I don't own Inuyasha or anything having to do with this show. I make this only for entertainment purposes, (and an excuse to avoid my homework:). So don't sue and enjoy the fic!

*Sound effects* "Talking" 'this can mean thinking' or signal words unknown like 'Christmas'. Or just to add emphasis to other words. Most of the time it will be used for thinking though. /////flashbacks//// Past-Blue Present-black Red-Preview of next chapter. Created on 10-19-2002

The Feudal Fairy Tale Begins Again... By: Msmelanie

Chapter One: Was It Happily Ever After?

Five years later to a lovely furnished apartment, Kagome Higurashi is working on her laptop while her son Kawayou is playing in his room with his best friend Syaoran...

And so the Feudal Fairy Tale Begins again...

*Brrriiinnngggg! Brrrriiiiinnngggg!*

"Hello?" Kagome blurted out as she answered her cellphone. "What-do-you- want?"

"Oh my." She heard a gentle voice respond on the other end. "Sweetheart is this a bad time? Your voice sounds awfully rushed.

"Nope, it's fine. I'm just trying to get my work done in time that's all." Kagome answered slowing her voice down.


Noises could be heard in the background along with "I didn't do it! It was Syaoran's damn shoe!"

Kagome just 'ughed' the situation like she just knew it would happen. "Mom, I'm going to call you back okay?"

Kagome was about to hang up the phone when her mother shouted. "Wait!" She sighed exhaustively as she listened.

"You've been working so much lately, and I've hardly seen my granson at all. Would you please come visit soon?" her mother asked gently.

Kagome grunted her frustration. "Mom, I can't! I have a very important meeting this week, the company party my boss is forcing me to attend, not to mention meeting with the administrator of that-"

"Kagome sweeheart! Just one day!" her mother insisted. "Don't you know how much I miss you? Besides," she chuckled. "Sota's really missed you too."

Kagome smiled and stopped thinking of all the 'important' things from earlier.

"MOOOMMM!" she heard wailing behind her. She turned around to look at her son.

He surely was a strange but beautiful boy. His appearance matched his father's almost exactly. His golden eyes, his silver-white hair, even his fangs and claws seemed to be miniature versions. The most cutest trait he inherited though was his ears. They may have been cute to look at, but they were what kept him from the public eye. He could only go outside with some type of baseball cap on, which always seemed to crush his ears. Not only was the sensitive hearing a pain but his nose was also. With everything he had to hear and smell everyday, he wished he could've had a normal nose and ears.

Although as cute as he sounds, there is one other trait he inherited from his dad: His attitude.

"I had no part in it! Syaoran did it! I had absolutely nothing to do with it! It was his freaking shoe!"

She looked calmly back at her son and replied to her mother. "You're right. I've missed you all too. I'll be by this afternoon." Then she frowned at her son. "I gotta go now. No telling what Kawayou did."

"I didn't do it dammit!" he barked.

Kagome hung up the phone and looked at her son. The time was getting so close to her son's school dilemma, she still worried about what to do. 'Maybe going to see my family would be helpful.'

Later that afternoon at the Higurashi shrine as promised...

Mrs. Higurashi waved happily to her daughter that was coming out of her car. She clasped her hands and squealed in delight when she saw Kawayou. "Oh, I'm so happy you came!" she was about to kneel down to give her grandson a hug, when he suddenly bounded up into her arms instead. She caught her breath as she clung to the four year old smiling at her.

"Oh goodness. I forgot you could do that." she laughed.

Kawayou twitched his ears. "Do what?"

Kagome walked up to them happily. "Hey mom, how are you?"

Her mother looked at her with happy tears in her eyes. "Kagome. You're finally home."

"Nee-chan!" She suddenly heard from behind her. She turned around and smiled. "Hello Sota. How have you been?"

Sota looked at Kagome. If he still would've been slightly younger he would've jumped into her arms and cried. But as he was growing up, he decided to settle for "Been fine."

Sota turned his attention to Kawayou. "Hey little guy. How've you been doin'?"

Suddenly, Kawayou leaped from his grandmother to his uncle without warning. Sota looked in alarm as he realized what had happened and why his shoulders were suddenly stinging.

"Sota!" Kagome shouted. "Kawayou! Your claws!"

Kawayou loosened his grip and looked down shamefully.

Sota held Kawayou back and rubbed his nephew's head, trying to fake out out the pain. "Don't worry, Kawayou. It didn't hurt that bad. A couple bandages and..." 'and a quick trip to the hospital' he thought silently..."then I'll be good as new."

Kagome took her son from Sota. She knew Sota was lying and so did Kawayou. After all, everyone could see blood seeping through his shirt.

"Kagome? Kawayou? Let's go inside for a while. Father? Take Sota to the hos...uhh, for a ride." Mrs. Higurashi insisted.

She ushered daughter and grandson into the house. She looked down at her grandson as they all sat down. "Don't worry. Your Uncle Sota will be just fine."

Her son looked at her. "Duh! I know that! Leave me alone already!"

Mrs. Higurashi looked stunned.

Kagome sighed. "I'm sorry mom. He can be sort of....defensive."

Her son ignored the comment.

Kagome's mother looked at Kagome with an unreadable expression. "So....how is it coming?"

"How's what coming?" Kagome asked confused.

"Your life." she looked at her grandson. " His life." she said rubbing Kawayou's silver-white hair.

"Oh." Kagome blushed not realizing that. "Well...it's coming along."

"How about school?" Her mother asked. "Will you let him go or will you homeschool him?"

Kagome winced. School. That was something she knew was coming up soon, and she still didn't know herself. "I wish I could homeschool him, but there's no way I could work at the same time." She sighed. 'Actually, I wish I could just keep him sheltered in my arms for the rest of his life.'

Her mother seemed to recognize her pain. "Concealing him from the public eye will only last so long."

"Yes, but people will tease him, no matter what excuse there is." she said rubbing his silvery-white hair like her mother was doing.

Kawayou looked up in annoyance. 'How come people aways gotta talk about me like I can't even hear? And how come people always gotta rub my hair?!'

Kagome noticed her son's expression. She stopped rubbing his hair. "Sorry Kawayou, you just have such nice soft hair."

Mrs. Higurashi started to rub his ears. "Oh, and such cute ears too!"

Kagome stopped her mother. "No mom, he's sensitive about who does that."

"Oh? Sorry." Mrs. Higurashi apologised.

Kawayou just shrugged off the apology.

"Kagome? He has friends, right?" her mother asked.

Kagome smiled. "Yes, a good friend of his is the son of a friend I used to go to Junior high with."

"Oh? Even if he is a little demon?" her mother pressed.

"Well, no one knows about that. They've all assumed he has some strange disease." Kagome replied.

"A strange disease?" her mother asked surprised. "Do they actually believe that?"

"Mom?" Kagome chuckled. "How many bizarre and rare diseases did grandpa come up with in Junior high?"

Her mom laughed. "You're right. I guess they would believe it."

Kawayou just looked at his mom annoyed, still sitting on her lap. 'Hello?! Down here?! Doesn't anybody even remember that I'm right here?!!'

A little while later...

"Hey everyone." Sota said as he walked through the door.

Kawayou jumped off his mothers' lap, and looked like he would spring to his Uncle.

Sota prepared himself, but realized Kawayou had stayed on the ground.

"Uncle Soda. Can you take me out of here?" his nephew asked.

Sota looked at Kagome for permission.

"Don't go too far." Kagome warned. "Just around the shrine, unless he agrees to put his baseball cap on."

Kawayou just kicked the ground. He despised those stupid caps. They were uncomfortable and always crushed his ears.

Sota reached out his hand to his nephew. "Come on Kawayou, there's some neat stuff around here I could show you."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shippou looked at the others who were lying down. Him and his companions found an abandoned shack to rest and recover from a viscious fight they were just involved in.

'This is boring.' he thought. He started to move away, when he was suddenly picked up by his tail.

"Where are you off to?" Inuyasha asked as he looked at Shippou.

"I'm bored. I just want to leave for a little while." Shippou replied.

"Feh. We were just in a crazy battle and you want to explore?" Inuyasha said disbelievingly.

Shippou looked straight at Inuyasha, despite the blood rushing to his head for still being held upside down. "But we are so close...don't you even want to see it?"

It took a moment before what Shippou meant hit Inuyasha. "There's nothing special about it anymore, why even go look?"

Shippou wriggled. He was getting tired of being dangled by his tail. "I just want to!"

Inuyasha dropped him. "Fine. Go. I don't care."

Shippou dusted himself off and left out the door. Before he went too far though, he said. "Kaede's near there too, you know."

Inuyasha's ears twitched.

"And grandpa says that-" Sota continued with his history lesson.

Kawayou yawned. Listening to his Uncle Sota talk about history was even more boring than listening to his mom and grandma. 'I'm bored! Isn't there anything remotely fun to do?'

Then Sota stopped at a well shrine and pointed. "This one is where your mom used to go to the Sengoku Jidai." Then he started walking again. "-and this over here-"

Poor Sota didn't realized he was now talking to himself because Kawayou had sneaked into the shrine. 'So this it, huh?' e ran down the steps and jumped on the side of the well. He twitched his ears and sniffed around. 'Yep,mom was right. This thing's just an ordinary well now.' Then he looked around and saw a cat standing on the steps. He jumped down and ran toward the cat.

The cat shrieked and ran off. "Hey, come back here ya mangy cat! I just wanna pet ya!" he yelled as he ran out after it.

Just then, Sota had started backtracking to figure out where he lost Sota, when Sota went running right past him. "No, Kawayou! Come back!" he yelled as he tried running after him. "Your mom'll be so mad if I lose you!" Sota stopped to catch his breath. Oh boy, could his nephew run. He started to realize the sky was getting darker, and watched the sun start to dissapear. 'Oh, that's not good.'

Elsewhere, two familiar figures are walking in the dark. Inuyasha is in the back while Shippou takes the lead. "Do you think we should've told Miroku and Sango where we we're going?"

"Feh, they're injured anyhow. Besides, I'm just going to see the old hag for advice." Inuyasha replied.

"Come on ya mangy feline! Where ya at?!" Kawayou yelled as he stopped and glanced around quickly. He sniffed around the air trying to pick up the scent again. "Ha! Gotcha!" he grinned running forward again.

Back at the Higurashi's house...

Sota came in gasping. "Ka *gasp* go *gasp* me?"

He didn't need to finish. Kagome was already up and out the door.

Back to the well shrine...

"Ha! Found ya!" Kawayou shouted in triumph as he grabbed the cat. It wriggled in his grasp as he sat down. "Tried to outrun me?!" he laughed. Kawayou looked in front of him. 'Huh? Did I run in circles?' He thought as he went back into the shrine. He sniffed the air.

Shippou grabbed onto Inuyasha's Kimono. "Inuyasha, it's right over there!" he said as he pointed to the east of them.

"Bah. Go see for yourself." Inuyasha replied still walking forward.

Shippou looked at him angrily and scampered off.

Kawayou ran back down the stairs and jumped on the side of the well. 'My nose feels funny. I've never smelled this before.' He looked down into the well.

Well, this is where I should end the first chapter. This storyline is just getting started, but stay tuned!

Next time on The Feudal Fairy Tale Begins Again...

Kawayou looked back at his mom with an annoyed expression. "I didn't do anything!" he pointed into the well. "The cat jumped in by itself!"

Kawayou jogged her out of her memories with his comment. "What?" she asked again, not quite believing her ears.

He turned away and buried his nose in his kimono. "Smells? Familiar smells?!"