No-no, She's a, she's resting!
Now look here sir, I know a dead writer when I see one and im looking at one right now!
no-no she's not dead, she's, shes resting!
Monty Python Pet Shop skit changed to fit my situation. Sorry I took so long!
Chapter 12
Alice woke up early the next morning to a muffled scream and a comforting arm wrapping around her. It didn't take long for her to discover she had been the one screaming into Charlie's shoulder while Charlie wrapped his arm around her.
She had awoken from a nightmare. Everyone she saw in the mirror were crying out to her when suddenly there was a loud, eerie cackle, followed by a green light, and they all disappeared. The light had been what had terrified Alice. She had seen it before, though she couldn't remember when, and always connected it to a bad omen.
"Are you alright, Al?" asked Charlie in a whisper. He was rubbing Alice's back, trying to sooth her from whatever nightmare she had just had.
Alice merely nodded her head. She caught sight of Bill sitting in an armchair as if he had just been woken up, looking at her with brotherly concern, before she buried her head into Charlie's shoulder again. She couldn't believe she had gotten frighten by a dream.
"You can tell us, Al," said Bill. He had moved from the arm chair to the spot on the couch next to Charlie and her. "There is no need to be embarrassed. We're your friends, right Charlie?"
"Right," said Charlie. "Was it a nightmare?"
Alice sighed before nodding her head. She knew there was no way she could hide what had happened from Bill and Charlie. She had grown to treat all the Weasleys like family and Alice trusted her family.
"Everyone in the Mirror," she said softly, "I saw them all. They were calling for me, I think they wanted my help, and than there was laughter and a green light... and that's when I woke up."
Bill and Charlie shared worried looks before returning their attention to Alice.
"It was a dream, Al," said Bill. "Just a dream. The Mirror is messing with your head."
"It looked real."
"But it wasn't," countered Charlie. "Don't worry, Al. You've got your big brothers to protect you, alright?"
Alice smiled, her hair slowly turning blonde. The Weasley boys were right. It had only been a dream and she would always have her big brothers there for her.
"Good, now go to sleep. We've got Quidditch practice in the morning."
Giggling childishly, Alice snuggled in between Bill and Charlie before falling asleep.
Charlie hadn't been joking about Quidditch practice. Duke had amped up their practice schedule in preparation for the Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff match. Five days a week he had them training on the field as early as the crack of dawn and ordered that they fly on their own on the weekends.
Alice had taken the new training regiment with strides, using every possibility to fly and therefore keep her mind clear of thoughts about the memory that she could find. Charlie was always quick to join her but she found herself flying mostly with Cedric, Angie, and Oliver. Cedric and Angie enjoyed flying with two actual Quidditch players around their age so they could ask for advice when they tried out for their House Quidditch teams next year.
It was during one particularly long practice, the first one in weeks were it wasn't storming as they were training but was still very muddy, that Duke brought the team grave news.
"Snape's refereeing the match against the Puffs this week," Duke deadpanned. Both Thrust and Bars fell off their brooms, taking mouthfuls of mud into their mouths when their jaws hung open in shock, but neither of the boys were concerned by this as much as they by what Duke had said.
"It's true," confirmed Don, "McGonagall told me during class."
"When has that bloody snake ever refereed a match?" demanded Oliver, having picked up on Duke's attitude towards the Potions Professor. One firm look from Don told him not to act that way again. "Err, won't he favor the Hufflepuff team because he hates us?"
"More specifically Al," said Charlie. "This is ridiculous, Duke."
"It's not my fault," said Duke. "We've just got to make sure we play a clean game, so Snape hasn't got an excuse to pick on us. And you're going to need to catch that Snitch fast, Charlie."
"Yeah, Charlie," said Alice. "No pressure."
Charlie sent Alice a glare but said nothing. No one was happy with the news but none of the Quidditch players had a solution to the problem other than to play and hope for the best.
Oddly enough, when Bill and Charlie tried to assure Alice that they would be prepared to hex a Snape if he tried anything during the game like he had last time, Alice told them not to bother.
"It wasn't Snape," she had said casually as the three made their way to the Quidditch Pitch.
"Of course it was Snape, Al," said Bill. "I saw him casting the spell on your broom!"
"And I'm telling you it wasn't him," Alice said firmly, fixing her grip on her broom as she carried it. "I talked to Moody about it. He saw Snape casting a spell but it wasn't to make me fall off my broom but instead for me to stay on it."
"Why would Snape save you?" Charlie asked automatically. "I mean, no offense, Al, but he hates you."
Alice's hair turned a dark red, showing her agitation towards the question she had no answer for.
"Moody wouldn't tell me," she said finally as the reached the outside of the locker room. "But if Moody doesn't suspect Snape, I won't either."
Alice knew the Weasley brothers didn't entirely agree with her but she let her mind focus on Duke's pep talk instead, or at least she tried to. She quickly became distracted by Myron's loud voice over the megaphone.
"You know what, Minnie?" he asked loudly. Alice could picture Minerva glaring at him while Duke went over their game strategy for the seventh time. "I think it's high time we made an official Quidditch Anthem."
"Mr. Wagtail, your sole purpose here is to commentate -"
"So me and the gang have been working night and day on this great little number," Myron continued, ignore the agitated tone Minerva had used. "But we haven't decided on whether to call it Quidditch a History or I Can See Brooms."
Duke stopped mid sentence when Myron's words reached his ears. He grinned.
"I Can See Brooms, Mr. Wagtail?" Minerva asked, clearly unamused.
"Well if you insist we make that the title," said Myron, undoubtedly grinning at this point. "And who am I to say no to you love?"
"Okay, okay," said Myron, laughter escaping as he spoke. Duke led his team silently out of the locker room to watch. "If you insist."
If it wasn't for the fact that they were still hidden from the crowds view, Alice doubted Duke and Don would have gotten away with casting a strange spell that sent a tune she had heard the gang play several times in the Common Room into the air loud enough that it could be heard by everyone gathered. Then Myron began:
I can see the brooms in the air
All around me
I can't believe that I'm here
But this i-is Quidditch
This that we love
If we close our eyes tonight
I know we'll be home"
Alice bit back a giggle at the serious tone Myron's voice had despite the fact he was now fighting Minerva back with his chair to keep the megaphone.
"The year was fourteen seventy three
You weren't born and
Neither was Minnie
The World Cup was going
With Blatching and Stooging
And all kinds of cheating,
Oh yes, it sounds fun
You see
Transylvania was playing the Flanders
Cursing with words that would scare all creatures
And fouls that tore
And the blood and the gore
And nobody died but there were
Seven hundred fouls and more
But we left our topic and now we'll return
To Quidditch, oh Merlin we yearn
Whatever you thought that Quidditch should be
Abandoned that thought
And come follow me"
Alice, along with everyone else on the Quidditch team, had finally given into their giggles and were now trying very hard to stay on their feet as Myron's voice grew louder as Herms and Gideon joined him.
"By eighteen-O-nine Quidditch was internationally
The sport of wizards and witches like we
And thousands were playing
Yet it didn't get good
For -"
At long last, Minerva had gotten ahold of the megaphone and taken it from Myron who looked very much like a child after their parent took away their favorite toy. A select group of words were passed between the two of them, mainly from Minerva yelling at him, before the megaphone was returned to Myron, who looked unfazed though slightly pink eared.
Clearing his throat, Myron said, "I suppose we can save beautiful music for later then. Don't worry Minnie, I'll serenade to you some other time."
"Wagtail," Minerva warned.
"And now onto our game!" said Myron immediately. "Today we have Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff and for some odd reason we have Professor Snape refereeing. This really strange because Professor Snape has no history as a Quidditch referee or any history in Quidditch whatsoever except constantly trying to sabotage the Gryffindor's attempts at the Cup- err, Minnie, aren't you going to reprimand me?"
"Mr. Wagtail, focus on the match," Minerva said though she seemed to begrudgingly agree with Myron about Snape.
"Be ready to score, Al," Charlie whispered as Myron announced the teams. He squeezed her shoulder softly.
"You too, Charlie," Alice whispered back, focusing on Snape as he opened up the box containing the Quaffle, Bludgers, and Snitch.
Alice closed her eyes for a second, taking in a deep breath. Her hair, which had been hanging from a brilliant gold to bright blue, immediately became a determined dark red. She opened her eyes to find Snape glaring at her before he blew the whistle to begin the match.
"And they're off!" shouted Myron. "Already, Alice Moody has the Quaffle and is going to- has scored! Amazing!"
Alice smiled widely at Moody, who was more attending her Quidditch match and this time seated next to Albus Dumbledore himself, as she scored. She could see Oliver giving her a thumbs up even from the Hufflepuff's end of the field and Thrust and Bars were doing loops. It was only their first goal and her teammates were already celebrating clearly not believing they would make a point without Snape calling a foul.
They were right.
Snape blew his whistle, giving a foul shot to Hufflepuff because of unsportsmanlike conduct.
"Is that even a thing?" Myron shouted outraged. Minerva, however, remained silent.
Luckily, Oliver blocked the shot, his first block in his entire Quidditch career, with shaky but otherwise confident hands.
The game continued on. Snape was calling several ridiculous fouls that even the Hufflepuffs were disagreeing with but did little to stop in fear of the Potions Master. Thankfully Oliver had prevented them from scoring all but two of the twelve fouls they were given putting the score at three Hufflepuff to ten Gryffindor. Alice was growing rather tired of Snape's clear hatred towards her team when she caught Charlie lift his arm up in the corner of her eye. The match was over.
"Finally," Alice said with an exaggerated sigh. She went to land when she heard the swift movement of wind coming towards her.
Dropping her elevation dramatically, Alice narrowly dodged the Bludger that had been heading for her. She was about to yell at Bars and Thrust when the Bludger, which what been heading towards the Hufflepuff goals, turned around in mid air and took off towards her once more.
"Someone stop that rogue Bludger!" Myron shouted as Alice took off in a zigzag pattern away from the Bludger that followed her flying perfectly. No sooner had he said this did the Bludger explode. "Err, thank you Mr. Moody."
Alice could only imagine her father grunting in response as she landed on the field next to her worried teammates.
"You alright, Al?" Bill asked first, immediately looking her over for cuts or bruises.
"It didn't get you did it?" asked Thrust. "I swear, the bloody thing was going the opposite direction from you when suddenly-"
"Zoom!" finished Bars, hand motions and everything.
"Let her breathe, guy," chuckled Charlie. "I'm glad you're safe, Al."
Duke was livid. Don was trying his best to filter the amount of profanity leaving their captain's lips as Duke started yelling about how his players safety was not taken seriously.
"This never would have happened if we had a real referee!" was the last thing the righteously justified Quidditch captain shouted before Don had enough and hit him with a silencing charm.
"I've always wanted to do that," Don mused cheerfully.
Alice laughed. She looked up at the stands where Moody was sitting. His body language said he was yelling at someone, most likely over what had just happened, but when his magical eye landed on Alice he turned towards her and nodded. Knowing the nod was his sign of approval, Alice's face and hair lit up so brightly that even after Charlie covered it with her Quidditch robe hood the light was shining through it.
A little while later, having had to wait until the boys were finished with the locker room before she could use it, Alice started heading back towards the castle smiling just as brightly as before only with her hair a crimson red under her hat. She felt amazing after winning their second Quidditch Match and scoring seven of the ten points that game. Switching the shoulder she had her broom leaning on, Alice wondered whether Snape would be twice as foul in class tomorrow...
And speaking of Snape...
Alice caught sight of the man in question sneaking out of the castle entrance clearly not wanting to be seen. Continually looking over his shoulder to make sure he wasn't being watched, Snape made his way to the Forbidden Forest before disappearing inside.
If it wasn't for her hat, Alice was sure her hair would have turned a bright, curious orange before she jumped on her broom and followed after her Potions Professor.
The trees in the forest were very thick, and it would have been difficult for Alice to follow Snape if it wasn't for two voices giving away his location. Flying as close as she dared, Alice landed silently on a tall beech tree.
Careful not to drop her broomstick, Alice climbed carefully along the branches peering through the leaves.
Below, in an eerie clearing, stood Snape, but he wasn't alone. Quirrell was there as well and he looked and sounded utterly terrified.
"... d-don't know why you wanted t-t-to meet here of all p-places, Severus..."
"Oh, I thought we'd keep this private," said Snape, his voice icy. "Students aren't supposed to know about the Sorcerer's Stone, after all."
Alice fought back a snort.
"Too late," she mouthed.
Quirrell was mumbling something but Alice couldn't hear him. Snape interrupted him.
"Have you found out how to get past that beast of Hagrid's yet?"
"B-b-but Severus, I-"
"You don't want me as your enemy, Quirrell," said Snape, taking a step toward him.
"I-I don't know what you-"
"You know perfectly well what I mean." Snape sneered. An owl hooted loudly but Alice paid it no attention. She listened very carefully to Snape's next words. "I know why you're after it and I'm going to stop you and your little bit of hocus-pocus." Snape stopped, looking expectingly at Quirrell. "I'm waiting."
"B-but I d-d-don't-"
"Very well," Snape cut in. "We'll have another little chat soon, when you've had time to think things over and decided where your loyalties lie."
Alice watched in complete silence as Snape stormed away. The sun was setting quickly but Alice could still see Quirrell, quivering were he stood ready to faint. She couldn't see how Snape could possibly think Quirrell, of a the teachers, would want to even attempt in stealing the stone but the seed of paranoia had been planted.
With one final glance down at her nearly fainting Defense Professor, Alice hopped on her broom and flew off to find Bill and Charlie.
Again, sorry I took so long guys! The Alexis Lestrange series has really picked up and unfortunately Alice got the blunt end of the deal. Sorry. Will hopefully up date soon again!
Myron's song is a parody made by myself of the song Deathbed by Relient K. This parody will appear again in full.. However Dethbed is a ten minute long song so you'll have to give me a bit to work on it.