Mako's POV (one year later)

I am currently in my room at air temple island crying on my bed. I miss my Korra, why did she leave with that boy moments after I admitted I was in love with her. I hope she will return to me. I love her so much that all I want to do is grab her by the hips and cuddle with her. I hear the door open and turn to see bolin staring at me sadly.

"Mako are you ok?" he asks me. I whimper and shake my head no. I want my girl back. I want to hold her close and kiss her senselessly. Bolin comforts me and has me get ready to go to narook's noodles with him,pabu,and asami. When we were at the park we saw an old fire nation balloon (like the one aang saw in the chamber of the eastern air temple). It landed about fifty feet away from us. The next thing we know four boys around our age hop out of the balloon and I noticed that the all looked alike except they were all wearing different styles of clothes. One was wearing water tribe cloths,one was wearing fire nation clothes, one was dressed like an earthbender,and the last was wearing an outfit that was somewhat similar to what I was wearing when Korra defeated amon. I also noticed that they looked familiar but I don't know why. Suddenly the boy in water tribe cloths helps a girl dressed in fire nation clothes. I see her face and I did the only thing I could think of.

"Korra" I yelled happily. 'my lover is back' I think to myself joyously. She looked around when she heard my voice and when her eyes landed on me she gasped and got the boys attention and said something to them and they nodded. She then begins to run towards me. I open my arms excitedly and she runs into them. I hug her tightly and nuzzle my face into her neck lovingly not wanting to ever let her go.

"I missed you so much" I told her beginning to cry. She looks at me for a second and then began to kiss away my tears.

"I missed you too" she tells me before kissing my cheek lovingly.