAGIHIKO's, they think doctors are blue collar."

The brunette opened her mouth slightly and then punched his boyfriend's shoulder lightly and then she laughed. Eyouhan joined her and afterwards took out his iPhone and stopped walking.

"Wait. I want a picture of you under the awning." He whispered and was about to take a picture but kill joy Mikan puts down his hand and replied, "Hun, I don't want to be late..." The dark brown haired cardiologist frowned a bit but still convinced her to take at least one. Mikan sighed and giggled.

"Say, 'three bedrooms overlooking the Common!'" Mikan smiled and he snaps the photo. Afterwards, he looked at it and smiled.

"How do I look? Chic yet respectable?" Mikan confidently said, arranging her orange and brown cocktail dress. Both of them should look their best for today because they'll be seeing the Co-op board, which were the key for them to get the NAGIHIKO's, the finest apartment in Japan. You should expect that a skilled house decorator and professional doctor must live at the finest.

"Beautiful! Look at this image quality! I just downloaded the new HD Camera app – you're even more adorable in high def!" Eyouhan hugged Mikan and continued to walk with her, hand in hand. "Who wouldn't want this woman living in their building?!"

She can't help but be charmed by his enthusiasm. His boyfriend never failed to praise her looks and that's why she tries to look more than presentable every day, not just for her clients but especially for him.

The couple strides to the entrance where a uniformed doorman in gray hair holds the door open. Eyouhan held his hand out for her to enter first. He was such a gentleman.

A beautifully-furnished apartment with sky-high ceilings and gleaming parquet floors welcomed them. Mikan and Eyouhan sat across from three well groomed people.

So this is the Co-op board. And they are finishing up.

"Well. Thank you both again for coming in. We have to review some things internally, of course..." The woman with long straight hair spoke, reaching out her fan. "Shizune, is what they call me." She introduced and smiled thriftily.

"But that was an outstanding interview. You do seem like just the type of people who should be calling the NAGIHIKO's home. And not just because half of us are old enough to need a good cardiologist in the building, Dr. Silver." The man with the silver hair and emerald eyes muttered. "The name's Goshima Hijiri."

All of them laughed, Mikan looked at Eyouhan proudly.

"Mmm." The man coughed, less enthused and looked at his notes. "I don't believe there's anything we've missed, unless there's something you'd like to add?"

The couple exchanged looks. Then Mikan leaned forward, very direct.

"All right, look. There's really no other way to say this other than being completely blunt. We don't settle." She said. "Eyouhan and I, we just aren't those types of people. And what we want you to know is, if you do choose to let us move in here, we will continue not to settle. We will be the best tenants, the most devoted to the building...more than anyone else, because we don't know any other way to be."

Eyouhan didn't do anything but nod. What her lovely girlfriend said were all true.

And so, Mikan continued. "As you know I've staged apartments all over the area for sellers, even a few next door at The Shigokawa."

You can tell by the look on the board members' faces that they feel less-than enthusiastic about The Shigokawa. And Mikan was actually expecting that reaction.

"I've seen everything, and if I may state the obvious, there is no building in Tokyo finer than NAGIHIKO's. So how could we possibly settle – literally – anyplace else?"

Shizune and Hijiri seemed to agree as they exchange a look and nodded. Mikan looked at the black haired, who seemed to be the least swayed by her speech.

"I just love your vitrine." Mikan speak. "Beidermeier. Louis ... XIV?"

"Fifteenth." The man corrected.

Mikan chuckled. "Of course! I should know that. Well it's exquisite."

The man smiled and pleased to have her "exquisite" taste recognized, "Kuonji."

They ended the day by shaking hands with Mikan and Eyouhan had that big smile in their faces. Himemiya was also happy for them, since the very first time she saw Mikan Sakura, she already know she will have this taken care of. Like she saw a rainbow in her eyes, trustable and reliable. While Hijiri Goshima had a few doubts at first, but ended up like Shizune. And their Kuonji also fell into the lady's charms. No regrets.

The couple bid sweet good byes and see you soons to the Co-op board and left the building with high spirits. They are looking forward to a celebration so they decided to go to a restaurant for dinner. While riding at Eyouhan's car, they converse.

"Well that couldn't have gone any better! And you! You were amazing! That thing with the cabinet?" He said.

Mikan giggled. "I knew it was Louis XV, but I sensed he was one of those 'smartest person in the room' types."

With that, he gave her a big kiss.

"We might live at NAGIHIKO's!"

"I know...It'd be a good present, wouldn't it? For maybe the fourth anniversay of our first date?"

Eyouhan, while driving, tickled her.

"You are the worst hint-dropper ever! Do you really think I'd forget? Four years is big." The brunette pinched his cheeks and giggled cheerfully. "I made a reservation at Yumaide Restaurant. And I may have even gotten you a special present..."

Her ears perked it up, as she felt very curious about it. Would it be the thing she's waiting for? "Really? What is it? Tell me."

He laughed and waved a finger at her. "No no no, you know I like surprises. You have to wait. Tonight, eight o'clock."

Mikan smiled. "Eight o'clock." She suddenly shuddered as she felt the icy wind penetrated on her fair skin. She was chilled in the February air. This did not escape Eyouhan's eyes, and she looked up at his girlfriend with worried eyes.

"Always freezing, what is with you?" He said with care, and shut the opened windows of his car. He also wore off his superficial clothing and handed it over to Mikan. "Here, take my sweatshirt." He then wrapped the clothing around her, and gives her a kiss.

"What would I do without you?" she said, touched of his acts.

He smiled. "Buy more layers. See you at eight."

Mikan got out of his car with his sweatshirt and stood beside it. Eyouhan waved his hand and silently bid good bye to him. "I'll be there!" And she gave him a flying kiss.

She watched him until he was out of sight. He had driven her to her recent apartment. Mikan felt the cold breeze penetrate Eyouhan's sweatshirt and thus she wrapped it tightly around her. She can't stop smiling earlier as Eyouhan drives off down the street.


"You no want polish?" A Korean woman in the Chic's Nail Salon asked her.

"No polish. My kids ruin it in ten minutes." Anna Umenomiya, a pink headed woman in Mikan's age said. She then turns to Mikan, which is just beside her and spoke, "Please do not forget your Dad's birthday tomorrow. He said he wants to eat at that bar."

She and Mikan both make the same disgusted face. They were both inside a Korean Nail Salon in Tokyo and sitting in huge spa chairs together with Nonoko Ogasawara, a mutual and close friend and of course Hotaru Imai, Mikan's best friend. They're actually getting they're weekly manicure and pedicure.

The brunette inspects her hand. The left one, specifically. Then she leans in to the woman doing her nails. "I'm sorry, but can you just re-file this one more time? It's uneven."

Hotaru rolled her eyes while Anna and Nonoko chuckled. Indeed, she friend was a perfectionist.

"All right, that's getting obsessive even for you." The blue-haired said.

Mikan just shrugged then a smile crept onto her face. "It's just that I need that hand to be perfect..." then she had an even bigger smile. "...For my engagement ring."

"Your what?" Anna and Nonoko both said in unison. Hotaru just looked at her.

"I think it's happening tonight." Mikan confidently said.

"No way!" The twin-like friends cheered as they both clapped their hands, Nonoko almost forgetting that she's having her fingernails polished.

Mikan just nodded.

"How could you be so sure?" Hotaru, snapping out of her silence, suddenly asked. "Did he tell you?"

The brunette used her free hand to pull a business card out of her bag. Then she handed her to Hotaru. The latter read the content of the card and the other two heads leaned over to see.

"Beacon Hill Estate Jewelry? Where'd you find that?" Anna asked.

"In his sweatshirt pocket."

"No way!" The twin-like said in unison once again.

Mikan, for the second time, nodded.

"And he's taking me to Yumaide tonight for our anniversary. And he said 'four years is big'. He said that."

Anna awed. "I wish Yuu had bought my ring at Beacon Hill. Eyouhan had a good taste."

With that, Nonoko agreed. "I wish Kistu was the same."

"It probably helped that I tore out the magazine ad and left it on his desk a month ago. The one with the bracelet?" said Mikan.

"Love that bracelet. Good move." Anna complimented while expressionless Hotaru handed the card back to Mikan and said, "You must be so relieved."

Mikan looked at Hotaru, not knowing if it was a nice one or not. Her stoic best friend was apprised of her impatience on Eyouhan's proposal. So if it will already happen not a moment until now, then she must be relieved, just like Hotaru told her.

"Thank you?" she said instead.

Hotaru glared. "You know what I mean."

Mikan sighed. "Fine. Obviously there was a tiny part of me that was getting concerned. I mean, we'd talked about it, but it was, 'well, we'll get to it eventually' and then it was just off the table for a while and I wasn't gonna be the one to put it back on." She then turned to the woman who works on her nail. "Could you use extra lotion on my cuticles? Thanks." Then back to Hotaru. "I mean, I love my life with Eyouhan, but what? – now we're buying real estate together and we're not engaged? Hellew...can you say ...'skipped a step'?"

The raven haired with amethyst eyes woman rolled at her. "Well, none of that matters now."

Mikan replied at her immediately a big nope. Anna and Nonoko suddenly were very excited for her.

"Oh, Mikan! You should practice your facial expression for later." Nonoko said. "You know, the surprised and overwhelmed one?" She received a glare from Hotaru. Anna changed the topic instead.

"I can't believe you're getting engaged!" Anna turned to the Korean woman. "She's getting engaged!"

Mikan chuckled. "I'm getting engaged."

The Korean woman nodded. It's not clear if she understood, but whatever.


The place is beautifully decorated. Right out of the magazine. Nothing out of place. Just getting engaged couples deserved to get their proposal into such a place. The candle lights, the chandeliers, the good-looking waiters, the excellent food, the atmosphere. Everything.

Mikan and Eyouhan had just entered Yamaide Restaurant with the guy's tie undone. He's carrying a to-go box. They were almost two hour and a half there and Mikan really not much talked after he handed her a small jewelry box. Speechless, ei?

"Was your duck okay? You didn't really eat much of it." He said while taking off his coat. "You could have sent it back. My steak was amazing!"

She just nodded. She cannot speak. She felt like crying.

Mikan looked at the brand new bracelet on her wrist. And then at the bracelet-sized jewelry box, the box that he gave her a moment ago, from Beacon Hill Estate Jewelry.

"What time is it, ten thirty? Ugh, I gotta be at the airport at seven." Eyouhan said, oblivious to his girlfriend's well-concealed emotions, after looking at his wristwatch. "I have to call and confirm my car, finish some charts, pack, get the Slingbox set up – I gotta say I love the fact that I'll be all the way in Ireland and I won't miss a single Celtics game. That was the best present ever, sweetie..."

Mikan nodded silently and gave him a small disappointed smile. How could she have been so stupid?! He took a bite on his garlic bread. "Make sure to tell your Dad Happy Birthday from me. Can't wait to hear what ship's finally coming in for him this time." Then he reached for his wine glass and sipped up. "This conference should be interesting. The Swiss are unveiling this new MRI. Who knows, maybe we can convince the hospital to pony up and buy one..."

Her mind's not present at the moment. She's not really listening to him. She's reminiscing her and Eyouhan's happy little memories. They who are enjoying ski trips, birthday dinners, a Paris vacation, Valentine's day... FOUR YEARS OF HER LIFE. She looked down at the bracelet again, depressed.

"You can always come with me, you know." He took a pause to finish his dish. "Who doesn't want to visit Ireland in the dead of winter?" It was a bad Irish accent, actually. "I hope you like your potatoes frozen!" Oblivious Eyouhan laughs and wipes his mouth with a napkin and finally, he notices her very, extremely and weirdly silent girlfriend. "Mikan? You okay? You look upset."

Of course I am upset! After assuming that you'll propos to me tonight, the moment I've been waiting for from you but did not happened. Ugh! I've been expecting a ring...not a bracelet! How could you be so literal! Not just because of that stupid magazine that I torn that it means I really wanted that bracelet. God!

Mikan just looked at him with those at the back of her mind. She doesn't know what to say.

"You're nervous about the Co-op aren't you?"

She just nodded, covering. She was startled when she felt Eyouhan's hand onto hers. She looked up to him and smiled.

"I know. I hate to be going away when all this is going down but there's really not much to do after the interview. I'm sure they'll let us know by weekend."

Mikan nodded once more.

"Come on. We're gonna get it. When do I not get what you want?" He gave her a little squeeze and headed back into his seat.

Mikan glanced down back at the bracelet again... yuu like it?! Tell me! Please review!