This one's Samickle/Oki Hope you like it (My Head canon will always be Mating Season)

Chapter 1: Mating Season

The cold winter wind blew; messing up Oki's hair and making him tense to suppress a shiver as he headed toward Wep'Keer. He climbed the steep hill that lead to the village and was nearly knocked over when Kai ran passed, she put a hand on Oki's chest to steady him

"Sorry about that, Oki,"

She quickly apologized before running off. Oki stared after her and cocked his head to the left in confusion; what was that about? He shook his head and continued up to Wep'Keer, he took in the familiar sight as he entered the village and let out a happy sigh before heading over to Samickle's hut. Earlier that week everyone had been bustling around; getting ready for something, except for Samickle. He had just hold up in his hut and refused to leave, or see anybody, and nobody would tell Oki why. Said boy stood outside Samickle's door and frowned when a crash sounded; followed by some cursing. Oki raised his fist to knock

"Go away Oki; I can smell you a mile away,"

Samickle called. Oki flinched somewhat at the harshness of Samickle's tone then dropped his fist; he cocked his head to smell himself and frowned when he found nothing out of the ordinary. Oki frowned then pounded on the door

"Let me in!"

He snapped. There was some rustling before the door opened a crack; it didn't take Oki long to notice Samickle wasn't wearing his mask. Oki could only see Samickle's eye as he glared out at the younger Oina

"Oki, go home; it's not safe out here right now,"

He muttered. Oki frowned

"I'm not weak,"

He snarled; how dare Samickle imply that Oki couldn't take whatever was going on around here. Samickle snarled; causing Oki to flinched at how feral it sounded

"I'm not calling you weak, I'm calling you pure….. And naïve apparently,"

He snarled. Oki's eyes narrowed

"I'm not naïve!"

He snapped. Samickle rolled his eyes at the naïve boy

"Please, just go home; I don't have the patience to deal with you today,"

He groaned before closing the door. Oki scoffed and crossed his arms before sitting down with his back against the door

"I'm not leaving!"

He called to Samickle. Oki heard the chief groan loudly

"You are such a pain!"

He snapped; again, feral. Oki frowned and stood; sparing Samickle's hut one last glance before heading over to see Kemu. The young warrior walked in and looked around until he saw Kemu; the elder looked up at Oki

"How kind of you to knock, Oki,"

He drawled sarcastically.

"What's going on around here?"

Oki demanded. Kemu sighed

"I don't know what you mean?"

He shrugged. Oki frowned

"Why is everybody acting so weird?"

He asked. Kemu clasped his hands behind his back

"Define 'weird',"

He insisted. Oki shrugged

"Kai seems all jumpy and Samickle is…. Well…"

He trailed off at the thought of the elder male; he wasn't all that different but Oki could tell something was off. Kemu straightened; in what appeared to be panic

"Samickle is what?"

He tried to sound calm, but failed.

"I don't know….."

Oki paused then thought back to the way Samickle had sounded

"He seems…. Feral,"

The young Oina finished. Kemu swallowed nervously, before sighing deeply

"How old are you now, Oki?"

He asked. Oki shrugged


He answered plainly. Kemu nodded

"You know that we Oina carry beast blood in us, yes?"

He started. Oki nodded

"Well… That means sometimes we're somewhat…. Beastly,"

He continued. Oki tilted his head

"Could you get to point?"

He pushed. Kemu nodded

"It's….. Mating season,"

He answered after some careful consideration

"2 or even 3 times a year, our beast blood becomes stronger then our human blood; this is Mating Season, it's the time of year our wolf blood wishes to find a mate,"

He explained. Oki blinked

"Oh….. So…. What's wrong with Samickle?"

He asked. Kemu shrugged

"As opposed to normal wolves; where only the female goes into heat, both sexes get it pretty bad this time of year. Samickle tends to just get it worse than most,"

He explained flippantly. Oki looked to the floor

"I see,"

He mumbled. Kemu patted Oki on the shoulder

"I'm amazed no one has explained this to you…. I'm even more amazed you have experienced what I'm talking about,"

He sighed. Oki blushed slightly and turned to leave

"Oki…. You're pure, correct?"

Kemu asked before the young warrior could run off. Oki looked back at the village Elder

"Y-You mean 'virgin', right?"

He stammered awkwardly. Kemu nodded, Oki swallowed thickly


He muttered. Kemu sighed

"Be careful,"

He warned. Oki suppressed a whimper; Kemu was the second person to tell him that today.

"Uuh… Why do I have to be careful?"

He asked. Kemu sighed again

"Because you are a virgin, that is craved, you're a sexually mature virgin; you're an ideal mate…. Just watch yourself,"

He warned. Oki sighed
