Day 3: Family

A/N: This is another of my contributions for Jerza week.

Summery: The birth of their first child and Jellal's take on it all.

Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail...

"JELLAL! WHEN THIS IS OVER I'M GOING TO MAKE YOU PAY!" Erza screamed in a strained voice. The blue haired mage managed to get the door closed behind him just in time, as a loud THWANG! Of a sword burying into wood rang out behind him. The man looked sadly back at the closed door and buried his face in his hands as he leaned back against the wall. He slid down the wall slowly and drew his knees up to his chest as he heard another scream of rage and pain filter from the room behind him. He did this to her, he yet again is causing her pain, he groaned and rested his head on his knees. His body and mind was wracked with anxiety and worry as the sounds continued intermittently from the room he had to escape from earlier.

He lifted his head off of his knees as he heard the door next to him open slightly, but only caught the sight of a blonde ponytail disappearing into the room. He was startled suddenly by the hand that slammed down onto his shoulder and the booming laugh next to him. His eyes slowly dragged up from the tanned hand latched on to him, to the man attached to it. The pink haired man had a large grin plastered to his face as Jellal's pained face looked up at him. "Kicked you out did she?" Natsu asked as he nodded his head at the tip of a sword that protruded from the door and chuckled softly.

Before Jellal could say anything the door creaked open and a blur came out of the room and up into Natsu's arms. "Daddy! Scary lady!" the bundle in Natsu's arms whimpered out. Natsu laughed loudly at that and kissed his son's head that was topped with spiky red and blond hair.

"Yes she is Aedin, very scary." he chuckled and slid down the wall and sat next to the seriously stressed out mage next to him. Natsu glanced over at Jellal as Aedin sat in his lap and played with his hands. The man next to him was hugging his knees to his chest and had a faraway and anguished look in his eyes, – this did not sit well with Natsu. Natsu shouldered the man next to him to get his attention. When the anxiety filled brown eyes looked into his, he gave the man his signature grin and said, "You know when Lucy was in labor with Aedin, she screamed at me like never before. I mean louder then the first time Happy and I snuck into her bed. Or when we destroyed a town and had to give up all our reward" he chuckled under his breath. "not only that but then she called out Loke and he pummeled me for a long time. I think he just wanted an excuse 'cuz he's still jealous she picked me." he looked at the sad eyes watching him and sighed softly as he felt his smile falter. "What I am trying to say Jellal, is when it was all over she still loved me, and still gave me her smile. And Erza will still love you, just have faith." he patted his friend on the shoulder gently, and sat there with him in silence as they waited.

However, Natsu is Natsu, and it was not long before he and his son were running up and down the halls screaming, laughing and wrestling. Jellal sat there in awe and watched the duo as they played a game they called dragon slayers vs dragons. Aedin was the dragon slayer that was trying to slay the evil dragon Natsu. Natsu was breathing fire but to Jellal's amazement the flames were very controlled and never reached his son. Jellal was chuckling by the time the dragon slayer Aedin grabbed Natsu's leg and bit down on the calf. Natsu pried his son from his leg and fell to the ground thrashing on his back in what looked like 'death throws' as peels of laughter ripped from the child held securely in his arms. Jellal laughed out loud, the stress from his situation melting from him as he watched the antics of the pink haired man.

I can't believe Natsu of all people turned out to be such a careful and loving father. Jellal's laugh faltered and his smile vanished as he thought of his present situation. Will I be a good father? Could he let his past go enough to give them the life they both deserve? He just did not know. He was wallowing in self doubt as he sadly watched Aedin jump up and down on Natsu's stomach shouting out his victory over the evil dragon. He was so distracted he did not hear the door open or the person that quietly squatted down next to him.

"Jellal," Lucy's soft gentle voice spoke quietly next to him. "If that idiot can do it, you definitely can." she smiled her heart warming smile at him when he looked at her, his eyes filled with so many emotions. She laid her hand on his shoulder and finished with, "By the way congratulations, it's a girl. Now why don't you go see them." she nodded her head toward the door. Jellal swallowed the lump in his throat as he stood up on shaky legs.

Jellal grabbed the door handle and looked down at his violently shaking hand. He was scared of what the future held, what type of dad he would be. He took a deep calming breath and slowly opened the door. Jellal's eyes were fixed toward the floor as he stepped into the room. Once the door shut behind him he slowly raised his head and all the breath left his lungs at the sight before him. Erza was propped up in bed her long rich red hair draped around her in messy waves, and her bangs were stuck to her forehead. Her face was angled to the side and down looking at the bundle in her arms. Jellal could hear her musical voice singing something softly to the child. Watching the woman he loves holding his child was a stunning sight and he stood there in frozen silence as he burned the image in his mind for all time.

Erza slowly looked up to the man that she loved with all her heart, the man that gave her this precious gift in her arms, and with a soft smile beckoned him to her. "Come here Jellal." she said in a soft whisper, "Come meet your daughter." Erza's heart melted as she watched the poor man take in a ragged much needed breath as he stumbled toward her.

Jellal stopped next to the bed and looked down at the tightly wrapped baby in Erza's arms. The tiny child that was viable caused his heart to twist painfully, she was so beautiful to him. He noticed the tiny face held his signature birth mark, but unlike the maroon coloring of his, her's was blue. The soft fuzz covering her delicate head was reddish in tint. Jellal imagined her slightly older with hair as red as her mother's. He held his breath as he reached up and gently petted the fuzz with two large fingers, a large smile grew on his face. He pried his eyes away from his daughter and looked at the mother. Oh how he loved her, she was his everything, and now she had given him something else to cherish above everything else – for the rest of his life. He leaned over and kissed his love with all the passion he felt for her and rested his forehead against hers, "I love you so much." he whispered out.

"Do you want to hold her?" Erza asked the blue haired man, and chuckled as he stiffly stood up, panic swirling in his eyes. "I am tired Jellal and would like to rest. Would you please hold her?" as he still looked slightly panicked she smiled and nodded over to the chair behind him. "Bring that over and sit down." her smile got bigger as Jellal did as told. He sat stiffly as she placed his daughter in his arms and told him how to hold her properly. Erza watched him for a few moments, and felt her heart warm fondly once he finally relaxed and melted into the chair his full attention on the tiny bundle in his arms. Erza let out a soft sigh and closed her eyes to take a short nap.

As Jellal sat there holding his precious daughter he stroked the tattoo that adorned her right cheek. She was so fragile and beautiful, she was a fusion of Erza and him, and it took his breath away. With a finger still gently touching her cheek he looked up to the sleeping form of his love and smiled softly his heart full. He was shocked as he felt something wrap around his finger and looked down and saw itty bitty fingers wrapped around his. His daughter held onto his finger tightly and his heart swelled. Past be damned! He thought. There was nothing that would get in his way of making this child happy. He may not be the best dad in the world, but he would be the best dad he could be. This was his family, he had a real family now, and he would give them anything they desired. Even if he had to go to hell and back...