Stannis died during the Greyjoy rebellion, Jason Mallister took over as Master of Ships on the small council, Jon Arryn had suggested Paxter Redwyne but Robert refused to have anyone who supported the Targaryens on his small council. Brynden 'Blackfish' Tully was named castellan of Dragonstone until Robert's second son became old enough to assume the seat and title. Without Stannis Ned Stark was honoured his vows to follow the true heir to the throne Renly Baratheon
Eddard's POV
His best friend and King had just died leaving him Eddard Stark Warden of the North, Hand of the King and Lord of Winterfell as regent until his heir came of age but as he knew and a few other trusted people his true heir was already of age his younger brother Renly Baratheon as the abominations Jofferry, Myrcella and Tommen were products of incest from Queen Ceresi and the Kingslayer.
He heard footsteps coming up behind and quickly turned to confront his would-be attacker instead saw Lord Renly Baratheon and his personal guard of 5 men.
"Sorry Renly I have yet to make to my office, I am not as fast as I use to be." He gestured to his bandaged leg where a Lannister guardsmen had stabbed there just days ago.
"That's okay Lord Eddard but we have much to discuss if we are to get ahead of this and come out with our heads as well. After your blunder telling Cersei that we know we have to move even quicker now that Robert is dead." They kept talking as they continued alone into the Tower of the Hand
"I had to warn her, I will support you on the condition we do not turn Myrcella and Tommen into another Elia and Aegon," he said sincerely not wanting to have innocent children's death on his hands.
"Ned I promise you I will do everything in my power to keep them alive but we must also keep ourselves and our family alive, you only have 25 men left after sending only 100 men against the whole Lannister Army. Enough of that I have 100 men in the city along with another 400 arriving today I sent for them as soon as you told me the truth about the lineage of Joffery, as we speak I men seizing both Myrcella and Tommen and placing them in my custody. Ravens have been sent every Great and Noble house announcing the truth of it all."
"That's a start but the Lannsiter still have a sizeable force of40,000 men pillaging and ruining the Riverlands, You can raise about 40,000 and my son is already calling the banners we could get 40,000 if we had enough time and food but the most will probably be able to field is about 20,000. We will have the Riverlands support but they are in a dire state at the moment," he spoke gravely looking at the map and where there forces were.
"My forces can be here sooner than the Lannisters especially as his are tied up fighting the River Lords."
He watched Renly grin at him like they were easily going to win this war with no casualties. He may be an adult now but he had never really tasted battle.
"Yes but the Crownlands could still muster about 10,000 men but it would take some time, the 2 things that worry me are the Tyrells: not knowing whom they will declare for and the City watch already here with 2000 men at their disposal, I suggest we get Petyr Baelish to keep them loyal to us. My wife says he will help us, he control's their pay meaning they will fight for us."
"The Tyrells will ally with me, Loras is already a good friend of mine and I have sent a raven to them telling the truth, the plan and asking for assistance eon exchange for Margery's hand in marriage as my Queen and as for Baelish, you trust him? Really? He is a slippery serpent, no we won't rely on loyalty of that petty man, in fact when I am king none of the small council will stay the same apart from you of course you can stay on as my hand.
"Thank you but no we will discuss my replacement later we have to get ready to address Joffery Waters."