Chapter 36:

Ponyboy's POV:

Months later, everything was looking up. Johnny started to walk without his walker and Cherry got the money to fix her car, but there was something bigger than all that. Soda had changed. Something inside him had finally told him to give up Sandy.

He still knew about her,

He still thought about her,

and deep down, he still loved her.

But he decided to let that all go and stop torturing himself with her. When he thought about her, he thought of her as a married woman, and he loved her like a close friend. With that friendship, Sandy stopped getting upset over Sodapop and could finally engage in her marriage with Mark.

The same idea clicked for Johnny. He would always love his mother and father, but in a way, he kinda let them go. He moved on and lived with us most of the time. Whenever he did visit his parents though, we always had Darry or Dally go with him.

Now there's one big happy family with Darry, Sodapop, Johnny and I. And the bond with that family, and the whole gang, is one that can never be broken as long as we all continue to Stay Gold.

The End

Did you like it? Tell me what you're thinking in the reviews! Special thanks to the amazing people who have actually been reading this since I posted ch 1, and of course special thanks to all the Reviewers, Favoriters, and Follower, you guys are awesome! Thanks for helping create another successful story!

Last thanks goes to Emolichic1 who gave me the characters and relationships they wanted to read about which basically started this story for me! I love all the readers, thanks to everyone, and I hope you liked it!