AN: Wow… umm… talk about being five years late to the party. *Crickets chirp*

Even if no one cares anymore, I'm finishing this fic for myself to see the end and not have it left incomplete forever and ever. All I can say is that… as the years have gone by, my writing style has definitely changed. Hopefully in the near future I can revamp some old unfinished fics as well as come out with new Vanitas/Xion ideas!

To those who followed this story many, many, MANY, moons ago – thank you for the reviews and interest!

Happy reading~ :D

Daddy's Little Girl


"Vani, this is… incredible!" Xion widely smiled, marveling at the work in progress. The mural the entire group worked hard on was really a work of art, it had all their different styles from Vanitas' stencils to Ven's bright and colorful spray paints, to Terra's rough sketches, to Roxas' mixture of checkered skulls and flowers, Namine's pop art, Sora's messy doodles, Riku's water themes clashing and blending with Axel fire themes, to Aqua's empowering heroine superheroes, to Olette's cute and small creatures and last but not least – Cerberus paw prints spread out in different colors of glitter paint.

They each had their own wall space to work on but all of their collaborations blended together in such interesting ways. "This piece is still missing one thing" Vanitas spoke, as Xion's hand hovered around the mural, touching the cold brick as she traveled from section to section, lost in the moment.

"Oh yeah? And what's that?" Xion smiled when she felt Vanitas stop her moving, turning around, she faced Vanitas as she stopped by a section he was working on.

"You" Vanitas whispered, gently pushing her against the brick wall holding up the paopu fruit from earlier as if it were a mistletoe. "Share a paopu with me, Xion" he repeated his exact words from when he had asked her for a chance.

Reaching for the paopu fruit, Xion took it as Vanitas gripped her hand holding it above her head, together holding the paopu as his other hand snaked around her waist. Leaning in, Xion closed her eyes, whispering, "Always, now and forever"

Vanitas captured her lips in a sweet tender kiss, nothing passion filled like their make out sessions. Xion's free hand caressed his cold cheek as it slowly trailed up to his jet black spikes, lightly tugging as she silently begged him for a deeper kiss.

They stayed there alone, together in the alleyway where the mural piece could be found for some time before heading to Axel's.

"So how are you going to put me into this piece that you're working on?" Xion asked, leaning her head on his shoulder as they walked to Axel's place.

Vanitas chuckled, "Stencil of course, I finished it a few days ago, I just need to place it and add the paopu design and that'll be it"

"You're quite the charmer, boyfriend" Xion teased.

"Stop being so damn cute then, girlfriend" Vanitas stuck out his tongue, his piercing a surprising shade of metallic purple. Purple being one of her favorite colors.

Arriving at Axel's, they didn't need to knock as the door was unlocked by Saix who was stepping out.

"Oh! Vanitas! Long time no see" he greeted as he secured his messenger bag over his shoulder with Axel's car keys in his other hand.

"So you're in town, huh" Vanitas saluted him with his two fingers wave.

"Yeah I decided to surprise Axel with my arrival. I'm on my way now to pick up Marluxia, he's waiting for me at the train station" he excused himself smirking, seeing that Vanitas shivered at the mention at Marluxia's name. Saix chuckled leaving with, "I'm sorry I haven't properly introduced myself, I'm Saix, Axel's boyfriend" he winked at Xion and left.

Xion tilted her head, "Oh, so that's Axel's long distance boyfriend!" she smiled.

Vanitas nodded, "Yep. And now we're gonna have to deal with Marluxia. He brings out the worst in both Saix and Axel and Axel hardly sees Saix due to distance enough as it is… ugh" he shivered once again at the mention of Marluxia and then shrugged it off.

"What's so bad about this Marluxia guy?" she innocently asked as Vanitas pushed her against the side of the entrance door and roughly kissed her. "It means to never leave my side" he whispered seriously as he took her hand leading her into the apartment's living room.

Xion blushed, running off to be with the girls who were all hanging out in Axel's bedroom.

Vanitas took on Axel who playfully threatened to kill him for not letting him know that it was a movie night for the group and making Saix go off to pick up Marluxia who had the perfect timing with his arrival, ironically.

Ven who was Vanitas' partner in crime decided to defend his cousin's honor by tag teaming Axel who had Roxas as back up, thinking it would be fun to take them both on.

Cerberus howled and barked and laid next to Terra who was sitting down eating a bowl of popcorn. He was like the big brother of the group, the silent one who didn't do much to stop them from acting so childish. He was simply amused by it all, petting Cerberus as he watched the show unfold as the guys got into sumo wrestling positions.

Inside the room with the girls, Xion tilted her head, deep in thought when Namine asked, "What's wrong, Xion?"

Xion thoughtfully hummed, "Why is Vanitas so afraid of Marluxia? I could tell he was a bit uneasy with just the mention of that guy's name"

Namine, Olette, and Aqua all looked at each other and burst into laughter, leaving Xion completely and utterly confused.

"You wouldn't know that Axel was gay unless he told you personally" Namine began.

"Saix is the same way, they've been best friends since they were babies so they understand each other on this whole different level" Olette chipped in.

"Marluxia on the other hand is… he is the definition of a diva. Axel doesn't so much like him but he brings out the worst in both Axel and Saix" Aqua giggled and continued as Namine and Olette nodded, "Marly has this effect on both of them and Axel most of all doesn't seem to realize that he does. Marly is a drama queen and sometimes he'll visit in drag depending on his mood"

Olette raised her hand while giggling as if she were in class, "And Vani doesn't like him because Marly tried kissing him once while dressed in drag!"

"What?" Xion asked with wide eyes.

"Marluxia has a thing for the punky bad boy types and that fits Vani's personality and appearance perfectly. Don't worry, Vani punched Marly in the face and threatened to put a restraining order on him all while holding a broken wine bottle if he ever tried to get near his face again" Namine shrugged, "Marly was turned on even more if that's even possible – we assumed it's some kink of his and that is why Vani fears for his life. He won't come hang out with us if he knows that Marly's in town and trusts us – Vani is not homophobic, he's just Marly-phobic"

Xion nodded, seeming like the only thing she could do, not knowing how to feel about it. She didn't know if she was amused by Marly or worried that Vanitas could get violent. She shook her head seeing as the others didn't seem bothered as they continued retelling amusing stories about the past to her.


"I'M BACK, BITCHES!" a loud fabulous voice announced that rang all throughout the apartment.

Marluxia was a tall man with pink hair, wearing black oversized rounded sunglasses that covered half his face and a hot pink feather boa wrapped around his neck. He was holding two suitcases as he dropped them and extended his arms, "Missed me?" he asked no one in particular.

Saix silently made his way in from behind him.

Vanitas sprinted so fast to the kitchen that none of the group even noticed that he ducked for cover inside the small kitchen as Marly went around his rounds, kissing everyone's cheeks and giving them hugs.

"It's always… a treat having you visit, Marly" Axel said through strained words and gritted teeth.

"Of course, I'm a knockout" the diva responded as his eagle like eyes scanned the room for the one person he was quite fond of – the self-proclaimed leader of the group.

"Now where's that yummy boy, Vani hiding?" he asked as he sneakily walked around searching for the teen.

Inside the room with the girls, they were all in fits of uncontrollable giggles as they took a sneak peek outside in the small hallway trying to catch a glimpse of Marluxia's diva-predator mode.

Xion heard Vanitas' high-pitched yelp as a voice laughed and proudly claimed, "Found you, lover boy!"


"Never again! I am never surprising the group to go hang at Axel's ever again!" Vanitas grumbled as he gripped Xion's hand while his free hand profusely rubbed at his now lipstick stained cheeks. They were now walking back home after spending a couple of hours at Axel's.

Xion used her free hand to cover her mouth as she giggled, "He's actually really nice. I liked his sass" she amusedly bumped Vanitas shoulder with hers as they continued to walk on the sidewalk. Ocean waves crashing in the background as palm trees swayed in the light night breeze.

"Ugh… as if his affection towards me wasn't bad enough already, I had to endure his final farewell onslaught of kisses now that you – kindly – told him that we're dating"

"Well yeah, I figured he'd put up a white flag in surrender if he knew you aren't single anymore and maybe he'd give up the chase"

"Guess you have a point there. Marly's a true diva but he ain't no home-wrecking hoe"

Xion laughed harder at Vanitas' higher octave voice as he waggled his index finger in a wavy gesture.

"Would you ever kiss a guy or have you ever?" her eyes sparkled with mischief.

"Lips are genderless but yeah, I have. Big whoop"

"Ohh, pray tell"

"Terra back in middle school while playing spin the bottle at Aqua's birthday party"

"How scandalous"

Vanitas chuckled, "How do you think they hooked up? If it wasn't for a thirteen-year-old Aqua getting jealous all because of yours truly"

Xion made them stop walking so she could tip-toe and peck his cheek, "You're the embodiment of good deeds"

Before Vanitas was even given the chance to reply, a police siren alerted them of the patrol car making its way towards them.

"Shit! It's probably your dad!" Vanitas cursed as all the blood flooded out of Xion's face, panicking with being found out by her dad who knew nothing of her budding romance with the notorious punk of the island.

"Go hide in the beach and then get home, I'll try to outrun him in the opposite direction" Vanitas instructed as the police car with its obnoxiously blaring red and blue lights warned that it would soon highlight their dark figures with its high-beams.

Xion nodded as she looked towards the steps leading to the beach. She bit her lip before abruptly turning Vanitas to face her as she palmed his cheeks and gave him a hard kiss. "I had fun tonight. Good luck!" she whispered as she hastily took two steps at a time to go hide in the beach.

Vanitas smirked as the police car neared and shone its lights on him. On cue, he could already see it was Xion's dad as Vanitas waved his arms around and started to yell. "Isn't it past your bed time, old man?" he whistled as the car sped up, a head sticking out of the driver's window.

"Vanitas, I swear to all the deities on this universe and the next! Stay right here! Don't you dare run away you good for nothing, low-life punk!" the officer yelled as he went to go parallel park on the sidewalk before attempting to chase after him.

"As if I'd ever obey!" Vanitas called back as he flipped him off, slowly walking backwards. He caught a small glimpse of Xion's dad slamming his car door shut, holding onto the side of his loose fitting pants as he began marching in the direction of the 'hooligan' as Vanitas laughed and started sprinting away.

He was in love with the cop's daughter and there was no way in hell that he'd ever get caught again.

Daddy's little girl was his secret alone.



I'm glad to be able to finish this story. I had written part of this chapter years ago and at some point… I just forgot to upload. My bad.

I know that Marluxia is ooc but in my personal head-canon he's sassy af and has a thing for Vanitas.

To anyone reading or has read my other KH fics and even still cares at this point: I'm planning to revamp/complete my multi-chap Vanitas/Xion fics very soon! I mean, it's about damn time that I do, but y'know… all good things come in due time.

Remember to R&R! Plz & Thankies! :]

Please do review! Follows and Alerts tell me that you guys are at least interested in the story but reviews really let me hear out what your feedback and personal opinions on my stories are! [But y'know, like don't Follow this story… since it's the last chapter, therefore it's complete, lol.]

If anyone is afraid to leave reviews due to language difference - please don't be! I can fluently read Spanish and partial French! :) And hey, that's why Google translate was invented after all! LOL.