Hi guys! No I'm not dead although y'all are probably a little bit upset with me for not updating the two other stories that I really should update.. I have no clue where I'm going with my other PJO fic and I just haven't been in the mood to write more about my Underground fic... Sorry? You're WHAT! was just a oneshot so don't expect anything more out of it unless I decide to turn it into a twoshot. That's kind of unlikely but who knows? So. Umm... What's missing here?... Ah, yes. DISCLAIMER. I OWN NOTHING EXCEPT FOR MY OCs AND ANYTHING ELSE THAT IS ORIGINAL IN MY STORY CUZ I AM PRETTY SURE THIS PLOT LINE HAS BEEN DONE BEFORE. So now I get to say: ON WITH ZE STORY!
Nico POV
I walk a lonely road
The only one that I have ever known
Don't know where it goes
But it's home to me and I walk alone.
Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day blasted through my earbuds. I was sprawled in my bed in the adoption home. My social worker, Denise, poked her head in. Denise was tall and willowy, with long light brown hair. She had hazel eyes, but they were surrounded with way too much eye makeup. Her face was a little bit long, and her nose looked a little bit pointy. She was pale and she had a funny looking smile, almost as if her mouth didn't have corners, just square-ish looking ends.
"Nico, honey," she began.
I groaned and snapped, "Whoever it is, tell them to f*** off." I was tired of constantly moving from foster family to foster family.
"Nico, that's not nice," Denise reprimanded me. "This woman already has a son, and he's about your age. You guys will have a lot in common, I think. I promise this one will be different."
I laughed humorlessly. "Y'know, Denise, you say that every time. Every single mother-f***ing time I get kicked out or I run away. I'm done."
"Please, Nico," Denise pleaded. "This is the last one. If you truly hate this home, you are free to leave and we can't force you to stay anywhere." I could hear the slight desperation in her voice. I was a trouble child. No family really wanted to take in a disrespectful, depressed fifteen year old. Especially not one like me. It made sense that if this family didn't work out, the adoption center was just going to let me go. They were losing money on me.
I grunted and swung my legs out of bed. "Fine." I stomped out of my room and into the adoption area, where couples or families would finish filling out whatever paperwork that hadn't been done and met their foster kid. The woman sitting down in one of the chairs at the opposite end of the room was middle-aged with long brown hair streaked with gray. She had a kind, gentle face, but I knew from previous experiences that a face didn't say anything about a person. For all I knew, this lady could be an abusive bitch.
I set my jaw as the woman stood up and tried to shake my hand. After letting her hold her hand out for a few seconds, I grasped her hand and gave it a very brief shake. "Hello," she said, smiling brightly. "I'm Sally Jackson. Your name is Nico, right?"
I retorted, "No, I'm a random deranged teenager that has killed Nico and is taking his place so I can murder you all in your sleep." At her startled blink, I sighed and said, "Of course I'm Nico. Who else would I be?" Sally's smile slipped, but only for a second.
Denise gave her an apologetic look. "He's a little bit, umm, depressed. His mother and sister were killed when he was little, and his other sister is in the hospital. So-" I glared fiercely at her and she shut up.
Sally looked at me with pity, and I clenched my jaw. Denise shifted her weight and said, "If you'll come with me, Ms. Jackson, we'll get the papers sorted out and everything signed, and then Nico here will be yours to care for." Almost as an afterthought, she added, "And it will give Nico and your son a chance to get acquainted. Nico, this is Percy."
For the first time, I noticed a tall, black-haired teenager. He was sound asleep in his chair, and I felt the urge to poke him to see what would happen. I suspected I might get punched, though. Instead I reached over and shook him, and I wasn't too gentle about it, either. He snorted and woke up, looking rather disconcerted. His eyes were at first unfocused and cloudy, but as he gradually became more alert, they brightened and cleared. I noted that they were green like the sea on a sunny day.
I hate sunny days.
He focused on me and gave me the up-down. I glared back at him. "Hi," he said cautiously. "I'm Percy. I'm going to guess that you're Nico."
I arched my brow and said, "Well, you guessed correctly. Any more 'guesses' about me?" Percy blinked and his mouth formed a small O.
"Well," Denise cleared her throat. "We'll be back in a minute with all of the paperwork filled out. Nico, please don't do anything that'll get both of us into trouble." I glared at the two women's backs.
Percy shifted uncomfortably. "So..." he said slowly. I turned and glared back at him. He shrank away from me a little bit, and I felt a glimmer of satisfaction at successfully intimidating him within my first three minutes of knowing him. He shut his mouth, looking confused and a little bit hurt.
I slumped down against the wall, playing with my silver skull ring. I pulled it off my finger and tossed it up in the air a few times. I caught it and bounced it in my palm for a minute, then sighed and put it back on my finger. Percy sat in his chair, watching me curiously. Every once in a while, I would catch him staring at me with a sad look in his green eyes, and I would glare sharply until he looked away. A few minutes later, Denise came out with Sally. Sally was holding a plastic baggie with all of my medications, and Denise was obviously pleased that I would be leaving the adoption system for the last time.
Denise stopped by me and looked at me with a huge smile plastered on her face. "Well, Nico," she said. "It looks like this'll be the last time I'm going to see you for quite awhile. Good luck! I hope this one will be your forever home."
By the end of this little speech, she had glittering tears at the corners of her hazel eyes. My heart twisted as I looked at them. Not because I was saying goodbye to Denise, but because of the color. Hazel. My sister Hazel. She was in the hospital in a coma. Drunk driving accident... I could still remember Denise coming into my room, saying Hazel was in the hospital and it was serious. She'd been in the coma for seven months now. It was unlikely she would ever wake up.
I looked down at my lap before Denise could see the tear trace its way down my cheek. Denise reached down and ruffled my hair, even though she knows I hate being touched. I flinched away, wiping away the solitary tear on my cheek, and stood up. I crossed my arms and waited.
Sally said, "Nico, the car is in the parking lot. Do you have everything you need?" I nodded and followed the Jacksons out of the adoption center.
Alright! I hope you guys liked this so far, and I'm sorry if this wasn't long enough for you. The next chapter is gonna be much longer, and I'll be introducing an OC. I've already started it and I've gotten a good chunk done so maybe I'll be able to update faster and maybe make you guys a bit happier. Review please!