Dean bolted straight up in bed, unable to process what he was seeing, or more precisely, HOW he was seeing. It was as if he were wearing glasses with a hint of red or orange tint to them, or like the room was lit like a strip club, which, under normal conditions would be a good thing, but he wasn't in a strip club, he was in his room at the Men of Letters bunker. Uneasy with the unusual light, he reached for the pistol he kept under his pillow with one hand, while gripping the First Blade with the other. Fully armed, he slowly began looking around the room as the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. Then in a split-second, he pointed the firearm to his right, and immediately shot off two rounds towards the figure he saw standing there. When that didn't work, he rushed towards it with the First Blade only to see the monster disappear right in front of him.

It was the most hideous looking thing he had ever seen, and yet, it looked somewhat familiar at the same time. Where had he seen a creature like that before? Dean thought as he searched the darkest shadows of his mind. Then it dawned on him... Dean had just seen a demon, but the real question was, why was he was seeing it in its true form instead of whoever it was possessing?

As Dean was trying to sort all this out, the demon reappeared in the same spot, but before Dean could rush at him again he heard him say "Hallo Dean," in the unmistakable voice of the King of Hell himself.

"Crowley?" He asked as he tightened his grip on the Blade and then continued in a stern voice, "What the hell is going on? Why am I seeing your demon face instead of your meat suit?"

In a cautious tone Crowley replied, "Try blinking your eyes for a long second Dean."

Dean shut his black eyes tight then opened them again. "Ok… still butt-ugly though." he said.

Feeling a little more at ease now after seeing Dean's green eyes again, Crowley said "I'm hurt Dean! After all, I won 'most photogenic' in the annual demon beauty pageant just last year."

Dean opened his mouth as if to respond, but Crowley went on. "Now, as for WHY you could see this beautiful mug, I'm afraid that will have to wait since your brother seems to be summoning me from the other room. You're welcome to join us." Crowley said just before he disappeared again.

With half a fifth of Hunter's Helper saturating his body, Sam lit the match, tossed it into the summoning bowl and waited in the dungeon for Crowley to appear. As he looked around he suddenly felt a presence behind him.

"Hallo Sam." Crowley said, "Sorry if I startled you but I've learned from you Winchester's not to arrive in the devil's trap you've got painted on the floor over there."

With the death of his brother and the Hunter's Helper fueling him, Sam didn't bother warming up to the subject but instead jumped right in and said, "You're going to do whatever it takes to bring him back Crowley! No deals! No nothing! You owe him, and you're gonna bring him back!" Crowley began to say something, but Sam wasn't giving him an inch to argue with, "My brother took that Mark in order to take out YOUR competition, and the bloodlust that resulted from doing your dirty work got him," Sam paused, hardly able to say the words, "has gotten him killed! You OWE him Crowley, and you're GOING to bring Dean back NOW!"

As Crowley saw Dean make his way to the dungeon, he nodded towards the bookcase doors and replied to Sam's rant, "Really Sam, a little late to the party now aren't you?"

Sam turned around and saw his brother standing there between the bookcases and just stared at him in shock until, in a voice just above a whisper, he finally said, "Dean?"

"Yeah, little brother, it's me." Dean said, and Sam rushed to him and embraced him so fiercely Dean thought he might break a rib!

Dean was remembering everything now. He remembered Metatron, and the searing pain he felt as the angel blade pierced his body. And he remembered Sam, admitting that he lied when he said he wouldn't try to save him and then willing him to live with every fiber of his being.

"How are you ALIVE?!" Sam asked.

"I don't know." Dean said and then they looked at Crowley. "How AM I alive Crowley? And why did everything have that glow when I woke up? And why was I seeing your real face?" Dean asked.

"Wait, what?!" Sam said.

"He was there when I woke up, and everything had this weird glow, and I could see his face Sam, his REAL face!" Then under his breath Dean said "And that sonofabitch is UG-LY!"

The boys looked back to Crowley for an explanation, but he just shrugged and said, "Don't look at me boys, I didn't do anything."

"I don't think so," Dean said, feeling his rage beginning to build, "you know something dammit, so if you know what's good for you, you better start talkin', NOW!"

Dean then grabbed the Mark on his arm as it began to burn him with the rage continuing to rise. He looked at Sam as the room began to glow again, afraid of seeing disappointment in his little brother's eyes as he realized Dean could not control what the mark did to him.

Sam fell back against the wall in shock! "Dean!" he said horrified, "Your EYES!"

"What about them?" Dean asked.

"They're BLACK!" Sam said as he thought it was all starting to fall into place. He looked at Crowley and said "Whatever game you think you're playing, you've got ONE SECOND to tell that THING to get the hell out of my brother before I exorcise it straight back to the pit!"

"Not sure I'd do that if I were you." Crowley said.

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't!" Sam demanded.

Crowley started pacing, thinking while he was talking and moving towards the opening between the bookcases. "Well first of all, I'm not entirely sure it would even work. And, secondly, even if it did, you wouldn't be sending some piss-ant demon to hell Sam, you'd be sending your brother."

Trying to comprehend what he was hearing, Dean closed his eyes for a second, which thankfully also got rid of his glowing surroundings again. "What the hell is THAT supposed to mean?" He asked.

Facing Crowley dead on, Sam reached behind his back and pulled the demon knife out from the waistband of his jeans and said, "You better start talking right now, beginning with why you were in my brother's room when he supposedly woke up!" Sam said.

Suddenly Sam and Dean looked back to each other again, but for very different reasons. One did so with a knowing look, the other was trying to decide what his brother would do next. Then Crowley began trying to explain by saying "First, I did not know..." but before he could finish, Cas slapped a pair of demon handcuffs around one of Crowley's wrists and began walking to the other side of the room.

"Really Cas, this isn't necessary." Crowley said.

"Way to go Cas!" Dean cheered, but then Cas slapped the other end of the cuffs on Dean's wrist and pushed them both into the devil's trap.

"I'm sorry Sam, I came as quickly as I could." Cas said.

"Wait, why did you put the cuffs on ME?" Dean asked incredulously.

Sam wasn't sure what to think anymore, "You don't know?" Sam asked.

Enjoying the fact that he was the only person in the room that knew what was really going on, Crowley said, "I don't believe he does Sam."

"Dean, try to step out of the trap." Cas suggested.

"What do you mean 'TRY to step out of the trap?' of course I can step out of the trap!" but when Dean hit an invisible wall he said, "What the...?"

"Dean, I don't know how, and I don't know why, but... Dean, I think Crowley's turned you into," Sam could barely form the words "a demon! Your eyes were black, and you can't step out of the devil's trap!"

Dean pulled back with his free hand and swung at Crowley for all he was worth! "What have you done to me!?"

Turning back from the blow that just landed on his chin Crowley said, "You've GOT to start trying to control it Dean! You've got more control over the Mark now. Not ultimate control, but certainly more than you did as a human!"

"Sam, get me my blade!" Dean said.

"What?" Sam asked, barely able to process the conversation.

"My blade Sam! The First Blade is in my room! Get it to me so I can end this sonofabitch NOW!"

"Somebody get this brute away from me!" Crowley yelled.

Having done little until now, Cas felt the need to interject, "That may not be a good idea Dean. My grace is almost completely gone now and Crowley may be the only one that can help at this point."

This was all just too much for any of them to deal with. Sam, Dean, and Cas needed answers from Crowley so they couldn't risk letting him out of the cuffs or the devil's trap in order to get away from Dean and then just disappear. Nobody knew what Dean could or couldn't do, so neither Sam nor Cas were sure if they should let Dean out of the trap. And finally, the boys needed an update from Cas on his grace, as well as what was going on in heaven. Where should they start first? How on earth were they going to sort all of this out?!