Hello all, and welcome. I'm terrible with introductions so on with the story!

The final bell rang and the halls quickly filled with students. School was out for the summer. Finally! Leo Dooley raced to his locker and proceeded to shove its contents into his backpack. It barely closed and it weighed a ton. Just then Adam Davenport came by.

'Hey, Adam, my favourite, strongest brother,' he said in an overly sweet voice. 'Wanna carry my backpack?'

'Sure!' Adam said excitedly. 'If you carry mine!' He threw his own backpack at Leo. The force and weight of it knocked Leo down. Leo pushed it off of him and stood up.

'What the heck do you have in there? Bricks?'

Adam nodded. 'Yup, it's my brick collection.' Leo rolled his eyes.

'Well you carry it. I'll carry my own.' He took his backpack back and Adam picked up his own.

'Chase!' Bree Davenport said from down the hall. 'Quit complaining.'

'But what am I supposed to do now that school's out?' Chase Davenport replied. They reached Leo and Adam.

'I don't know, play video games, do normal things that normal people do.'

'But Chase isn't normal,' Adam said laughing. 'He's small, weak and fragile.' Chase just glared. 'Well you are.'

'Let's just go home,' Chase said ignoring his older brother.

'Not so fast, Girl Jeans,' Principal Perry stomped over to them. Chase stopped. He sighed and rolled his eyes then turned to face the principal.

'Yes Perry?'

Perry smiled at him. 'I want you to fix all the computers in the library,' she said bluntly.

'And why would I do that?' Chase asked crossing his arms. 'School's out, I don't have to do what you say anymore.'

The principal stepped closer. 'Because, if you don't, I'll tell your secret.'

Chase groaned. He hated that Perry had found out their Bionic secret. Now, she constantly used it as blackmail. 'Fine…I guess I'll see you guys at home.' The others nodded and left. Chase headed to the library.

Chase's eyes began to grow heavy and he yawned. He glanced at his watch. It was nearly midnight! How had he been there that long? Oh right, after upgrading all the computers, Perry then told him to fix the elevator, install a new security system and change all the locker combinations. Sure he was bionic, but he still needed sleep. Chase decided he had done enough and went to Perry's office. There he found the principal fast asleep.

'Principal Perry,' he called out. He took a step into the office. 'Principal Perry…Terry!' She shot up fists swinging. Chase backed away quickly.

'What? Who's there?' Perry looked at him. 'What are you doing here?'

'You made me do a bunch of stuff for you, remember?'

'Ooooooooh…right,' she said. 'Did you get it all done?' He nodded. 'Good, then get out of here!'

Chase didn't need to be told twice. He picked up his backpack and gladly left. After quickly walking home, he quietly entered the mansion. No one was awake upstairs. He went to the kitchen as his stomach growled loudly. There was a note on the refrigerator from Tasha. It read,


There's lasagna in the fridge for you. Just heat it for 2 minutes in the microwave.



P.S. I can't stand that woman!

He laughed to himself and took out the lasagna. Tasha was such a good cook and an even better mother. After heating it, Chase took his lasagna down to the lab. He knew he wouldn't wake up Adam and Bree. As the elevator doors opened he was surprised to see Adam was still awake and on the computers.

'Adam, what are you doing?' he asked approaching his brother. 'You know Mr Davenport doesn't like you messing with the computers.' Adam ignored him so Chase set his plate down on Leo's desk. He walked over to his brother and reached out to touch Adam's shoulder. Suddenly, Adam looked straight at him. His eyes were blank.

There you have it. Please read and review!