

Thank you all for reading this. It means the world to me. I hope that you all found Moonstruck as awesome as it was for me to wright. This is the last chapter, rewritten many times until I couldn't put it off any longer. I hope you enjoy!

Draco felt nothing but his pounding headache which seemed to blot out all other senses as he woke up. He was reluctant to open his eyes lest the pain get worse. His thoughts were a jumble and covered with a haze that he couldn't shake off. A damp, dank odor filled his nose and goose flesh erupted on his naked skin as he became more aware of his surroundings. He shivered and dared to open his eyes, only to find that he could barely see anything. The darkness was deep and impenetrable and he could vaguely make out the shape of the room. It was impossible to tell how long he had been there, but his muscles were stiff with disuse. He shifted his weight on the hard, unforgiving floor and froze when he heard the all too familiar sound of metal scraping on stone. It sent a deeper chill through his body that he hadn't felt in a long time. He did not like being restrained.

Just there, footsteps coming from the direction of what he assumed was the doorway. They were accompanied by voices, male. As they got closer Draco could make out what they were saying.

"...a new one yesterday. Arlington had been watching this one for several weeks. Pure-blood."

The other voice grunted in approval. He heard keys jingle and the door was opened, letting in light. Draco squinted and covered his eyes with his arm. The onslaught of light caused more than Draco to protest and he realized for the first time that he was not alone in the room. He opened his eyes to find that there were five others in the large room, and everyone was in the same predicament as him. Two women and three men sat, naked and with harsh metal chains locked on to their wrists and ankles. The chains led to the decrepit concrete wall. Moisture clung to the walls and the floor along with dust. But the room was bare except for them in it.

But his focus was not on them, is was on the two men who had entered. They both eyed everyone in the room, daring anyone to make a move, before going to either side of the room to the other occupants. There was a lot of protests before they were quieted with a hit. They checked each person carefully with their wands and then stuck a small needle into their arms before moving on. Draco was in the middle and so was saved for last. He said nothing at first; he wanted to see what they were going to do. The shorter one of them sneered down at him.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here? The star of the show." The other one snickered. Draco did not recognize either of them. Their cold, indifferent faces showed no sympathy for him, only mocking.

"What show? What are you talking about?" Draco rasped. He was mildly surprised at the state of his voice, but he literally could not worry about that at the moment. He dreaded to know the reality of his situation, almost refused to believe it. They chose to ignore him and instead began their inspection, touching him in what Draco felt an unnecessary manner. He tried to move away, but there was nowhere for him to go.

"Get your filthy hands off of me!" he shouted. He only received a punch in the stomach. Draco grunted. The man went to punch him again before he was stopped by the one who seemed to do all of the talking.

"Idiot! You can't hit him or Arlington will hang us by our balls! We'll have to put a glamour over his skin so the bruise won't show. Any mark and we're good as dead." They glared at each other before the other relaxed.

"More trouble than he's worth, I say. It'll be hard to cover up a Malfoy's disappearance," he mumbled.

"Yeah well, that's not up to us. But he's a fucking Death Eater, no one will miss him, that's for sure," the other replied. Draco had a sudden dark glee well up within him. They had no idea that the Ministry had already infiltrated the club. It was only a matter of time before this underground operation was busted. Draco could only wish he could be there when Harry finally brought them down in all his magical glory. He must have had a disturbing grin on his face because they both froze to look at him.

Draco gave them his own sneer, years perfected, and said, "Yes, Death Eater indeed."

Before Draco could do anything else, the shorter one stood and jerked a thumb in Draco's direction. "Stick him."

Draco felt a pain in his neck and the last thing he saw was the looks of disgust and maybe fear on his captors' faces. He took pleasure in that before his world went black once again.

"...And Ladies and Gentlemen, now I present to you our most prized possession yet! The purest of the purebloods. His skin is as pale as the waxing moon and his lips are as pink as the blush of dawn. His strong body will be well suited for even the most adventurous of clients. Our starting bid tonight is two million Galleons." A murmur rose from the audience as they began to discuss amongst themselves. From the moment Draco opened his eyes, he knew he was fucked. Utterly and completely fucked. He could barely understand how in the bloody hell he had managed to get himself into this mess. He was still bound, though not by chains but magical binds. They were tight and unforgiving, and would only be broken by the caster.

He looked around. The cage they had put him in was silver, maybe platinum, with bars that were too close together for anybody to squeeze through. He sneered at the sick fucks looking at him. Elaborate masks hid their faces like it was some sort of morbid masquerade, they whispered behind their gloved hands, bejeweled to the nines. Draco knew, he just knew, that most of these bastards were top ministry brass. Only the elite of the elite would participate in such a tirade at this. He barely paid attention as the bids rose and rose; was he really worth that much? Despite his mark as a Death Eater still engraved on his arm. Maybe they liked the idea of a bit of danger, nothing like a dance with death to ignite ones lust.

His body still felt like one mass of dead weight; it was all he could do to sit up against the bars and keep his head up. His thoughts seemed to move like molasses, slow and difficult to latch onto anything but a creeping fear which threatened to consume him. But there was one other thought that slithered its way through the haze.


Harry had warned him, though they both thought that nothing would actually happen to him since this had nothing to do with Draco. The abductions had been going on long before he came onto the scene. Draco grimaced, now he was a victim. He hated that word. It meant he was helpless, defenseless; he was most certainly wandless. But he felt so weak, sluggish. His wandless magic required a strong body and mind. All he could do was wish he had it with him.

Draco struggled to look up at the person on stage, the person who was to determine which one of these bastards would claim him. The man had on a mask, covering his eyes, but he recognized the hair and that fucking lip ring. The bartender. He was too drugged to be surprised. He just laughed at the irony. He had been sized up from the moment he stepped foot into Dreamscape.

One person in the audience stood up, with his little numbered card, and shouted, "Twenty million Galleons!"

There was a stunned silence, before the bartender spoke, "Twenty million going once, going twice. Sold, to number fifty-two!" There was a smattering of applause before the bartender turned around and looked down his nose at Draco. "You certainly know how to work your keep."

"Fuck you!" Draco snarled. The other man curled his lip.

"There will certainly be a lot of that, just not with me. Now, on t-"

A huge boom erupted in the room and people screamed and cried out. As the dust cleared, a gaping hole became visible in the ceiling and Draco could see people, no Aurors, dropping into the room, their robes billowing around them as they landed. He had never been so relieved to see them in his entire life. A very familiar voice filled the room, amplified by the sonorus charm.

"This is the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. You are under arrest for human trafficking and the illegal distribution of Muggle controlled substances. You all are to stay where you are or we will use force where necessary."

The bartender snarled and tried to make a run for it, but a quick spell had him falling on his face with a thud. Draco noticed the bars to the cage dissolve around him and he slumped over, no longer having the support to hold him up. He saw a figure crouch over him and a blanket cover his bare skin. At least he wasn't naked for all of the other Aurors to see, he didn't need that hanging over his head.

"Draco, can you hear me?" Harry said urgently. He was running his wand over Draco and cupping his cheek with his other hand.

Draco smiled and blinked up at him, "You're so fucking hot when you're serious, storming in here like a bat out of hell. Makes me horny."

Harry frowned, and brushed Draco's hair out of his face. "Good to see you too. You're going straight to St. Mungos. Whatever they put in you is some powerful stuff."

Draco laughed. Really, he couldn't be any happier at the moment. Couldn't give a rat's arse that Harry was looking at him like he'd gone mental. This nightmare was over, thank fuck. He was still laughing when Harry levitated him with an alarmed expression.

"Right, I'm taking you there myself." He waved his wand again and Draco immediately fell asleep.

He blinked open his eyes and squinted against harsh white lights. Suddenly, the light in the room dimmed and Draco knew that he was in St. Mungos. He looked to his left and saw Harry sitting there with a small smile on his face. Draco huffed.

"That is the last damn time I'll be put to sleep. I've had my fill of waking up in strange places, thank you very much." He frowned at Harry. He looked slightly guilty.

"Sorry, but you were creeping me the hell out with that laughing. I thought they tortured you."

"Hardly." Draco began to sit up, but Harry tried to push him back on the bed. Draco glared at him and Harry released him. "I feel fine and I'm not hurt physically. You don't have to hover."

Harry looked affronted, "I was worried! When they took you, I almost panicked and blew the entire investigation."

Draco softened and reached out to Harry. He grabbed Draco's hand. "Harry, I don't discredit you. Thank you for saving me and getting there when you did. I thought I was a goner there for a minute. How the hell did you find me?" Draco had had no wand or anything. Harry scooted closer to the bed and rested their intertwined hands beside him.

"Well, when I saw you go down, I almost lost it like I said. But then I stayed calm and quickly placed a tracking charm on you. I knew that something had been done to you, and for them to do it in the open surprised me. But they calmed everyone down and took you to the back, claiming to let you just 'sleep it off'-"

"Where the hell did you keep your wand? You were practically wearing nothing!" Draco interrupted. Harry only winked at him.

"Now that is a secret. Anyway, I had to finish the night and act as if nothing were wrong. I could not show any serious concern for you or they would suspect me. Since I worked for them, I was expected to trust them. After I dance for a few clients-"

"You danced for them? Privately?" Draco said. He remembered his own private show he got from Harry and bristled. How could he bare his arse for other people when Draco was being taken Merlin knew where?

"Will you stop interrupting me?" Harry said with a frown, then he gave Draco a wry look. "What, are you jealous?"

Draco gave him a flat look. He would never admit it and they both knew it.

"Yes, I danced," Harry continued. He waited for Draco to butt in, but he remained silent. He did want to hear what happened, after all. "When the night was over, I met up with the other Aurors. We all knew that if we found you, we'd find the people behind the crimes. But they apparated you quite a ways away and it took me the rest of the night to locate you exactly. We almost got lost." Harry shook his head to himself.

"But where were we? There were more people there than me, you know."

Harry grimaced, "I know. We got the others after we apprehended those involved. But you all were in an ancient set of catacombs deep underground in southern Scotland. Even most of the Muggles have forgotten about those secret tunnels and rooms right beneath their feet. I thought for sure that we were lost when I felt you but there was no sign of anyone in the section of tunnel we were in. Then one of the other Aurors suggested that there could be more levels. So I blasted through the floor." Harry waved his other hand that wasn't holding Draco's, "And you know the rest. And Mr. Arlington is in custody and is being questioned as we speak. There is going to be hell for the next few weeks dealing with the ministry officials that we caught in the auction."

Draco waved him off, "If their pockets are deep enough, they can keep even the Minister quiet. It depends on whether the Ministry will let it be known or keep it hushed up. Corruption within the new government will not bode well so soon after the war." Draco picked up Harry's hand and played with it before asking, "So, what will you do now?"

Harry frowned, "With the case?"

"No, about us. Have you told anyone about us yet?" Draco looked at him and noted a slight blush on his face, he smiled to himself.

"No, I haven't told anyone. I think Ron has figured it out, though, if Hermione hadn't explained it to him already. But are you comfortable being with me? I never anticipated getting you into this mess, no matter how much you were pestering me."

"Did you think that this would scare me off?" Draco shook his head. "We both know I've been through worse. No, I'm not going anywhere. I'll admit, I never expected to get caught up in this case, let alone kidnapped. But I haven't had this much excitement in years; it's a welcome change. Harry, I realized something. That night that you danced for me." Draco paused, this was embarrassing, even for him. He had never liked someone like this, never thought he would. The silence went further as he struggled.

"Yes? Draco, what did you realize?"

He took a deep breath, "I want to be with you. You are one of a very few who I feel this close to. It's hard for me to trust people. But I know that you trust me, despite the past that we share and my history. So, yes. I want to be with you, for a very long time to come." He was not looking at Harry and so he didn't see him lean in and cup his face. He turned Draco toward him.

"You know it won't be easy, with my job and the public. They can be harsh, if not downright mean."

Draco gazed back into his bright green eyes, and knew he was making the right decision. "I don't care about them. I am free to make my own choices, they can either take it or fuck off." Harry climbed onto the bed even as Draco pulled him closer. Harry straddled him and kissed him deeply, their bodies saying much more than they were ready to express in words.

"Now, that's the best thing I've heard all day," Harry breathed into his mouth.


"Mm hm." Then Harry went to kiss his jaw and neck, sending shivers down Draco's body. He did not seem to worry about a Healer coming in on them.

"Want to hear something else?" Draco murmured, it was hard to concentrate when Harry was doing that to him.

"What?" Harry answered.

"Guess how much I sold for in the auction." Harry stopped kissing him and looked at him quizzically.

"How much?" He asked slowly, as if he was scared to hear the answer.

Draco gave him a cheeky grin, "Twenty million Galleons. I am a Malfoy, after all."

Harry looked as if he wanted to say any number of things, but in the end he just shook his head, "You are impossible, you crazy bastard." Draco just laughed, crazy or not he still had Harry Potter and that was all that mattered.