Title: Their Little Sister

Author: Ash_Snowflakes (Ash-Snowflakes)

Fandom: Kuroko no Basuke

Rating: PG-13

Pairing: None, this one is more of a friendship kind of story, as the title implies.

Disclaimer: Nope, don't own this awesome anime/manga, sadly. That right is reserved for Tadatoshi Fujimaki. The OC/s belong to me though.

• 3 years ago •

Sunlight poured through the gaps in the curtains and onto a small bundle curled under the sheets. Kirana Sayumi opened her hazel eyes and stretched her arms slightly. It was cold in the mornings.

"Sayumi!" The girl's aunt called out for her, "Get up, breakfast is ready, we don't want you to be late for school."

Kirana got up slowly and pulled on her uniform. She was starting middle school in Tokyo, Japan. She used to live in America with her father, but he was...abusive. He was also the reason Kirana refused to speak. Now the short brown-haired girl was considered mute.

Her feet padded lightly down the wooden staircase as she came to eat the breakfast her aunt prepared. Kirana's aunt, Sachiko Eriya was from Kirana's mother's side. Aunt Eriya had been the first to request Kirana to live with her. Kirana's mother was taken away by an illness when she was 4. Her father started to drink and grow violent shortly after Kirana's mother's death.

Aunt Eriya treated Kirana as if she was her daughter. The 28 year old woman wasn't married and had no children of her own. She was more than happy to accept Kirana. It had been a month since the hazel-eyed girl left America to live with her kind Aunt.

"Sayumi, are you ready to go?" Aunt Eriya's voice reached the ears of the petite girl. Kirana nodded and grabbed her bag and a notebook.

Her Aunt fussed a bit, "Do you want me to walk you to school?"

Kirana shook her head and started to write on her notebook. As soon as she was finished she held it out to her Aunt. It read: 'No, it's alright I can go by myself. Thank you for breakfast.'

Her Aunt gave the girl a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes, "Alright then, I'll see you after school." She bent down and kissed Kirana on the cheek and straightened her school shirt.

Kirana returned the smile and walked out the door, her usually blank mask slipped over her features. It took her 15 minutes to walk to her new school. She saw many other students from the same school but she didn't even bother to try and approach them, it was nearly impossible anyways, she was mute.

Kirana stood at the gates of Teiko Middle School. She wasn't nervous at all, it made no difference to her whether this was her first day or her last.

Today was basically a tour of the place. At the end, flyers and forms were given out and the students could select what they wanted to do, whether it be a sport or drama or art, Teiko had it all.

They were especially well known for their spectacular sports teams.

Kirana wasn't very good at sports but she loved art and so she chose it as an extra curricular elective. She handed the forms in and made her way out of the crowd to go sit down by a tree. Kirana had brought a book with her to read, she was considerably anti-social but that could be blamed on her refusal to talk.

The small girl brought her knees slightly up and rested the book on them. A few minutes later she heard yelling but she was so absorbed into the words on the page that she didn't hear what they were yelling. Kirana had stood up in response, wondering if she had done something wrong when a soccer ball hit her on the head. That was when she realized that the boys yelling at her were trying to warn her.

Kirana's book slipped out of her grasp as she fell to the ground and clutched her head. Whoever kicked that ball had some serious strength.

"Ah, I'm so sorry! Are you alright?"

Kirana looked up, in front of her was a handsome blonde-haired boy. He held out his hand and she took it hesitantly. He quickly pulled her to her feet and stooped to pick up her book as well.

"Sorry again, you weren't hurt were you? My name's Kise Ryouta, nice to meet you. What's your name?" He talked too quickly and it took Kirana a few seconds to process what the blonde, Kise Ryouta, had said.

Kirana pulled out her notebook and scrawled her name on it before handing it to Kise. He gave her a confused look as he took the notebook. Kise read aloud: 'Kirana Sayumi."

It took him a few moments but Kise wasn't completely stupid, she was mute. He found it a little amazing that she acted normally. Kise couldn't imagine what he would do if he couldn't talk.

"Kirana Sayumi," he repeated, a slight tone of respect of his voice as he returned the book, "I'll remember that! See you around Kirana-cchi!" Kise picked up the ball and ran back to his friends leaving Kirana in a shocked state.

Who gives people nicknames when they first meet?

Apparently, Kise does.