I Slept With My Boss
Chapter 6
Eleven years later.
She stood on platform nine and three quarters. September the first. Today her daughter was going to Hogwarts. Hermione and Draco had both agreed that Lyra should go to Hogwarts. Despite the problems they'd had in the when they went to school, though most not the school's fault. They agreed that Hogwarts was a good school and Lyra was so excited to go there. She'd grown up in Australia hearing about it and when she was old enough reading about it from in Hermione's after war edition of A Hogwarts Of History.
Now the family of five, Cassiopeia aged seven and Scorpius aged two. In her peripheral vision she could see a family of red heads and dark hair.
"Don't look they spotted me," whispered Draco. "But they haven't realized your you so don't turn around."
"Mum?" asked Cassiopeia.
"Yes hunny?" she asked.
"Whose that family of red heads staring at us?" she asked.
"We'll talk about it later ok darling," she answered.
Cassie nodded and turned back to staring at the Wesley's, Potter's and the train.
"This is going to get ugly," muttered Draco.
"Hmm?" asked Hermione.
"Potter and Wesley are on their way over here," answered Draco.
"Probably still think you have something to do with my disappearance," she answered.
"I did," he smiled.
"Not in the way they think," she answered.
Lots of rumours went round about Hermione and Draco headed off to Australia. With the mysteries appearance of a supposed Malfoy wife and baby and Hermione's disappearance during her working day, coupled with her sudden divorce. Lots of speculation was thrown in the air. Had Draco imerioed her, married her and impregnated her. Though that one had some disagreement since Hermione was a muggle born and Draco, apart from hiring her had always had a strong dislike for her. The second was that he had killed her, which Harry and Ron kept looking into. No body believed her file that said she was on a sabbatical. Thirdly it was that their disappearances were just a convincing and fourthly she wasn't imerioed but she was married to and pregnant with Malfoy at her own will. This last one no body really believed.
"Three, two, one," muttered Draco.
"Malfoy what are you doing here?" asked Harry.
"Just putting my daughter on the train," answered Draco.
"Do your children and wife know what you did with our best friend?" asked Ron.
"Yes," answered Hermione, as she turned round. "He married her."
"Hermione?" said Harry and Ron.
"And no I'm not and never was under the Imperius," answered Hermione.
"Imperius is one of the unforgivable cruses," said Lyra.
"That's right darling," answered Hermione.
"Like you?" asked Harry.
"Like both of us we were the smartest in our year," said Draco.
Harry nodded and Ron scowled and stormed off.
"What happened Hermione?" asked Harry.
"It's nothing something I'm proud of but I don't think I'd change it for anything and I'd rather not talk where people can listen," said Hermione.
"Ours?" asked Harry.
"Sure. But it's going to get ugly," answered Hermione.
"I'll floo Lily and Albus to The Burrow and Ron will do the same with Rose," answered Harry.
"We can send Cassie and Scorp to my parents," answered Hermione.
"Yeah and Lavender will be going to work," said Harry. "Straight from here."
Hermione nodded.
"Mum," interrupted a voice.
"Yes Lyra?" she asked, turning.
"It's time to go," replied Lyra.
"Hermione it's Gordic's Hollow," said Harry.
Hermione smiled and nodded. "Ok hunny," she smiled at Lyra. "Have a good time."
"Stay away from Potters and Wesley's," said Draco.
"Don't listen to your father be friends with whoever you want," said Hermione. "Be good."
They watched as Lyra walked onto the train and further down the line Hugo and James were getting on as well.
Soon everyone apparated away and the trio handed of their children to their grandparents for the big reunion.
"What do you think happened?" asked Ginny.
"Honestly Gin I think she cheated," answered Harry. "I know it's your brother and it's not something to condone and I'm not condoning it I just want my friend back."
Ginny nodded. "I can understand that."
"It's just Ron," said Harry.
"I don't think they'll ever be friends again if she did cheat on him," answered Ginny.
"You guessed," came a voice.
Ginny and Harry turned to see Hermione and Draco.
"You cheated on Ron?" asked Harry.
Hermione nodded. "It's not something I ever wanted to happen."
"What happened?" asked Ginny.
"It's was just before I divorced Ron. Well no it was year before I divorced Ron. I was at the Christmas party and got drunk and woke up next to Draco. Then it just kept happening. I know that's not an excuse but that's what happened. Then I got pregnant," said Hermione. "That's why I had to divorce your brother."
"Because even I would realise you can't father a child on a one percent fertility rate," said Ron.
The four turned to see Ron stood in the doorway.
"You have Hugo and Rose," said Ginny.
"Yeah I do," said Ron. "Lav I got very lucky and I was on a potion to help."
"I'm sorry Ron," whispered Hermione.
"I can never forgive you for what you did," said Ron. "I think we're all in a better place and with the right people because of it."
"He grew up," said Ginny.
"Yeah I did," said Ron. "I think we can sit and talk civilly."
And talk civilly they did, about the last eleven years until dark and then they all had to collect their children and head home.
The End
Review Please
Gabriella Somerfield
P.S Lyra got into Ravenclaw.