Yay it's my birthday. Anyway I had this idea due to reading 'It Started with a Kiss' by 'LTPugh' (If your reading please update, it's an awesome story) so I hope you enjoy it.
Chapter 1
First Impressions… and a Damn Fine Right Hook!
Shinto Teito, Restricted IS Airspace
Ichika Orimura, Age 18. Occupation, IS Academy Student/Third Year. Height 172 Centimeters, Weight 65 Kilograms. Hair color: Black, Eye color: Brown. IS, Byakushiki – Second Shift, Setsura.
Currently Ichika was flying on a low approach to Shinto Teito, when it had been brought under mostly M.B.I control three years ago they had imposed an IS ban, when the government (Forced by big business IS Manufacturers) pointed out a total IS ban was in fact illegal Minaka Hiroto, showing his crazy genius side had changed it to only MALE IS pilots could enter. While many IS companies were angry the government was satisfied, M.B.I had operated within the constraints of the law, and if they happened to piss off some of the biggest annoyances to the government in modern history and make them look like total idiots, well that was just the icing on the cake to the government.
Ichika, having only just heard of that law as it hadn't been mentioned until yesterday in his politics class, had asked his elder sister and classroom teacher Chifuyu Orimura, if he could do the last project for the third year in Shinto Teito. Chifuyu had agreed with a large smirk and told him he had three months to do the project (Ichika had finished all his other work for the year and only had that one last project to do, it was a high intensity mapping project that would take him about a week, the extra time was a bonus for Ichika) Earlier today he had set off for Shinto Teito, the government had been contacted when he filed his flight plan but upon seeing who the pilot was he was given the okay to continue.
Ichika smiles thinking of the faces of his female friends, Houki Shinonono, Cecilia Alcott, Lingyin Huang, Charlotte Dunois and Laura Bodewig as he had informed them of his location for his assignment. Four of the five had immediately stated they'd go with him, incredibly it was Houki who made the counterargument "Damn it, Ichika why did you have to be assigned there! We can't go there!" after that outburst Houki had explained about Shinto Teito's restriction on IS entry. Needless to say the rest of the girls hadn't been happy about that, in fact they had complained right up until Ichika had activated his IS and launched himself upwards.
Ichika chuckles and lowers himself slightly so he's only just above the water as he crosses the final river surrounding Shinto Teito, flying over the first row of buildings, Ichika's danger sense, honed by his many IS battles, starts screaming and he twists while summoning his sword Yukihira Nigata (Second Snowflake) A gunmetal grey sword slams into the Yukihira and stops. Floating on his back Ichika's eyes widen as he looks up into the eyes of the woman wielding the sword. Narrow grey eyes stare back at him, The woman attacking him is slightly taller than him, she has grey hair done up in a ponytail, she's wearing a black leather top with two vertical white lines that go over the centre of her breasts, a light purple miniskirt under the leather top, two thigh-high black leather heeled boots. On top of that she has a light grey Haori with a strange symbol done in black on either side of the neck area. Ichika also notices that she has bags under her eyes like she can't rest well or has nightmares that keep her up.
Despite that Ichika can help but shout "I don't know who you are" his eyes narrow" But if you want a fight" without blinking he activates his ignition burst launching the two of them from ten feet above the ground to twenty thousand in under thirty seconds "Then I'll give you one" They start to fall slowly back towards the ground thanks to the inevitable force of gravity, well the woman did at least, Ichika just chose to fly down keeping pace with her.
The woman grins before kicking away and swinging her sword again "Thank you, finally someone who wants to fight"
Ichika blocks her sword almost without thinking about it "Well, I was always told to help a lady whenever possible, since you seemed to want to fight, who am I to disagree?"
The woman grins, as she spins around for a diagonal slice from shoulder to hip "Who indeed?"
Ichika blocks the attack with Yukihira "Since we're going all out to kill each other, who are you?"
The woman smiles, while spin kicking Ichika "Well since you asked so nicely, I'm Number #4 Karasuba and you?"
Ichika raises an eye brow as his left arm blocks her kick "Interesting name, I'm Ichika Orimura. Now, what does the number mean?"
Karasuba grins savagely "How about this, you win this fight, I'll tell you!"
Ichika grins back with the promise of a good fight in his grin "Oh is that all? Well then, get ready to tell me dear, as I'm about to win" With that Ichika blasts forwards swinging Yukihira and knocks Karasuba back with the force when she blocks with her sword. He then shoots forwards again, not letting up with a constant barrage of strikes with Yukihira. Karasuba grins while unnoticed to her a burning sensation has begun in her chest.
Ichika noticing how close they've gotten to the ground sudden bursts around Karasuba de-summoning Yukihira and then grabs Karasuba from behind in a bear hug while forcing her to drop her sword. Whispering in her ear "Looks like I've won, Karasuba, so what does the number mean?"
Karasuba pants as the burning sensation she'd been ignoring in the battle comes to the foreground, she sags as much of her energy leaves her 'It's him, he's my Ashikabi! If he was one of those weak men that are everywhere now days I'd be furious, but he's strong! I'm almost happy, at the very least I can spar with him in that IS of his and that sword, how elegant it is' Karasuba then wakes from her thoughts to find that Ichika had turned her over and was looking at her in concern, while they were floating a few feet above the street in some back alley.
"Are you ok- MPH!" Before Ichika can finish his sentence Karasuba grabs him and pulls him into a kiss, an interesting thing to note about IS shields is that they only stop things they think are harmful to the user, while they attempted to stop any of the girls vying for Ichika in the IS Academy from kissing him, they did absolutely nothing as Karasuba went in for a kiss.
Karasuba moans as the energy of the kiss fills her and suddenly burst from her back in a spray of black feathers, then her wings appear, ten wings that are made of black feathers and bleached bone. "This is the pledge of my Blade, Exterminate the enemies of my Ashikabi" Karasuba then smiles at Ichika "My blade is yours, I am yours, my Ashikabi. I am your Sekirei, Let us ascend to the Higher Sky together"
Ichika shoots Karasuba with a glare "Now while I find being kissed by a beautiful woman quite interesting, would you please inform as to what the hell is going on, like what the hell is an Sekirei and Ashikabi?"
Suddenly a pop-up appears on Ichika's HUD with the image of a man with white hair and glasses wearing a high collared cape staring at him "I believe I can answer that, My name is-"
"Minaka Hiroto, Head of M.B.I, renowned Genius and considered an eccentric, I know who you are, and can I just say… Has anyone told you that cape looks ridiculous?" Ichika speaks in a clear voice with a hint of admiration, until the last line which he delivers in a deadpan tone.
"Aha-ha-ha" Minaka trips and face-plants revealing a white haired woman in a white lab coat laughing, along with Karasuba who appears to be close to either wetting herself or busting a rib from laughing.
Minaka stands back up hiding the white haired woman, "No, that is honestly the first time anyone has told me that"
"Liar" a woman's voice rings out.
Minaka turns around "Not now" he then turns back to the camera "Anyway, You have just winged a Sekirei young man, this is a rare occurrence. Anyway this makes you an Ashikabi, a sort of Sekirei master, now you are part of the Sekirei Plan, you'll have to fight the other Sekirei and Ashikabi in the plan, for the honor of ascending to the Higher sky with your Sekirei, any questions?"
Ichika nods "A few, one, do I have to beat other Ashikabi or can I make them instead swear loyalty to me and give me the victory while they follow my lead? Two, is it just one Sekirei to an Ashikabi or do some have multiple? Three, what are my restrictions/rules. Four, can I try to undermine the Plan and Five, can I use my IS?"
Minaka chuckles at the last question "Such honesty, well I'll answer in order. For your first question… I guess that is still alright, you have 'won' in some sense of the word in that case. Two, yes there are Ashikabi with Multiple Sekirei, but unlike you who had a Sekirei who reacted to you they will find their 'forced' Sekirei to be weaker than they should be, meaning that someone with a smaller group but more 'reacted' Sekirei can win against a larger group of 'forced' Sekirei. Three, You can't tell anyone that doesn't isn't in the know about the plan, Sekirei or Ashikabi, with the except of a Ashikabi whose just winged their first Sekirei, After the beginning of the Second Stage you can't leave the city without permission, you being an IS operator I recognize that you would have to leave the city on occasion, that's fine as long as you don't take your Sekirei with you. Also since you winged Karasuba, who is the commander of the Disciplinary Squad, you can't order her to sabotage the plan. Fourth, well you're welcome to try, I honestly look forward to some of your ideas with the sabotage to be quite honest, it'll make the game interesting. And Lastly… I suppose so. Well that's it anymore questions?"
Ichika shakes his head "Not right now, thanks for the answers"
Minaka grins "My pleasure, as the Game Master this makes the game infinitely more interesting, if you'll excuse the pun, to have an Infinite Stratos operator as part of the plan, you're probably more likely to get yourself involved in the fight then other Ashikabi. Oh and Karasuba?"
Karasuba jerks forwards into Minaka's field of view "Yes, professor?"
"You've got an orientation meeting with the Disciplinary Squad in twenty minutes, I'll see you there?"
Karasuba nods "Yes professor"
Minaka smiles before the com-link closes. Ichika focuses on Karasuba as he descends, Karasuba notices "Yes, Ichika?"
Ichika thinks for a second before he says "I'm not going to be naïve and tell you to quit the Disciplinary Squad or anything like that… Just no killing, I have no doubts you'll be forced to discipline Sekirei and Ashikabi who try to escape the plan, so no killing… painful beat downs on the other hand are okay"
Karasuba grins savagely "This is why I think I'm, going to enjoy having you as my Ashikabi, see you tomorrow, I doubt I'll get out of working today, here's my number though so you can call me… if that IS of yours can that is?" Karasuba says as she hands over a small piece of paper she'd just written her number on.
Before Ichika can answer a loud and angry electronic screech is emitted from Byakushiki, Ichika smiles "Looks like you insulted my IS, I hope Byakushiki doesn't get angry with you because of that"
Karasuba steps back with wide eyes "Your IS… Byakushiki is Sentient?"
Ichika just smiles "Maybe… to be totally honest, I don't know much myself, Byakushiki and Setsura are women after all, they don't like to reveal their secrets to a mere man such as myself. Maybe one day I'll find out"
Karasuba frowns "Setsura? Oh your Second Shift"
Ichika nods "Yep, now don't you have somewhere you need to be?"
Karasuba curses "That's right, I'll see you later" Karasuba steps forwards and kisses Ichika "Ashikabi-sama" Karasuba then turns around and bounds away over the rooftops.
Ichika sighs "At least things will be interesting"
Keep an eye out for more in the coming weeks. To any who are interested I also released a 11k chapter pre-release for 'The Banshee of Hogwarts: The Philosophers Stone' that contains almost all of chapter 4.