I can smell her scent enveloping me. Her sweet perfume empowers me, makes me want her and to ravish her. But, I must control myself. I do not want to scare her away, frighten her. She's like a rabbit in the headlights, but I can't help myself.

Amy Farrah Fowler has stolen my heart.

There is nothing I can or want to do to change that. For once this is an acceptable change. One I can manage. One that I like. No, love. One that I love.

Suddenly I am brought back to my senses when I feel her fingers on my skin, her touch scorching, electrifying and I can't help but wonder what it would feel like on my erection. Her soft, smooth, milky white skin gently strokes my hand and I close my eyes, memorizing this delectable feeling. I flutter my lashes open and then I realise her pure green eyes, the colour of emeralds, hooked onto my eyes as if piercing my soul, searching for something that I cannot quite put my finger on.

"Make love to me…" Amy whispered in a hushed tone full of lust, desperation and longing. How long had we been dating? 3 years? Surely it's too soon but I cannot help my erection responding to her voice, gently growing under my clothes.

2 hours previously.

"Sheldon, can we not go out for dinner tonight? I'm fed up of sitting indoors surrounded by our friends on date nights." Amy whined, for the two-hundredth time this month. It was Thursday and all Sheldon wanted to do was stay inside, watch the Star Trek marathon currently on television and try to relax in his delightful, perfect spot with his friends. Yet Amy insisted that they go out for 'date night' instead and Sheldon was, quite frankly, fed up of Amy whining. He thought his only way to shut her up was to go out for once. So he, Sheldon, tore himself away from the Star Trek marathon and took Amy to the Cheesecake factory.

"Thank you, Sheldon. I really appreciate this." Amy stated, gently and tentatively placing her hand on Sheldon's thigh, being brave for once. Sheldon stiffened just a fraction and then relaxed, looking into Amy's eyes and realizing how sincere she was being. She was genuinely appreciating the effort he was making and Sheldon's heart swelled, glad that he could please his girlfriend.

"Well, you had better appreciate this woman! I'm missing my Star Trek marathon evening because of you and your whining!" Sheldon exclaimed, not hiding his contempt at her whining.

Amy looked down from looking at Sheldon and hid her face behind her hair which dropped down around her face when she looked away. Sheldon realised she may not have took his comment in the manner he intended and his thigh now felt bare; naked. He missed Amy's touch. Sheldon Cooper actually missed the touch of a female; he thought this day would never come but somehow Amy had actually got under his skin. He realised this may have happened when he kissed Amy on the train, the heat of the moment actually getting to Sheldon as he came to his senses and found that he enjoyed and loved kissing Amy, feeling her, touching her, looking at her. Heck, he even loved her science field. He never believed that day would come!

"Amy… Amy… I.. I was only having a joke. I thought you liked my humour? What's wrong?" Sheldon panicked, wondering where it all went wrong.

"Sheldon… I don't want to do this here. Can we go back to my car please? I want privacy." Amy started and got up and walked out the door. Sheldon wondered what he had done wrong but he paid for the bill and left, following Amy's delectable scent to her car where he got in the passenger side and closed the light breeze out of the car.

"Amy… Can we please talk now? I'm worried, I don't understand what's wrong?" Sheldon questioned, waiting for Amy's reply, his breathing heavy from his worry.

"Sheldon, I'm fed up. I want to move this relationship forward. I thought since the train kiss on Valentine's Day you would at least kiss me more, initiate it more, and want it more at least! But no, you just hide from me even more now; you rarely look at me, you rarely want to spend any time alone with me and God forbid you would want to go out for date night alone with me! I've had enough and quite frankly I'm contemplating where this relationship is headed. Sheldon… I don't want more… I need more. I want you Sheldon. Not just on an intellectual scale, but on a physical scale, an emotional scale and on a relationship scale. I want what Penny and Leonard have, Sheldon. You need to man up and act like a Texan bloke if you're so proud of being 'Texan'." Amy finished, tears glistening in her emerald eyes, her voice cracking at the end of her rant and she looked Sheldon in the eye throughout her speech, their eyes never breaking.

It was now or never for Sheldon and quite frankly, he was scared, shocked, disappointed but most of all, ashamed. Ashamed at himself for not taking care of his wonderful, smart, intelligent and beautiful girlfriend. What kind of man neglects his girlfriend? A twat Sheldon concluded. That was about to change, starting today.

"Amy, I am so sorry. I thought I was being what you wanted, giving you space and an intellectual relationship. I never realised you wanted more. Yes, you stated you did. Yes, you tried to get more out of me. Yes, I was an idiot. An 'eejit' as the Irish would state. But Amy, you need to understand that I stated this would be an intellectual relationship; we both agreed. I have tried to accommodate these new feelings you seem to have developed and if I am being completely honest, I have developed them too. I feel your need, Amy. I care for you on an emotional level as well as an intellectual one. If I have not shown you this, I am sorry." Sheldon declared, their eyes still locked and Sheldon was now the one who was getting emotional. He hated admitting his feelings but if it would make Amy stay, he was going to get everything on the table.

He felt bare. Naked. Cold. Exhausted.

He really just wanted to go home, relax and have a strawberry YooHoo and watch the end of the Star Trek marathon even though none of it would make sense because he needed to watch it from the beginning. But Amy insisted he stayed and talk with her and judging by the way she was clinging onto the steering wheel, they needed to talk.

"Sheldon…" Amy whispered, lost for words at his declaration. "Are you saying… saying that you… love me?" Amy's voice started strong, but with each pause she gradually started whispering, her voice going down octaves to barely just above a hushed tone.

Sheldon's eyes parted in surprise, "Amy… I…" Sheldon hesitated and the tears prickling at Amy's eyes started their gentle assault down her porcelain skin, their tracks staining her beautiful skin. She sniffled slightly, her nose becoming runny, just as the tears created their own river down her face. "Sheldon…" Amy pleaded, her voice a watery cry. "Amy, why are you crying? I never finished my sentence," Sheldon declared as he took Amy's hands. "Sheldon, why do you think I am crying? You don't love me yet here I am declaring my feelings for you and opening my heart for you and all you can say is, 'Why are you crying?' You can be so idiotic, narcissistic, arrogant and stupid sometimes!" Amy shouted, prying her hands from Sheldon and hitting him in the chest, the tears now tidal waves, pouring out of her eyes.

"Amy… Amy… AMY… AMY! I LOVE YOU" Amy stopped. Her breathing was ragged, heavy and distorted whilst her eyes became wide and started searching his eyes to see if he was telling the truth. When she looked directly into his luscious eyes, she could see the love burning back into hers. She suddenly felt the guilt seeping through her bones, her blood and her every pore. Sheldon loved her and here she was beating the hell out of his chest.

"Amy… say something, please. I just told you that I loved you and all you can do is stare at my face?!" Sheldon gushed, hurt that Amy was just staring at him rather than declaring her love for him. "Amy, you do love me don't you?" Sheldon questioned desperately.

"Oh Sheldon, of course I do! Yes, I love you Sheldon." Amy declared. Sheldon stopped breathing, his eyes becoming dilated, his touch becoming numb; his world has stopped. Amy loved him. His Amy.

Amy Farrah Fowler loved Sheldon Lee Cooper.

"Come on Sheldon, let's get back to mine." Amy stated as she started driving towards her home with Sheldon just staring towards her. Amy's smile radiated her face, glowing, as she realised that tonight could be the night that her and Sheldon become physically active and she could not believe it.

As Sheldon stepped into Amy's apartment, he didn't even acknowledge her offer of a drink of YooHoo for him. He went into his own world, daydreaming about Amy, who was now sat next to him on the couch.

I can smell her scent enveloping me. Her sweet perfume empowers me, makes me want her and to ravish her. But, I must control myself. I do not want to scare her away, frighten her. She's like a rabbit in the headlights, but I can't help myself.

Amy Farrah Fowler has stolen my heart.

There is nothing I can or want to do to change that. For once this is an acceptable change. One I can manage. One that I like. No, love. One that I love.

Suddenly I am brought back to my senses when I feel her fingers on my skin, her touch scorching, electrifying and I can't help but wonder what it would feel like on my erection. Her soft, smooth, milky white skin gently strokes my hand and I close my eyes, memorizing this delectable feeling. I flutter my lashes open and then I realise her pure green eyes, the colour of emeralds, hooked onto my eyes as if piercing my soul, searching for something that I cannot quite put my finger on.

"Make love to me…" Amy whispered in a hushed tone full of lust, desperation and longing. How long had we been dating? 3 years? Surely it's too soon but I cannot help my erection responding to her voice, gently growing under my clothes…