Author's Note – Ownership of the cover-image goes to Batwynn, as it is her picture. Much thanks to Cassy27 for her help with this story.
Chapter Seven || Safe Place to Hide
"Thor. We need to talk."
It couldn't have come at a worse time. Thor had just finished tying his hair up into a messy bun when Frigga rattled her knuckle against his open door, a firm look on her face that only spelled trouble. Thor didn't want to deal with it, but what other choice did he have? He had been putting off the lectures and the questions about what had been going on with him for several days now. It was bound to happen eventually.
"Everything is fine, mother," Thor replied, not even bothering to look in her direction. He wanted to go to school early, wanting to see if he could catch a glimpse of Loki. Did he even go to school early? Maybe Clint did. He was much more approachable than Natasha was. "School's fine, Stark's a wonderful human being, and my grades are great."
"That's wonderful to hear, Thor, but that's not why we're here," Oh, so his father was there, too. Yes, it was definitely going to be one of those mornings. He turned around and found his parents standing just inside his door, Frigga with her arms crossed and Odin holding a sheet of paper in his hands. "We've had a very interesting morning. You wouldn't believe who called us."
"You remember Heimdall? He's recently been promoted to Captain at the police-station. He called and thanked us in advance for the bigger donation they would be getting this Christmas. Quite interesting, isn't it? We had no idea. After a bit of investigating, we found that a bottle of water was bought and a hundred dollars was withdrawn from a little store downtown, a few shops from the police-station."
Thor could feel dread sinking in. He looked from his father to his mother and back, forced himself to school his expression, and shrugged his shoulders. "I don't understand."
"Stop lying to us, Thor!" Frigga snapped, her light blue eyes flashing in warning. Thor immediately snapped his mouth shut.
"Heimdall said it was nice seeing you again," Odin continued on as though Frigga and Thor hadn't said a word. He was too calm, too relaxed. It certainly wouldn't end well for Thor. "Now, tell me, Thor. Just what did he mean by that?"
He could lie again, but what would be the point? They could either get the answer out of him or they could simply call Heimdall back and question him. Somehow Thor thought that hearing it from him would be slightly better. Either way, they wouldn't be happy with him. That was what he was worried about the most. What would they do?
Swallowing thickly, Thor shrugged his shoulders. "I have this new friend … he was accused of holding cannabis in his locker and was arrested for it. But it wasn't his and … Stark was being a jerk and framed him, I paid his fine."
Neither parent said a word. It was like watching a car-wreck. Each second that passed, the damage was getting bigger and bigger. He could see the vein in Odin's temple pulsing faster and faster as the seconds wore on, could see the muscles in Frigga's neck tighten and jolt. No, forget the car-wreck. It was like watching a volcano seconds before it was about to erupt. Thor braced himself for the blast.
"This … friend," Frigga started, and Thor could practically hear how difficult it was for her to control herself. "How do you even know that the drugs weren't his?"
"Because he has too much to lose," Thor replied immediately. He believed his words. He might not know Loki a whole lot, but he knew that much. Loki was defensive and obviously protecting something – or someone, with the way he had spoken to him the last time Thor poked and prodded for an answer – so he wouldn't try to endanger his future like that. "Tony was just angry, because I stopped hanging out with him. Oh, and it also might have something to do with the fact that he's an asshole and he was getting back at me by going through my friend."
He was pushing it. He could tell by the way his parents grew incredibly sill, as though they were begging and pleading with the gods to give them the patience they needed to handle this situation. Honestly, Thor didn't know what the problem was. He tossed the towel he had been using to dry his hair – before he put it up into a bun, of course – onto his desk chair. It was time to get out of there. His parents were getting pissed and the last thing Thor wanted to deal with was their wrath. He had too much on his mind. Grabbing his backpack, he swung it over his shoulder, giving them a pointed look when they had yet to say anything.
"I don't know why you're getting so upset. It's my money."
"It's our money, you stupid boy!" Frigga screamed, causing Thor to take a step back, because that was the first time that she had ever shouted at him before. His mouth gaped open and he stopped breathing entirely.
"Who is this new friend of yours?" Odin asked, looking more composed, though there was a tone to his voice that commanded obedience. It was a tone that told Thor that he wasn't playing around, that he wanted an answer and the right one or there would be consequences.
"His name is Loki."
"And did you happen to befriend him two week ago?"
"Yeah …" Thor furrowed his brow. Why would his father know that …?
"Ah, so that explains it," Odin replied, sending his wife a knowing look. Thor looked all the more confused. What were they talking about? Odin's one good eye turned back to Thor. "We've been wondering why you have been acting so strange lately, disobedient. It appears as though your attitude is the cause of this drug-addicted thug you've been hanging out with so much."
Thor bristled. "He is not a thug and he doesn't do drugs. You don't even know him."
"And apparently you don't, either. You are no fool. You wouldn't jeopardise your future by hanging out with someone who is beneath you," Odin shot back.
Thor could hardly believe it. He could feel the anger inside of him intensifying the longer he remained in his parent's presence. He told himself to go, to just not say a word, because saying a word would open up so many other problems, but Thor couldn't help himself. They had no right. "Your future, you mean."
"I beg your pardon?"
"It's not my future, it's your future. Borson Industries is going downhill, right? I've read the papers – you're just a few months away from filing for bankruptcy. That's why you've been doing all of this. You wanted me to get close to Stark, because you want in his father's business. You forced me into clubs and community service projects to give me a good recommendation, so that I would be the obvious successor, because you can't stand your brother. You've been running my life, because you screwed up your own and you want to start over using me," Thor shook his head, his sparkling blue eyes shimmering brightly due to his anger. In that moment, he actually hated his parents. They should be loving and supportive, but all they were was selfish and cruel. "Well, that ends today. I'm quitting football. I've isolated myself away from Stark and his friends. I've made new ones – better ones. I don't want Borson Industries. I don't want it. I'm tired of living like this. I'm done."
"Do you hear how stupid you sound?" Frigga hissed. Despite his ire, Thor was wary of her. His mother just looked … hateful. Sharp lines and fine edges, she stood tall and proud and dangerous. She wasn't a woman to be trifled with and Thor was only fuelling her rage. "We are securing your future. We're –"
"You're trying to live through me," Thor interrupted. "But that ends now."
Nothing else was said. Nothing else was needed to be said. Of course, Odin and Frigga were furious, tried to cover their crimes with pretty words about how they were only trying to take care of him and give him a comfortable and stable future, but Thor heard none of it. He pushed his way past his parents and started moving down the hall, breaking into a jog when he heard their approaching footsteps behind them. They were screaming at him now, but Thor didn't stop. He ran down the stairs and slipped out the door.
There would be hell to pay when he finally returned home later on that day, but Thor didn't care. He had stood up to his parents, had put them in their places. He had put his foot down and put a stop to the madness. He had done it. He was free.
-x- -x- -x-
Climbing out of his car and swinging his backpack over his shoulder, Thor knew that something was up. There were a few students who were standing around, talking to themselves and laughing. Thor thought nothing of it, but when he started walking towards the school, he realised that that was where Tony usually parked. As he walked by, he could definitely tell what all the fuss was about.
His tires were completely slashed. It was almost comical how destroyed they were. Someone had stabbed the tire and ran it around the entire circumference, the car now resting entirely on the rims, which were bending and dented slightly due to the weight. That hadn't been it, though. All of the windows were shattered and the red paint job … well, someone had taken to keying the car to a new level. When it was all said and done, Tony's one-of-a-kind car now looked like a piece of junk that was picked up at a used-car lot.
Thor snorted and kept walking, grinning to himself. Yeah, it was kind of a jerk move, but after everything that Stark had done to Loki … well, Thor wanted to shake the hand and buy the guy who actually did it lunch.
Of course, he should have known that he wouldn't have gotten into the school without being seen by the bastard. Right before he could walk up the stairs to the front entrance, he heard his name being shouted. Turning around, he could see that Tony was standing in front of his car, sun-glasses gripped in one hand and pushing Pepper away with the other.
"Did you do that or did one of your new friends?" He demanded, voice loud and confrontational, but Thor wasn't in the mood. He was enjoying the sight way too much to get angry at the accusation in his tone.
"I don't know what you're talking about. I just got here," Thor shrugged, not even bothering to hide the grin on his face, because honestly, this was too priceless.
Tony wasn't amused, though, not in the least. He was shaking his head, cursing at Pepper to stop touching him; cursing at the other people who were standing around to piss off or he'd make their lives a living hell. Thor didn't bother waiting. He continued to climb up the steps to get into the school, almost laughing at how ridiculous Tony sounded as he walked into the building.
"You've just started a war, my friend. You hear me!"
Tony was long forgotten when he walked into the building. He felt … new, fresh, as though he wasn't trying to be someone he wasn't, as though he wasn't scrambling for answers to questions he wasn't even sure of. Thor felt good, really good.
"Hey," Clint said, and Thor almost jumped, because he was too lost in thought to even hear Clint come up on his left. "Just get here?"
"Uh, yeah, just pulled up," After a second, though, he grinned. "It was you, wasn't it? You totalled his car."
"Someone had to divert the cameras and create a distraction for the five-minute operation."
Thor did jump that time, head snapping to the right at the sound of Natasha's voice. She wasn't looking at him, but Thor could tell that she looked very pleased with getting away with it.
"We're going out for lunch today, the four of us," Thor said, shaking his head, a smile on his face. "After everything that you guys just did, you sure as hell deserve it."
"It'll just be the three of us," Clint said, shrugging his shoulders when Thor turned to look at him. They stopped at Thor's locker. "Loki's been suspended. He said three days – won't be back until Friday."
Whatever semblance of a good mood Thor was able to create was immediately shattered. It made sense, Loki getting suspended. Regardless of it being planted in his locker, the cannabis was in Loki's locker, and there was no evidence proving that it was planted. The school wouldn't allow him to get away with that. Punishment had to be dealt. But it was still frustrating and after everything that happened yesterday, Thor wanted to see Loki, and talk to him. Where were they at? Were they still friends?
Thor shook his head and sighed slightly before giving a small smile to Clint and Natasha. They were with him on their own volition. That had to mean something, right? "It'll be the three of us then."
"Loki told us everything," Natasha spoke up. Thor turned to her, wondering just what 'everything' implied. At least that would explain as to why she was actually willing to talk to him, while before, she didn't seem as though she wanted anything to do with him. Small miracles, Thor supposed.
"Yeah, that was really great of you, man, paying that fine for him," Clint nodded his head in agreement, smacking Thor on the shoulder.
Thor smiled at the both of them. Loki wasn't there and he wouldn't be back until Friday. He didn't know where that left them – if it left them anywhere at all – but at least he gained two friends. Thor swung his backpack over his shoulder once more and slammed his locker shut before wrapping an arm around Clint and Natasha's shoulders, pulling them closer, making them snort and laugh as they walked down the hallway.
Thor could live with small miracles.
-x- -x- -x-
He went to school. He came home. He did coursework; he ate, slept, woke up, and continued the pattern. It was only for three days, but the days seemed to have blurred together, leaving Thor in a state of almost numbness. There was just absolutely nothing to look forward to during the day and, after revealing to his parents that he was quitting football, knowing that they expected – more like demanded – him to be home right after school only left him feeling suffocated and constrained. He hated it.
The only thing that seemed to get him through each day was the knowledge that it was bringing him closer and closer to seeing Loki, and even then, the thought had him nervous and anxious more than excited like he would have been. The way that they had left off … well – it certainly left things up in the air. He had no idea where they stood now, if Loki would even want anything to do with him. Thor hadn't realised it at the time, but now he had come to find that Loki had been – and was – the highlight of his days. He felt ridiculous for feeling that way, simply because they'd only known each other for two weeks. Was that even enough time to develop such feelings? They'd told each other – yelled at each other, actually – that they liked one another, but was any of that true or was it all just spur of the moment, feelings getting in the way, impairing judgement? Thor didn't know.
All Thor knew was that he'd gotten attached to seeing Loki.
So when Friday finally rolled around, he was a nervous wreck. The last thing he wanted to do, though, was scare Loki off, so Thor kept to himself, even if his eyes were roaming around the hallway in between classes, hoping to catch sight of him. It would only be for a second, but it would be enough to get a hint to what would come. It would only be for a second, but it would be enough to at least gage where they stood now.
Of course, Loki wasn't going to make it easy for him. Thor hadn't seen him all day, and when he found Clint and Natasha sitting at their regular table during lunch, both had informed him that he was visiting his teachers, gathering all of the assignments that he missed so that he could catch up. The disappointment had been a given. Thor had felt it engulf him slowly, spreading throughout his entire body until he had just dropped into the nearest chair. He didn't know if Clint and Natasha knew about what happened, the extent of what Loki had told them, but at least they were kind enough to keep the subject away from the enigma in his life.
And when the bell finally rang for English-class and he hadn't shown up yet, Thor thought he was going to lose his mind. Where was he? It wasn't that he was afraid for the project – even though that should have been where his mind was at, because the last thing Thor wanted was to get a bad mark and have his grades drop – he just wanted to see Loki.
His thoughts were interrupted when a book slamming on his desk snapped him back into reality, causing him to almost jump right out of his seat. Sparkling blue eyes moved from the door he was staring at to the source of the noise, inwardly cursing himself when he realised just who had jarred him from the inner workings of his mind – and the fascination-slash-anticipation of Loki. Thor felt like groaning when he found that the person who slammed their book on his desk was Steve Rogers.
"Jesus, you look like a kicked puppy," Steve sneered, and Thor vaguely wondered what it would feel like to just punch him. He banished the thought, no matter how tempting it might have been. "Is your boyfriend still suspended?"
Casually, as though he were flicking dust off his sleeve, Thor slid the book off his desk before leaning back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. He truly didn't want to deal with Steve and his antics. He was like a miniature Tony, wanting to prove that he could step out of Stark's shadow. It was pathetic, now that he noticed. "Are you still pining over yours? Oh, wait, he's still dating Pepper."
Steve's cheeks flushed as he clenched his jaw tightly together, and Thor couldn't help but smirk slightly. He didn't know if what he had said had any truth behind it since he wasn't any good at reading people, but it sure was fun to watch Steve's face grow pink. "Watch your back, Odinson," He threatened, snatching his book from the ground and stepping on Thor's backpack in the process. Thor didn't care in the slightest.
Revelling in his victory was cut short when Mr. Banner walked into the class, followed by Loki, whose shoulders were straight, head held high. Thor could hear a few whispers, but he was relieved when no-one outright said anything. Perhaps it was because Loki flew under the radar, never really catching the attention of anyone. Maybe it was because there was just that air about Loki that seemed to intimidate or leave everyone questioning. Regardless, Thor was glad that no-one said anything.
Loki hadn't looked at him, and Thor wondered if he even knew he was watching him. He'd like to think so. After the conversation they parted with … Thor felt the room grow stuffy, as though there were too many bodies and not enough oxygen. He wished Loki would just look at him if only for a second; just long enough for Thor to get something from him. Was Loki going to avoid him? Were they done? Was their friendship over? Was there no hope for them? Thor knew he could live with that, but the very idea of their connection being completely severed was less to be desired.
Class started and Thor was forced to turn his head to the front, listening as Mr. Banner explained once more the pretence of their project, the goal he wished them all to succeed in understanding by the time the day was done. After he was finished, he called upon a group to present.
The first group's presentation was an interesting one, and Thor forced himself to pay close attention to every word that was spoken. It was as much of a study for how he would act when it was their turn, as it was to distract himself from his paranoid thoughts, as well. The longer he listened and as the other groups continued to go up and present, Thor couldn't help his thoughts from drifting to the first time he and Loki went to the diner during Tony's party after their first win of the season. He could remember Loki reciting a few quotes and explaining their meanings with such perfection that Thor felt stupid for never understanding before.
Thor sighed. He was in too deep and he knew that he was screwed.
By the time it was their turn to present, Thor felt as though he was going to explode with nerves. Exhaling slowly, he stood and collected his things, turning to see that Loki was doing the same. "Loki, I got it," He called. Finally their gazes met and those emerald green eyes were expressive for only a moment before they were shielded once more, only confusion remaining. For some reason, that didn't bother Thor. He expected no less from Loki.
They moved to the podium and stood behind it, their shoulders touching. Perhaps they both felt safer when there was something standing between them when they were forced to present findings for a project and everyone else. It was like a barrier. Thor had never had such a problem before – talking to people was something that he was good at, something that he enjoyed – but this was something different and he wasn't entirely sure what the outcome would be.
"What do you mean you have it? I have the paper," Loki asked quietly when Thor opened the folder he was carrying. He pulled out the paper and the speech that entailed the explanation to the quote, watching from the corner of his eye as Loki grew still. "Thor –"
"The quote that Loki and I chose was said by E.E. Cummings," Thor started, cutting Loki off before he could ruin the whole thing. He didn't want Loki to think about it, didn't want to think about it himself. Three days full of boredom and troubled thoughts had inspired him and this was the outcome.
"'To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.'"
Thor could feel Loki's eyes on him, could practically feel the confusion and tension in his shoulder, which was pressed against his own. He wondered what Loki was thinking in that moment, what was going through his mind when he realised that that quote wasn't the one that they'd originally picked out. What would Loki say when it was all said and done? Would he get angry at Thor? Would he laugh in his face and call him pathetic? Thor didn't know and he truly didn't want to find out. If Loki were to leave then he would rather it happen quickly and quietly, just seep from his life as though he'd never been a part of it, because Thor was weak and didn't have the courage to face something like that.
He forced those thoughts to the back of his mind, because now wasn't the time to think about that. He was standing before eighteen other students who were waiting for him to continue. Clearing his throat, Thor glanced at the paper that had his speech before looking at the expectant faces.
"I have a good life. I'm … financially stable, have great friends," Thor paused before shrugging his shoulders slightly. "Or at least I thought I did. See, at first I thought I was just like them, but I guess I have a conscience, something that they never had," Steve hadn't been paying attention, but he looked up at that, eyes narrowing dangerously, because he knew that Thor was talking about him. At least he wasn't as stupid as Thor originally thought. "I was who they wanted me to be and I wasn't very happy. And for the longest time, I was … not me, and that really got to me," Thor glanced at the paper once more, bracing himself, because the next part – the rest – was for Loki. "Under some miracle, at just the right time, it seemed like, I heard this other quote. It was the most inspiring thing to me: 'This is your life. Live it how you want to live it.' It's pretty simple, right?
And as crazy as it sounds, it really is that simple. I did it. I took the steps, cut loose variables. I'm happy. And maybe that's what Cummings is saying here. We live in a world where it's hard to be ourselves, where it's hard to be socially acceptable. Or maybe that's just an excuse. Fear is an inevitable factour, but we never live until we take those first few steps out of our comfort zone. We need to look the world in the eye and tell it that we aren't going to change for it. It doesn't matter who you are or where you come from. It's the finer details that matter."
-x- -x- -x-
Class had ended and Loki stayed behind, and Thor honestly didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing. He felt … undecided about how the presentation went. He knew that it surprised the hell out of Loki and he didn't know if it was any good or not. Looking back on it now, Thor felt as though it was probably the corniest, cheesiest thing he had ever done. Just thinking about it made him want to laugh manically, but it was over and that was what mattered. It was out of the way and the only thing that really held weight in his mind was Loki. Where did they stand now?
"Well, that certainly wasn't anything that we decided," Loki's voice came, causing Thor to push himself away from the wall that he was leaning against. He figured he'd at least wait for Loki. They did need to talk, after all. "If you wanted to get into my pants that badly, all you had to do was ask. There was no need to create a whole new presentation. You put in more work than needed."
Humour – that was a good thing. Thor could work with humour, because humour meant that Loki wasn't absolutely furious and hell-bent on putting him in his place and walking away from him entirely. Thor watched as Loki closed the distance between them, mirroring Thor's previous posture against the wall. He crossed his arms, but it was in no way defensive. Thor turned his body to where he was facing him.
"Yeah, I guess I did," He said dumbly, feeling his face heat up just slightly. Loki always had that effect on him, it seemed. He didn't know what to say. Had he not said it all in the presentation? But Loki wasn't saying anything, just staring at him with those indecipherable emerald green eyes, and Thor felt as though he was being examined under a microscope.
And then Loki was rolling his eyes. He pushed himself away from the wall and grabbed Thor's wrist, pulling him towards the street. "Come on," He said, and Thor could hear the shift in tone. It was slight, but Thor had found that he was becoming very aware of all of Loki's mannerisms and quirks. "Let's get a coffee, yeah?"
Loki turned then, giving Thor a soft, warm smile. Perhaps they weren't in such a bad place after all.
Author's Note – Thank you to all who followed, favourited, and reviewed. The sequel is called The Person That I Am Today and it'll be up as soon as it's finished. Hope to see you all there.