Disclaimer:I do not own Harry Potter, JKR and associated companies do. I also don't own Pokegirls, though I don't think anybody does(?).


My apologies for how long it took me to get this chapter out. It was probably ready two weeks ago, but I just sat on it. Still, better two months than the six months it took me to write Chapter One, eh?

Thanks for all the reviews, favorites, and follows! I'm still ecstatic at the interest my tale has received! And thanks for the PM's expressing interest in the next chapter, it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

The Pokegirls resource website links are all up on my Profile! Check those out!

I have no beta. I do the best I can on my own. If you spot anything you think is an error, please PM me or leave a review to let me know.

This chapter has a long fight scene. I hope it's decent... No, there is no sex in this chapter.

Important note at the end of this chapter! Read it!

Chapter First Posted: 08/16/2014, ~7500 words prior to A/N's.

Chapter Four: Meet the Doppeldame

Elsewhere, Time Indeterminable

"Life? What are you doing?" Death asked, appearing in the area the two of them had designated as their 'Harry Watching Zone'.

"Our All-Seeing Eyes can't show everything that happens all at once on this dinky little television!" She said, gesturing to the big screen, which was currently showing the fight against the Widow from yet another perspective.

What does she mean, little? Death's eye twitched. That thing is almost as big as a theater screen!

"Besides," she continued, "I want to see what happened in other places! It'll probably effect what we see when we're following Harry around!"

Death sighed. "Life, no. Really, we only have enough time on our breaks from paperwork and managing to follow Harry around at the moment. Please control yourself."

"Oh, alright," she pouted. "Fast forward! Fast! Forward!" She chanted, and the screen blurred back to the 'present'.

"Hey, no breaking the fourth wall!"

"What? I can't fast forward our TV? Hrmph!"

"I really wish Time was here, she'd sort you out," Death mumbled as she crashed next to Life on the couch, just in time to hear Gregor speak.

"You killed my cousin! I swear, you will pay for that! I challenge you to a one on one Salvage Battle!"

"Ooh! A fight!"

Two Days after the Widow Died, Day Two of Harry's Vacation

Gregor winced at the pomposity of his words, sweating under his clothes. He had seen the man eating yesterday and paid him no mind. After all, what was the point in bothering with somebody who had a Hyperdoll? Sure, he now knew how he got the 'girl, and he felt a little sorry for the poor bastard but not sorry enough not to take away the only real shot the other man had at getting a 'girl that wasn't a lazy, obnoxious, hypocritical bitch. If he didn't his sponsors wouldn't be the least bit pleased with him – and the Family wouldn't be happy, either. His irritation from that morning had grown to full blown anger, something he would have noticed on another day, but today his mind was clouded.

He was sweating now because he had seen how the man walked. The man walked just like some of the best Pokegirl fighters he had ever seen, for his steps were sure, smooth, and quiet, even under the typical day's noise, and muscle flowed with each step under skin-tight clothing. Gregor knew he had been given the proper orders, but his anger overrode his concerns. He had issued his challenge already, so it was far too late for second thoughts. There was nothing he could do except hope that his Slut was fully capable of taking the Hyperdoll down – who hadn't spoken at all. How odd.

"Oh?" came the lazy reply. "Are you sure? I mean, I only just became a Tamer yesterday, after all. Seriously, the only 'girl I have is Betsy, here. I haven't even had a chance to use my Starter Voucher yet!"

Gregor was started out of his brief introspection – limited as his intelligence was, he certainly had more than his moronic cousin – in shock at the fact that this man was trying to bluff him. "Of course I'm certain!" It was only after the words were out of his mouth that he realized that the pink haired pokegirl had a name other than 'slut', 'bitch', 'useless', or some variation or combination thereof. He knew Barty hadn't given the 'girl that name, so where did it come from? Certainly not his opponent. Humans just didn't connect to pokegirls that way.

"So, what is this, ah, 'Salvage Battle' going to be for? Oh," the man turned to look at the gathering crowd, "could someone get a police officer? Thanks."

Gregor snarled. He had wanted their battle to be unobserved by anybody at all – a quick and dirty match. "As you only have the Hyperdoll it will obviously have to be for some other thing. Say, that Starter voucher of yours on the line if you lose? It's the next best thing to an actual pokegirl!" his angry grin just looked silly on his face, but nobody laughed. A starter voucher was a quick and easy way to obtain a moderately powerful pokegirl, and if he was going to be under his actual name more he would need a stronger harem.

Harry hid his tension at the man's words, noted his anger, and shrugged. "I see no loss in that. Now, if an officer would get here soon... ah! There's one! Ma'am," he said to the Officer Jenny, clearly recognizable as such due to her green eyes, blue hair, and uniform, "We've got a Salvage Battle to set up here, and I was wondering if you would be willing to lead us to an appropriate arena? I don't think that the middle of a city street is the least bit appropriate for such a thing."

The Jenny looked at the two Tamers, one clearly ready for a fight and fuming – his Doppeldame's armor and agitation indicated as much – the other relaxed, casual... and on a hair trigger if something went wrong. She smiled inside. Outside, she was all business.

"Hello gentlemen, my name is Miranda, and if the two of you would follow me? We don't have a Gym here, but we do have a small stadium for just this sort of occasion."

Harry and his opponent followed Miranda to the stadium. It wasn't a particularly far walk, as if the stadiums were stationed around the city near the gates. All he knew about the man was that he was a Blunderghast – the 'cousin' during his opening line gave that away.

"Here we are, gentlemen," Miranda said. "Take your places!"

The stadium wasn't much of a stadium, an open air affair with seating on two sides, leaving the ends open. Harry went for the side closer to the gate; his opponent chose the side farther away. There were two raised stone platforms at each end, and a tower for the match official to watch from. When both parties had taken their places, and the idle civilians, awake Tamers and Free Pokegirls who had gathered around the first confrontation settled into the stands to watch, Miranda began her part.

"Tamer Gregor Blunderghast, you have challenged Tamer Harry Potter to a one-on-one Salvage Battle. In your case, if you win you obtain his digital Starter Voucher. If you lose, he obtains your Doppeldame." She winced at the name on the official registration and didn't bother to speak it. "Do you wish to pull your challenge?"

"No," he grunted. How he grunted that deeply Miranda didn't want to know.

"Very well. Tamer Harry Potter, as the challenged, you can't refuse. You can't be legally challenged for twelve hours if you stay in the city, or twenty four hours out in the wilderness. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Officer," he replied.

"Very well. The Salvage Battle between Tamer Harry Potter and Tamer Gregor Blunderghast has begun! Choose your Pokegirls!"

Gregor nodded to Prime and shouted, "I screw you, Prime!" Harry – and much of the audience, especially the Free Pokegirls, winced. That was a slur very much frowned upon in most of the Sunshine League. Miranda, on the other hand, snorted. That most assuredly was not the name on the official record. Prime and her clones stepped down from the platform onto the plain dirt field.

Harry whispered in Betsy's ear, slapped something in her palm, and shouted, "I choose you, Betsy!" Betsy imitated her opponent and stepped onto the field, her hand slipping into and out of her pocket.

Prime and her doppels readied their weapons. A wide variety appeared in the hands of the six facing the Hyperdoll. The blondes, who Prime referred to as Beta and Gamma – not knowing any better way to name them – both drew swords. The pinkette, Delta, pulled out sparking claws and fit them over her wrists and forearms. The red haired Epsilon drew a mace and a shield, and the bluenette Zeta drew a bow, arrows appearing on her back. Prime pulled out a staff and twirled it.

"Now that's interesting," Harry mumbled, checking the enchantments on the weapons Betsy's opponent was using. A fire element sword, an ice element sword, electric element claws, a poisoned mace, a recurve bow aligned with wind, and a staff aligned with 'nature', plant life and growth. He then turned his gaze onto the armor, only for the fight to really start.

Prime pulled out several smokebombs and scattered them around the battlefield. Prime and her sisters used the cover of the smoke to split up around the field, preventing any area attack from taking them all down at once. They know they need to utilize teamwork to the utmost, no matter the enchantments on their equipment. Betsy smirked in response and levitated just over the low hanging clouds, moving a little away from dead center of the arena.

Gregor snarled, aghast that his 'girl was using those already.

As the smoke clears, arrows whirred by Betsy's position in the middle of the field. None of them struck her for she released her hold on her levitation to collapse onto Delta, who was just under her when the smoke cleared.

"Fire Punch!" Betsy snarled, and her right hand left a smoking dent in the ground as Delta lithely rolled away. A sword slashed at her horizontally, and Betsy went from kneeling to standing upright, a hasty "Ice Punch!" shattering the already icy steel blade up and out in a spray of metal shards. The disarmed doppel backed away, pulled out another sword – this one plain steel – and rejoined the fray. The shards shot across the battlefield, striking Delta and Prime as they lined up their shots.

"Damn you! You'll pay for that!" Gregor shouted.

"Only if you win," Harry replied, one eyebrow raised.

"Wasn't talking to you," he growled back. Harry's other brow rose in response, not that anybody noticed.

A flurry of arrows whizzed by Betsy again, this time forcing her into the sword of Beta and the mace of Epsilon, neither of which managed to penetrate her skin.

"Ha! You'll need to do better than that! Water Blades!" She exulted, forming a sword of water in each hand. One clashed with the blade of Fire and the other swung in against the 'girl herself. The Fiery sword was doused as the Water Blade attack ran out of power in a spray of high velocity water, and the other blade struck directly against the stomach of Beta, who collapsed over the blade as it ran out of energy. Delta's claws slashed against Betsy's hide and drew blood. She snarled and flung her foot around, chi glowing around the Mega Kick.

Delta dodged, and the attack struck the ground hard, leaving a small crater in its wake. A second flurry of arrows passed her by, and a green-blue bolt of pure energy struck her dead on. She stumbled back, singed from the strike.

Prime smirked, her staff glowing. "Take that!" She shouted. "My staff here is the best!"

Her sisters winced. "Don't brag! It's unbecoming!" Zeta shouted, launching yet another flurry of arrows. One managed to nick Betsy's forearm, drawing blood. She was shocked. It had been centuries since someone had actually drawn blood against her when she really fought! She snarled, furious – completely forgetting that it had also been centuries since she last really fought.

Delta, Beta, and Gamma struck simultaneously, from multiple directions. Claws angled at her left and right fronts, a fiery sword slashed down from above, and straight steel struck for her back.

Harry winced – that would be hard to get out of, let alone survive, given the strength of the weapons the Doppeldame was using.

Betsy took the only opening, rolling to her back and right – directly into another flurry of arrows. She snarled. "Damn you! Stop doing that!" The arrows only scratched her, true, but that was more than anything else managed to do except for the Staff, which had a high charge time and shot in a straight line.

The arrows are the only thing we've got that hurts her. Pin her down and open fire! Prime thought to the others, who all rolled their eyes. Still, they followed her orders and the four melee clones moved to surround the secretive Hunter once again.

Betsy had no intention of being caught so off guard again, however, and she sprinted right for the 'girl with the enchanted bow, only for a blast of magic/plant energy to strike her in the back, knocking her right into another arrow. It pierced her left shoulder before fading into nothing. Betsy rolled back from another two strikes – a shield bash and a flaming sword – brought her right hand to her shoulder, and muttered a few words. Her hands glowed, and,

The injury healed.

Prime and company freaked – and so did the crowd. Harry raised an eyebrow. Then another flurry of arrows shot by Betsy, who lithely ducked under that and the swords slashing over her head.

"Fire Sword," She snarled, spinning around. The blade hit Epsilon's shield, which actually caught fire in the backwash of the sword vanishing in a burst of flame. Epsilon hastily flung the shield across the arena.

"Thunder Punch," she hissed, her punch ramming into Delta's claws. The crackle of discharging electricity resounded across the stadium and even into the city beyond.

Oh hell, what now? Captain Strongarm thought muzzily. He hadn't had his coffee yet this morning, and was therefore grumpy. "Shara, whats making that racket?" he asked his Alpha, who sat upright. Her eyes glazed over briefly before returning to normal.

"There appears to be a Salvage Battle going on at Stadium Four, by the North Gate," she said.


Shara grinned, "Between Gregor Blunderghast and Harry Potter."

"Fuck it, I need my coffee," he grunted. Shara rolled her eyes, amused at her lover's hatred of mornings.

Harry winced and rubbed his ears. That was loud. Fortunately for everybody's ears, the punch dissipated and Betsy used what momentum she had left to vault over Delta, another volley of those damn arrows, and two sword strikes, all designed to block off her retreat routes.

Betsy dropped an Energy Blast behind her and the explosive sphere of energy sent the four duplicates reeling from the point of impact. Glowing white energy surrounded her fist as she darted around, far faster than she should, and slammed a Mega Punch into Delta's back. The shimmering armor cracked and Delta stumbled forwards, right into Gamma, and the two of them tumbled to the ground.

Many eyes widened. A Mega Punch was no mean strike, for the armor to be cracked instead of broken meant it was top of the line.

Gregor cursed, his already high anger increasing. That shit was expensive, and he still hadn't paid the loan back!

Captain Strongarm and Shara teleported into the arena. Only Harry noticed, the audience and his opponent were all too busy staring.

Betsy was slowly getting back into things. Sure, the specific moves were knew, but her body still remembered what it was like to really fight. Somehow.

"Energy Blade," she whispered, and it shattered the bolt of energy Prime launched. The blade dissipated, too, but that was okay. The dissipating energy flung the mystic arrows fired by Zeta off course.

As Betsy looked at Prime imperiously, Epsilon slammed her mace on Betsy's head, who staggered out of the way of two more sword strikes. Delta, still dizzy, wasn't in position to take advantage of her opponents condition.

Beta recovered quickly and swung her sword right into a hasty "Rock Blade" of Betsy's. Beta's sword reverberated but held, and shards of rock flew outward when the Elemental Blade dissipated. Betsy cursed. She was actually pressed a little – the sheer coordination of her opponents attacks meant she couldn't easily isolate any of them.

Her hand slipped into her pocket, pulled out the trinket Harry gave her at the start of the match, and channeled a bit of magic into it. A brief flare of magic later – which left the Doppeldame blinking – and Betsy had an immaculately crafted katana in her hands. No special enchantments other than shrink/expand, but it would do very, very well.

With a hissed, "Water Blade!" Betsy charged back into action. Because this water blade was enhancing an already existing weapon it was actually the Mk II version, which lasted for more than a single hit. Her sword shattered Beta's Fire Enchanted weapon and sent her tumbling into Delta. They crashed into the ground in a heap. Delta, already dazed, was knocked out in a tangle of limbs.

Another volley of arrows raced towards Betsy, and in dodging that she also evaded Espilon's follow up strike and Prime's magic bolt. Gamma struck a glancing blow, but it barely cut into Betsy's skin before she was past it and racing for Prime.

Prime slammed the ground with her staff, and wall of plants erupted from the ground to entangle Betsy. A volley of arrows flew over head and the tough 'girl became entangled. She swapped her blade's affinity to fire with nary a whisper and burned through the plants around her. Blade first she lunged at Prime, who gripped her staff defensively, bracing for a charge, except another flurry of arrows sent Betsy tumbling off course. She swept her sword in a complete circle, a blur of fiery motion, and faced Prime once more, who looked past Betsy in shock

Epsilon had a deep gash across her stomach, and her armor had peeled away from the strike. If the blade hadn't been fiery, her guts would have spilled across the ground. Instead she gaped at the charred fleshy hole in her belly, looked up at Prime, and then faded away in a burst of magical energy.

"Damn you," the Doppeldame hissed, five throats as one, five bodies stumbling as one. "That hurt, bitch."

Betsy smirked haughtily, "Bring it on!" she cried, charging forward once more. A wave of plant life greeted her charge, but she jumped right over it. The typical flurry of arrows missed by a wide margin – probably caused by some nasty feedback as a result of the death of one of her clones. On landing she slashed at Prime, only to miss. Not be blocked, miss. Then she was thunked in the head by a staff.

Stumbling sideways to avoid the wall of vines behind her, Betsy cursed. Of course the primary of any doppeldame is faster than her duplicates! Beta, equipped with a plain new blade, and Gamma had maneuvered into her blind spots and swung for her again. Betsy levitated over them, landed, turned and raced for Zeta, who responded with a continuous stream of enchanted arrows, which Betsy deflected or destroyed with her sword. Chi energy gathered around her feet, and she leaped into the air a short distance from her opponent, trying yet another Mega Kick.

Zeta's eyes widened as she stepped back, only for the impact of the kick to knock her off her feet. With Prime behind a wall of plants, and Beta and Gamma not yet near, she had to put up her bow. It vanished, and two long knives replaced her bow and arrows. Betsy's now watery sword slammed into her crossed knives, and her foot swung up to kick Zeta in the ribs. She danced away from the blow, but Betsy followed up with another energy blast, which caught Zeta full on in the chest. The blast shredded her armor. Desperate, Zeta moved as quickly as she could away from her opponent.

A charged magical blast narrowly missed Betsy, who snickered. "Your staff needs some upgrades!" She taunted, launching an Energy Blast at Prime, who barely evaded the attack, only for it to detonate behind her and fling her towards a charging Betsy.

Beta and Gamma had managed to flank Betsy again, and this time their swords didn't miss or strike glancing blows. Unfortunately – for them – their swords shattered after impacting the extremely tough skin of the Hyperdoll, neither Beta nor Gamma's replacements as tough as their original swords. The two of them leapt back to re-equip themselves, which left Prime unguarded – except for Delta, who had managed to get up, her electric claws ready.

Watery sword met electric claws. Betsy stumbled back as her blade's watery edge dissolved, shaking her head. "Ouch. I so should have known better than to do that. Ah, well." She leaped over the re-equipped Beta and Gamma and charged towards the archer again, hovering just off the ground. This time, nobody was in the way; this time that damn arrow firing bitch was going down. Ice formed along her blade as it intercepted wind-powered arrow after wind-powered arrow.

Zeta frantically grasped for another arrow, but Betsy was far too close, and then Zeta wasn't, anymore. The burst of magic rippled the air.

Prime, Beta, Gamma, and Delta gasped as another death ripped through them, icy currents ephemerally spearing their hearts. They knew she would be back, after a healing cycle and rest, but dying hurt, dammit!

Betsy grinned as she turned to face her staggering opponent. She didn't let up, however, and charged forwards in a blur of motion. Her target scattered, but Prime was left standing alone, shivering.

"Do something,you useless whore!" Gregor screamed, finally losing his self control. Prime finally moved, barely dodging the fast striking frost covered blade, but her heart wasn't in the fight anymore. Her opponent's master hadn't said a word all fight long. Perhaps he is the better choice, Prime thought.

"Oof!" She grunted as icy steel slammed into her armored belly, doubling over, then a fist hammered into her face and knocked her backwards. Beta, Gamma, and Delta all swung in again, but Betsy blurred behind them and they stumbled into each other, and an ice sheathed sword slipped into the neck seams of Delta's armor. The echoes of yet another death sent Prime, Beta, and Gamma to the ground reeling; the explosion of magic knocked Betsy back.

The Doppeldame struggled to her feet, three bodies worth of feet. Betsy grinned ferally at her. Prime replied via murderous glare. Beta and Gamma shook their heads at their boss' antics and moved into defensive positions flanking Prime.

Betsy's grin widened. She charged forwards again, icy sword in one hand, electricity crackling around the other. Beta and Gamma dashed forwards in response, swords ready.

A cloud of smoke enveloped them all, and Prime grimaced, charging her staff. That was her last smoke bomb. She hoped it was enough, as unlike the others, this one wouldn't be blown away by an errant breeze.

Harry watched the cloud of smoke impassively. He was slowly learning what Betsy could do beyond the PokeDex entry, which was obviously incomplete, incorrect, or deliberately missing information. He also knew she held secrets from him, but that was okay, for he was certain he held more secrets than she did. This was her chance to 'show off' for him, not his to issue orders.

Betsy's consistent telegraphing of many of her moves – especially all of her elemental moves – early on in the left something to be desired, although as the battle progressed she got better and better. The Doppeldame impressed him. Her insane coordination and the power of her equipment balanced out the combat disparity between a Doppeldame and a Hyperdoll, though Betsy was slowly eliminating the duplicates used to achieve such a thing.

"Come out, come out wherever you are!" Betsy sang out, taunting. Three snarls sounded in reply, and Betsy darted after one of them, sword swinging. Prime and her surviving clones cursed simultaneously – the sense dampening aspects of this smoke failed to work on this target, for some strange reason – then leaped aside, as the curse had only allowed Betsy to home in on Prime. Beta and Gamma raced through the clouds to back her up, but they arrived too late.

Prime was disarmed, her staff out of the arena.

Beta and Gamma's blades shattered on Betsy's incredibly tough skin.

Prime stumbled out of the smoke, dazed. Two bright flashes lit the smoke up brilliantly, and Prime fell over convulsing.

Betsy stepped out of the slowly sinking cloud of smoke, wisps clinging to her skin, her sword held ready.

Prime pulled herself together, and a brace of daggers and a short sword appeared out of her subspace pocket.

"Got enough weapons?" Betsy asked, rolling her eyes.

"Not, possible," she gasped, "'Open fire' and 'Reload' are the only words that make sense!" she finished strongly, hurtling the daggers.

Betsy batted them all aside and rushed the short distance between her and Prime, going for a finishing move. She tossed her sword in front of her. Prime's eyes widened as chi visibly coalesced around Betsy's fist, before she punched her sword forwards at an insane speed.

Harry snorted. That was that, Betsy was clever. Using a Mega Punch to launch a weapon forward proved her ability at innovation, though it wouldn't have worked with any other blade. One less subject to teach her, he mused, and perhaps I should find her another sword. A returning weapon of some kind.

The blade stabbed deeply in the Doppeldame's stomach punching right through her armor, erupting out the other side and pinning her to the ground. Gregor started swearing, a streak of words strung so tightly together they were unintelligible, as he pulled out Prime's pokeball.

"It appears," he eventually ground out through clenched teeth, "that you are victorious, Mr. Potter. But," he grinned insanely, "you haven't won everything! I own everything she's got in her subspace storage pocket. I'll be reclaiming it all before handing it over to you."

"Tamer Blunderghast's Doppeldame is unable to continue! Winner, Tamer Potter!" Miranda cried out. "As there are complications involved in the completion of this battle, we adjourn to the PokeCenter." Harry greeted his 'girl with a hug, and then they moved to follow the Police Pokegirl. Gregor trailed behind them, silently cursing. He'd basically been hung out to dry – no way could any ordinary Tamer get a Hyperdoll working with him in under a day, right? It wasn't natural, people didn't form connections with Pokegirls so quickly! They only came after the 'girl was placed through great hardship, stress, and pain, stretched out over years. That's how his family formed bonds! It had worked for the past century! It was obvious to Gregor's small mind that the Night Watch was using Harry to wipe away a potential leak. His anger only grew, and he became determined to kill the man.

But not here, oh no, not here. He managed to rein his emotions in. He would kill Harry Potter, just as soon as he was out of the area.

Captain Strongarm released a sigh of relief. Sienna sensed her master relax and dissipated the power she had prepared, just in case. Despite their relaxed attitude, they too followed the Officer Jenny. It was his duty to keep an eye on Mr. Potter for as long as he was in Titfield Valley. He pitied the poor suckers who'd have to do it elsewhere, the man seemed to be a magnet for trouble.

Harry and Betsy finally made it out of the city several hours later, arguments and negotiations with an extremely recalcitrant Gregor Blunderghast delaying them for a long time. Then Harry had to wait as 'his' new Doppeldame and Betsy were both put through a healing cycle, then they had to go clothes shopping.

Clothes shopping with females. A worse fate could not exist for him, he who basically only wears handcrafted armor. Okay, so they also purchased weapons, but still.

At least Betsy looked sexy in everything she tried on. Especially the stuff they were buying for their unnamed Doppeldame, who had asked for a new name as soon as Gregor was out of the 'Center. As Harry had decided to wait before 'taming' his newest pokegirl, he hadn't let her out of her 'ball just yet.

Which served to explain why he kept fingering it as he looked around him.

"So," he eventually asked, "Was that what was supposed to happen, Betsy?"

"You wanted us to get up early for some reason or another. Was that it?"

She scrunched her face up, "I don't know exactly, Master, just that it would be a good idea. I didn't know exactly why it would be a good idea, only that it would be beneficial to us."

"Hmm. So where is this place supposed to be, anyway? And what was with the crowd earlier today?"

"Most people don't become Tamers at all, so watching Pokegirls fight is a bit of a treat for them. Especially in a place like Titfield Valley, which doesn't have a Gym of its own."

"So it's free entertainment?"


"And the other thing?"

"The Ranch closest to Titfield Valley is the – gasp – Titfield Valley Ranch. Unfortunately, it will take us several days to walk there, and it's not on the main path North, so we'll end up cross country sooner or later."

"I would think that the road would be more traveled..."

"It's a Sunday."

"What does that have to do with anything? I know it's a weekend day, but I still expected more traffic than this! Motorized vehicles, at least."

"Motor vehicles are strictly for the wealthy, elite units in the armed forces, or transport companies. The ranks of the wealthy tends to include Farmers, who usually use their vehicles to move produce. Civilians tend to have bicycles or motorcycles. This road here, the 'Five', stretches hundreds of miles from North to South and connects a great deal of the Western portion of the Sunshine League together.

"It's also a Sunday, which means that most people stick close to home. The only reason I can think of is that it's a leftover from pre-Sukebe times. It doesn't seem to hold true in most of the major cities, but it does in the villages and towns."

"A holdover from Christianity, eh? Interesting, but not important."

"Oh? What's important?"

"One moment," Harry replied, waving his hand around – a hand that suddenly held a wand.

Betsy looked at him curiously. "What did you just do?"

"Spells to prevent others from listening in to our next conversation and prevent lip reading, while simultaneously allowing us to hear and see threats," he replied, his wand disappearing. "We need to discuss secrets now, before one comes along and bites us in the ass."

"I, but, you, what?"

"Lets start with the easy ones. You tell me what you're holding back and why, and I'll tell you my story..."

Evening same day, Harry's Tent

"That's some story, Ma – Harry." Betsy shook her head, "Fighting a war for the freedom of yourself and your friends, all before you're eighteen, only to have the very people you fought for turn on you? And, if that wasn't enough," she continued, "you got the hair-brained idea to leave your world behind!" The two of them were cuddled together on the couch in Harry's Magical Tent, which had enough rooms to fit about twenty people in comfort, including bathrooms and showers and a large, well stocked kitchen. The look on Betsy's face when she saw the inside of the Tent was a priceless treasure Harry would keep for a long, long time.

"It worked, didn't it?" he shrugged.

"Yes, but still! That sort of thing is part of what led to the War of Revenge three centuries ago. Sukebe went a little crazy wandering between realities."

"That's what I have you for," he grinned widely. "Your story was impressive, too," he smirked. "An assassin? Really? Besides, my story was shorter than yours!"

"Shorter? You skipped almost all of your adventures after leaving that Hogwarts place!"

Harry winced. "I'll get around to them in due time, Betsy."

"And when will that be?"

"I'll let you know before it happens," he smirked.

"So why'd you tell me all of what you did?" So much, he's done so much...

"I know I need to learn to trust again, Betsy. If I can't trust you, then I can't trust anybody here, now can I?"

Telling me you are the Champion of two primal forces of reality certainly shows a lot of trust, Betsy thought. I promise to be worthy of your trust.

"Besides," Harry continued, ignorant of Betsy's thoughts, "now that I know everything you can do we can start training." Harry shook his head, "Those Dark attacks are going to be your trump cards, especially after you evolve into a celestial, but we're not going to focus on those."

"Oh? What will you focus on then?"

"For you, flight and swordfighting."

"Hey! I resent that." Harry shot a look at her. She winced. "Okay, so I need to get better. I'm three centuries out of practice."

"Good girl," Harry teased. She growled at him. "Ah-ah! None of that, now. We've got somebody new to meet, after all."

"Do we have to?" she pouted. "I quite liked having you all to myself," she said, sensuously pressing against his side.

"Mmm... but you were the one who suggested just yesterday that I needed to get more 'girls to keep me in 'character' and 'safe'," he chided.

"Ha! I knew it! You just want more sex. Am I not enough for you, Master?"

"Oh, you're plenty for me, Betsy. But we've got to think of the future, as well – there will be times when I will need far more help than you can provide."

"Fine, Harry. Just put me up in a Pokeball while you become acquainted with your newest acquisition." She replied coolly.

Harry wasn't stupid. "Hey, now, whoever said I was going to do that? She's going to be your, ah, 'Harem Sister', you need to get to know each other too. Perhaps even more than I need to 'get to know' her, as the two of you will be working together to the same end, that is keeping me alive."

"But –"

"Look at it this way. All we're doing right now is making a new friend. The unfortunate part is that, as she's a Pokegirl, she's going to automatically also be a sexual partner. Therefore, sex can't play a major role in any relationship with a pokegirl, as doing so would be like denying access to fresh air."

She just stared at him.

Harry sighed, "Denying Taming as a punishment or giving extra Tamings as a reward is wrong."

"Oh! Okay."

She's so steeped in the culture here she's forgotten what it was like before or during the War, Harry thought. No matter that I wasn't around for it, it doesn't seem like it was all that different from my Earth.

"So. Time to meet the Doppeldame," he said, pressing the button on the 'girls pokeball. A figure stumbled out of a red beam.

"Where are they? I feel so alone, they should be here. We had a healing cycle and then got some rest. Sisters? Where are you?" She mumbled. "I got into a fight. Master sent me into a fight. Against a Hyperdoll. Foolish Master, why do you hate me so?"

She looked around and blinked. "You aren't my Master. Who are you? Wait." She pointed, "You're the Hyperdoll I fought against, right? I lost, then? Of course I did. I can't feel any of my sisters." She sniffled, "I feel so alone," and hugged herself, her arms wrapped around her chest.

"Well shit,"

"Damn, she's fucked up. What do you think happened to her, Betsy?"

"I think it was a Level Five conditioning cycle when Gregor first bought her."

"Complete mind-wipe? That's nasty. But what does that have to do with now?"

"It's generally used as an extreme punishment, on par with execution for those who aren't humans. There is no known way to get around it, although some Pokegirl breeds are immune." Betsy replied, this new issue pulling her out of her funk. "And I have no idea why she's acting like this."

"Check the Pokedex Entry, would you?" Harry stepped towards the distraught 'girl. "Who were your sisters?" he asked gently.

"Shut up, my new not quite a Master. What do you care, anyway? I don't have my sisters anymore, I'm useless now."

"You mean your duplicates?" Harry realized. "Just focus. Focus on them, on what they were like. If you have the strength, they can come back to you. They will come back to you."

"Harry, it says here that losing a duplicate dramatically decreases a Doppeldame's magical reserves. In addition, if the Doppeldame runs low on magic, her duplicates start to disappear."

"So we need to build her reserves up, hmm?" he asked, gently holding the still sobbing 'girl.


"Alright, then."

"D-don't you talk about me like I'm not h-here! Where are they? I can't feel them. I can't feel any of them," she sniffled. "Why aren't you hurting me?"

Harry blinked. What, he thought.

Betsy wasn't nearly so reserved. "What."

The nameless Doppeldame sniffled. "I-it's what Master always said should be done to useless pokegirls. H-he said they should be punished, u-until they aren't useless anymore."

"Did your former Master ever say you were useless?"

"N-no. Not until I l-lost against your pokegirl, soon to be Master."

"So you weren't his pokegirl when he told you that." Harry said, wincing internally. He did not like the culture this world had built around Pokegirls. "He wanted to make you weak. He wanted to hurt you when he said those words. He never cared for you, he only cared about what you could do for him."

"N-not true!"

"Oh? Did he ever tell you so?"

She sniffled. "N-no. No, he never told me anything other than the next job he needed me to do. A-and whenever he wasn't home – which was frequently – I was keeping the house clean. N-never got a compliment if it was."

"Was it ever not clean?"

"When someone else was doing the cleaning. I, I don't remember her at all, only that she was declared 'useless'. Soon after I was the one cleaning the house."

"Something's off about this Gregor character," Betsy mumbled. "What was he up to, leaving his official pokegirl behind?" Harry shushed her.

"H-he was not nice to me," the clone-using pokegirl continued, having not heard Betsy's interruption. "When he tamed me he ignored my sisters, calling them my Hands. I was his bitch, his toy, his slut. Bitch was his favorite name for me, you see? When he had to – or felt it was circumspect – he called me 'Prime' or 'Alpha'. My hands were in sequence after me – Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, Zeta. But he never ordered them, never spoke to them, never allowed me to have the relationship with them that I needed! I ha – really don't like former Master."

"Another oddity," Betsy murmured.

"Great, conditioning. Not surprising, given that he's probably a criminal of some sort or another." Harry harrumphed. "Shh, he's not your master anymore. Shh. Your sisters will come back to you, just give them a little bit of time. Have they ever left you before?"

"Ye, no, I don't know," she sobbed. "Why can't I remember?"

"Do you think?"

"I think someone got to her after the fight but before we did. Fuck."

"Secrets. So many secrets," Harry sighed. "It also looks like she hasn't been allowed to recover from that Level Five conditioning cycle she went through. We're going to need a high powered psychic type to get to her recent memories, I can't do delicate mind work in other people's heads."

"And we're not likely to pick up a high powered psychic type anytime soon, now are we?"

"I don't know," he said aloud, "Let's see if I can find out." Betsy quirked an eyebrow, wondering how he's going to find out; their new Doppeldame just huddled there.

"Hey you two up there? Any ideas?"

"Sorry, Harry, we can't see the future. If we had Time with us we could, but we don't know where she is," Life replied.

"Tough luck, Champion. You'll manage without those memories for a while, though."

"Gee, thanks for the heads up, Death."

"Oh, you are most welcome!" she and Life laughed in response. "Now get back to your new 'girl." Harry didn't dignify that last statement with a reply. He had another option... if it turned out something else was wrong with her.

"Nope, no idea," he answered at last.

"So we're going to have to deal with her the slow way."

"Yup. The long, slow way," Harry said, rocking their new Doppeldame, who was somehow still crying.

Several hours later...

"Isn't it really unhealthy for somebody to cry this much?"

"Yeah. At least she's slowed down recently, though. Perhaps she'll be coherent soon."

Harry and Betsy had made small talk for the past several hours, chatting about nothing in particular. It was nearly midnight by now, but neither of them were pressed for time.

"M-master?" the crying 'girl mumbled. "Sleep now, Master. Talk more – sniffle – later."

"Alright, we can go to sleep." Harry said, picking up the Doppeldame bridal style and carrying her to the tent's Master Bedroom.

"I'll go over there, Harry." Betsy said, pointing out a side room.

"Oh, no you're not. You are helping me with the girl you beat the shit out of."


"No buts. Now get in here, or do you not want to cuddle?"


Miles away, back in Titfield Valley...

"Are we getting any data from her?" a shrouded man asked.

"No," replied a second man, this one wearing a lab coat and spectacles. "The clone is being most stubborn. All she'll say is that she's lonely, and wants to know where her sisters are. Our psychics have managed to probe into her mind, and it appears that she is lonely – she can't feel the connection she has to her originator. Our psychics can and have sifted through the information they have received via the connection, but they haven't gotten much. The Doppeldame's been in her pokeball until tonight, and she broke down the instant she was let out."

"Keep at it."

"Sir, if we do it for much longer he'll know something's up."

"I said, keep at it. This is a Case Twelve we're dealing with, one that probably arrived under his own power, instead of the sheer number of accidents that keep getting dropped on us. We need that level of power if we're to ever uncover everything Sukebe did and claim it for ourselves! We need those genes of his, too."

"Yes, sir."

"Oh, and compliment Gwen for me when you see her next, would you? She did a fantastic job on Gregor and his Doppeldame. Idiot Night Watch, bunch of boring, stereotypical low level criminals. Made it really easy for our forces to get to the 'girl. And the Tamer, well, he'll do what he would have done anyway." His grin was oddly sharklike for an individual with no water pokegirls in his ancestry, "He'll just hit a little bit harder."

"Certainly, sir."

"The uplifting of the human race has already begun," he continued. "It is our job to finish his work by any means necessary."

"Of course, sir," the subordinate said, rolling his eyes behind dark glasses. No way was he going to stay after the boss left.

"I will be leaving immediately. Case Twelves, so unpredictable..." he muttered.

The doctor nodded his agreement, not that his boss noticed.

Hours Later, but still long before dawn

Something's wrong with her, Harry mused as he idly watched the broken pokegirl in his arms. Nothing was wrong prior to the battle, and nothing was wrong – other than the loss of her duplicates – after it was over.

Something must have happened between the time when the 'girl was turned over for healing at the PokeCenter and the time she was handed over to him. Something rather nasty, as evidenced by the condition the 'girl was still in.

At this rate, it wouldn't be possible to train her when the sun rose. In fact, it may not be possible to train her at all... Crap. He'd have to resort to one of those items. Harry sighed in a mixture of worry and relief.

Those items were the ones he never sold. Never told anybody about. The items he hid so well, he might as well not even have them, for he would have difficulty reaching them under duress. He'd designed the protections to be as close to absolute as possible. Nothing else would do for many of the most powerful artifacts the world had ever known. He looked around once more. It wasn't even three in the morning.

He'd get what he was thinking of in the morning. Before either of his girls woke up. The 'his girls' didn't even register in his thoughts.

Cast of Important Characters

Harry's Harem:

Betsy: Hunter Hyperdoll. Once an Assassin during the War of Revenge, she only recently evolved into a Hyperdoll due to a desire to hide her nature as a Hunter. Is very out of practice when it comes to actually fighting.

Nameless Doppeldame: unusual for a DD, her duplicates have a wide variety of hair colors and she enjoys combat and violence. Recently mind-fucked by an unknown faction, on top of several prior mind-fucks, have left her a bit of a mess.

Other Characters:

Captain Samuel Strongarm: Human, only human Captain in the Stockton Legion. Has a personal harem of one pokegirl, Sienna, a Ka-D-Bra that he is Delta Bonded with.

Gregor Blunderghast: Minor villain and scapegoat. Slightly more intelligent than his deceased cousin Bartholomew. No longer has an 'official' Harem. Is out for revenge.

Ending A/N:

I have a poll up! Where in the world, or multiverse, is Alleria Windrunner? I have several ideas! Let me know where she is, or if she's elsewhere! Poll will be up until I take it down!

Thank you goku90504 for pointing out the errors I made in the previous chapter. Oops!

Kid Coheed: We'll see what he gets.

Plums: You make a good point, but the pokegirl world is a large, nasty, dirty place. I was going to have more of that in this chapter than I did, but your point is why I removed it and wrote the first scene instead - poking a little fun at myself.

CapnJackSparrow21: My objective is once every two weeks. Obviously, I failed at that this time around, but chapter five is about 25% done already.

Wolfey141: I have a lot of ideas about how to handle that. I'm probably going to go with the craziest one I can think of, but it'll be a while before we get to it.

basa93: Thank you for the reply to my PM, it helped in writing this chapter and planning for future chapters, though I admit I'd forgotten all about it. He's going to fill out a relatively balanced Harem within a few chapters. Where he goes after Azeroth is still up in the air.

Acolyte of the Blood Moon: She gets a new, 'real' name, next chapter.

Cal the Puppet: We'll see.

Kaemon Manzo: That sounds like a good idea. IMPLEMENTED as of this chapter.

Skullduggery Goodfellow: It is a stereotype. *shrugs* Thanks! The genders of the 'powers that be' will have some importance later, but I haven't worked it out yet, I need to finish Book One first!

Thank you GhostWagon, PotterinCanada, Meteorthunder3, karthik9, Guest, Jake, Fateburn, KoniK47, nadirjohn, Aeonir, another Guest, Artemis-Ikana, Okiro Zangetsu, Frytrix, Doc3266, ZachN17 for reviewing!