Here is my new fanfic, yes I know I'm going everywhere with these fics but whatever I'm hooked on, I just go with it. Also, two things, this takes place after The Rush of Ash but Ash is still 15, yes I know the timeline is crazy and I don't know when I'll start from the beginning. Also Ash is going to be in his Assassin garb, I decided to take down the poll and do things my own way, sry everyone I'm not a patient person at times. And to show my annoyance, here's a flipped table. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻. I don't own RWBY, Pokemon, and what little Assassin's Creed is in this.

Update: This has been updated to better fit the Manga.

"Ash, you have a letter". A female voice shouts out. The voice belongs to a pony-tailed brunette in her mid 30's, this is Ash's mother Delia.

"Coming mom". Ash's voice rings from upstairs.

How is Ash home you ask, After 5 years of traveling, training, and adventures, Ash decided to come home where he was greeted by an excited Mr. Mime, a teary Delia, and a dog pile from his Pokemon.

"What's the letter for mom"? Ash wonders while looking at the letter in his mother's hands.

"It came in the mail this morning, it is signed by a Professor Ozpin, but no return address". She explains in a confused tone.

"Lets me have a look". Ash says before taking the letter and sitting down on the couch.

Unsheathing the hidden blade on his wrist, Ash cuts open the letter before seeing two things inside, a written piece of paper, and a ticket. Raising an eyebrow, Ash takes out the ticket before laying it on the table, and pulling out the letter to read it.

Dear Ash Ketchum.

I am sure you are wondering where this letter has come from, and why.

This letter, ticket, and my offer has come from a different world unlike your own.

"Wait what"? Ash asks before reading again.

I have heard of you from an unknown source, If you wish for answers, come to our world for your answers.

This is no trap I assure you, just a man asking for help, if you wish to come, grab the ticket, go outside, and hold it to the sky.

If not, then destroy the letter and ticket, it's your choice.

Sign Professor Ozpin.

"Hmm, what could this 'Ozpin' want"? Ash wonders while looking at the ticket.

"What is it honey"? Delia asks.

"Looks like I'm on another adventure mom". Ash explains before going upstairs.

"What does that mean"? She asks while watching her son.

While waiting for her son to come down, Delia grabs the letter and looks over it as well, her emotion's changed from confusion, fear, and relief. "I'm going to that world for answers". Ash's voice rings from behind her.

Turning around, Delia saw that Ash was in his Assassin robes and currently checking the ticket.

"Well, usually I wouldn't let you do this after being gone for 5 years, but when you got your sight's on something you won't stop, but is there anyway to keep in contact if your in another world"? Delia asks while staring in concern.

To answer her question, Ash pulls out his Poke gear he got from his mom a couple of weeks back. "I can adjust the settings and make them able to connect across worlds". Ash explains before connecting it to his mothers phone and typing a couple of numbers in.

"There, you can call me from wherever I'll be". Ash confirms before grabbing the ticket and pulling his hood up. "Good luck son". Delia says while watching Ash hold the ticket in the air. In an instant, a blinding flash erupted from the ticket, taking Ash with it.

In a world known as Remnant, a castle like structure named Beacon Academy stood, in front of the academy were two people. One was a man with grey hair with a cane, an unzipped black suit over a black-buttoned vest, with a green undershirt underneath, and a coffee mug in his hand. Another was a blond woman with her hair in a bun, she wears a white long-sleeved suit, and puffy sleeves that tighten near the wrist before spreading back out near her hands. Her lower body has a black business skirt with buttons running in a vertical line up the front of it and lighter black-brown stockings. These two people are Professor Ozpin and Glynda Goodwitch.

"Are you sure he will accept the invitation Ozpin"? Glynda asks while looking at the sky.

"I'm sure, from what I've been told, Ash seems like a person that won't ignore a person in need". Ozpin assures before smirking as a light shows in the middle of the courtyard.

Coming out of the light was Ash, still in the same stance he was in. "Welcome, glad to see you came Ashton". Ozpin welcomes.

Ash flinches slightly at the use of his full name. "Just call me Ash sir". Ash says before walking towards them.

"Of course, so I'm sure you want answers"? Ozpin asks which Ash nods to. "Then follow me". He says before walking to the academy with Glynda and Ash in tow.

Inside Ozpin's office, Ash grabbed a chair and flipped it over out of habit before sitting down. "So, how do you know about me"? Ash asks with a slight edge in his tone and his hood down.

"With this". Ozpin says before pulling out a tablet and tapping a couple of buttons, on the tablet was a recording of a person telling all about Ash, his abilities, age, adventures, where to find him, etc, the recording startled Ash a good amount, how does this person know so much about him? "That's all we have to show, I'm sorry if it isn't much". Ozpin apologizes before giving the tablet to Glynda. Ash however remained silent in order to process the information he's been given.

"Who was that voice, I recognize it from somewhere". Ash thinks before looking back at Ozpin and activating his Aura vision, he notices that both Ozpin and Glynda are a sharp blue. "Well, at least I know I can trust you". Ash says out loud before looking back at Ozpin. "What do you need my help with"? Ash asks, getting back on track.

"Our world has been in a struggle with the creatures of Grimm". Ozpin starts but was interrupted.

"Okay, and what are those"? Ash asks while ignoring Glynda's glare.

"Grimm, are creatures of darkness that have no soul or Aura". Ozpin explains.

Ash's eyes widen at the sound of aura before looking down at his hands and letting a little aura show. "You mean this"? Ash asks holding his hand out.

"That's right, and we need your help with not only them, but the White Fang". Ozpin says. "They are a group of Faunus who have banded together to give equal rights to both human and Faunus". Ozpin explains before Ash could interrupt.

"What's a Faunus"? Ash asks, getting more interested in this world.

"Faunus are people with animal like traits, like bunny ears or a monkey tail". Ozpin explains while Ash's eyes widen slightly at the last part. "I see". Ash mutters to himself.

"Anyway, my school is design to turn young men and women into Huntsmen and Huntresses". Ozpin continues. "These are people who swore to defend our world from the Grimm". Ozpin exclaims.

"Well, what do you need my help for"? Ash asks, confused.

"You however, have skills unlike any person in this world, you can help stop this war, and bring our land to peace". Ozpin explains while giving Ash a slight smile.

"So what do you want me to do"? Ash asks.

"I want you to join my school, and to become a Huntsman, that way people won't question a 15 year old boy, fighting off Grimm with no links, you would become a public target for the wrong people".

Ozpin offers and explains at the same time. "Hmm, may I call my mother and give her the details"? Ash asks. "Of course, wouldn't want you to join school without your mothers permission". Ozpin agrees.

Walking outside, Ash presses a couple of buttons on his Poke Gear and lets it ring for a second before his mothers face shows on the other side. "Oh, Ash great to see that your alright, what happened"? Delia asks with a concerned look.

"Apparently Professor Ozpin want's me to attend his school". Ash answers.

"What"? Delia exclaims in confusion.

"Allow me to explain for you Ash, you can have a look around". Ozpin's voice offers behind him.

"Oh, sure thanks". Ash thanks before handing the Poke Gear to Ozpin and stepping into the courtyard.

Looking around, Ash notices that the place is well kept, hearing noises, Ash looks up and notices airships flying in to the docks. "This should be interesting". Ash mutters before heading that direction with his hood back up. Looking around, Ash notices a blond male throwing up in a trashcan, Ash walks up to him and pats him on the back. "You don't look so good". Ash says while the man lifts his head up, showing blue colored eyes.

"I don't feel so good". He replies.

"Here let me help". Ash offers before putting a hand on the mans chest and letting his aura seep through. The man watches as the aura fades into his stomach and instantly calms his aching stomach.

"Thanks your a lifesaver". He thanks while shaking Ash's hand.

"Think nothing of it, I'm Ash". Ash introduces.

"I'm Jaune, nice to meet ya". The man named Jaune says. "Anyway I gotta go, see you at the ceremony". Jaune waves goodbye while walking off.

"Ceremony"? Ash mumbles in confusion.

Back at Ozpin, Ash recently returned just as Ozpin finished up. "Ah, Ash good to see you, I'm sure you got a good look at the place"? Ozpin welcomes as Ash takes his Poke Gear back.

"So, what did she say"? Ash wonders.

"She says it's alright, because she's a little happy for you actually getting an education". Ozpin explains with a grin.

"Also she says to make sure to change your you know what". Ozpin finishes as Ash face faults.

"Good grief mom". Ash mutters.

"Well in that case, it would be an honor to come to your school". Ash says with a bow.

"And it is an honor to have you here". Ozpin agrees.

"By the way what's this Ceremony I've been hearing about"? Ash asks.

At those words, Ozpin's eyes widen for a second before he pulls out the tablet and taps a message to Glynda."I almost forgot about the Ceremony, we need to hurry, come on". Ozpin exclaims before running with Ash right behind him.

At the Ceremony, Ash noticed various people lined up, he looks to his right and notices Jaune looking slightly depressed. "Hey Jaune, what's up"? Ash asks as Jaune turns to him.

"Oh, Ash great to see ya again". Jaune says with a slight smile.

"That stomach ache again"? Ash asks with a raised eyebrow.

"No, just a little upset about my first friend at Beacon walking off". Jaune explains while pointing to a trio of girls.

One was dressed in white with blue eyes, and is currently yelling at a blonde girl, with lilac eyes who was strangely, holding a black haired girl with red streaks with a cloak, dressed in black.

"What am I chopped liver"? Ash criticizes with a grin.

Jaune looks at him with a stunned look. "You mean were friends"? He asks dumbfounded.

"Of course". Ash assures with a grin.

Jaune smiles slightly at that.

"Why don't we go talk to them"? Ash asks while turning and chuckling as the white haired girl shows the two a documentary.

"It would be best, it seems like they're having a rough time with Weiss". Jaune explains while pointing to the white haired girl now named Weiss.

Walking over, Ash notices that the three have calmed down slightly, he notices the black/red haired girl's face brightened slightly at seeing Jaune. "Hey Jaune what's up"? She asks while walking towards him.

"Not much after you left me at the entrance". He replies with a smirk.

The girl blushed slightly while rubbing her head. "I would like you to meet someone, meet Ash, Ash this is Ruby Rose". Jaune introduces.

"Nice to meet you". Ash says with a smile. Ruby seems to be slightly uneasy around him, Ash seems to figure that out quickly. "It's the hood isn't it"? Ash says bluntly while Ruby nods. Taking off his hood, Ash decides to introduce himself again. "Lets start over, I'm Ash". He says with a extended hand.

"Ruby Rose, and this is my sister Yang Xiao Long". Ruby introduces both her and the older girl. "Nice to meet you". She explains before getting close. "So cutie, are you single"? She asks while Ash blinks, but nods nonetheless. He notices her grin before she gets right in a face. "Cute name, cute single boy, me like". She purrs while Ash blushes and takes a step back.

"Yang! cut it out"! Ruby interrupts by pulling her sister back. "Chill out Ruby, I'm just teasing". She says while winking at Ash who cringes slightly. Ash finally notices the white haired girl getting a little steamed.

"And you are"? Ash asks in a polite tone.

"Weiss Schnee, and I suppose you are Ash"? She asks.

"Yes I am, nice to meet you". Ash greets with a grin and an outstretched hand.

Weiss stares at it for a second before shaking his hand. "Hey look, Professor Ozpin is about to talk". Jaune alerts while the rest turns to see Ozpin on stage. Ash however, couldn't help but think what awaits in this school.

After the speech, Ozpin told all of the first years that they need to sleep in a ball room in order to get their dorms ready. Ash was leaning against a wall, dressed in only a black shirt and jeans with his robes piled beside him and his hidden blades on his wrist, just in case. Right when he was about to fall asleep, he heard a loud duo of "Not you again"! startling him out of his sleep. Looking over, Ash notices that Yang, and Weiss were at each others throat's with Ruby trying to calm them down, and a black haired cat eyed girl leaning against the wall with a slightly annoyed look on her face. Deciding that they weren't going to stop, Ash gets up and walks across the made up border between the men and women who were all annoyed that they can't sleep. Ash walks behind Ruby before tapping her on the head, getting her attention. Ruby turns around and the first things she sees is a pair of brown eyes staring back at her with annoyance.

"Care to explain why you four are talking up a storm"? Ash asks while Ruby blushes in embarrassment.

"Well, it all started with us talking to Blake over there". She starts while pointing to the now named Blake.

"And then Yang decides to embarrass me which led us to get into a fight, and then Yang and Weiss got into a fight which led to you coming here". She finishes while Yang waves slightly at the sight of him as Weiss looked away.

"Regardless, we need to get to sleep, could you allow us that"? Ash asks while rubbing his forehead.

"Yes sir". She answers with a slight blush before grabbing her sisters hand and dragging her away.

Looking over, Ash saw Weiss heading back the wherever and Blake going back to her reading, which Ash was slightly interested in. "Hey, I don't think we properly introduced ourselves". Ash says with a grin. Blake stares at him before extending her arm, which Ash accepts. "So, what's your book about"? Ash asks curiously.

"It's about a man with two souls, each fighting for control". She answers.

"I can relate". Ash mutters to himself, but Blake happened to hear. "What do you mean"? She asks in slight confusion. "I'll explains later, for now goodnight". Ash says before walking back over and falling asleep. "Goodnight". Blake mutters before blowing out her candle.

Ahh this was so long, my head hurts, so yea, I decided to give Ash his Assassin uniform because I think he needs more work with it. So how to you like it, review, fave, follow, whatever. This is Oathkeeper0317 signing out.