Hey y'all, Shrubs here.

Now, I have a little bit of news for you guys, whether or not it's good or bad is up for your own interpretation. As you might know I've not been the best with writing updates for my stories and there's a good reason for that. Several in fact. Reason one is that I've been working on an original novel of my own titled In the Full Moon that I've now finished and am trying to find a publisher for. The second thing is that I've been accepted into university so now I really won't have any time to update any of my fanfics even if I wanted to. And yeah, I have kind of lost the drive to write fanfics. I feel a little crummy about this but was always more of a jumping-off point for me in my mind. It makes me feel a little bit weird that I actually have fans that I'm going to end up disappointing, but I guess them's the brakes. So unfortunately, don't expect any more works from me in the future for any of my fics.

But it's not all doom and gloom, since I actually have a Wordpress blog now! It's called plotdotgif and unlike my account, I'll definitely be updating regularly! I'll also be uploading little short stories on it as well as creating characters for you guys to write stories about, so if you enjoy my writings here then be sure to check out my blog. I've already uploaded one story ever-so-imaginatively titled The Apple so if you want to read it, feel free to do so and if you feel so inclined subscribe to see for yourself. You can find it at .com or you can just search for it in the Wordpress search bar. I'll also be adding a link to it in my profile's bio, so if you want there's an easy link there.

Thanks for sticking with me you guys.

-The Shrubbery King