Hello Everyone! This is my very fist fanfic and honestly, I'm kinda nervous! Eek!

This idea just popped into my head one night, so I decided to make it into a story. My never ending love for the Gruvia pairing, had

to be expressed somehow.. so here it is! I hope you find it entertaining and maybe it'll give you a laugh if nothing else:) Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail

"Uggh, I'm so bored!" Lucy cried while mindlessly flicking a lone peanut across the table top. She sat on a wooden bench with her body slumped forward & her head resting on the table.

"Oh come on Luce, lighten up." Natsu managed to reply with a mouth full of food.

Lucy narrowed her eyes at the noisy dragon slayer and muttered "Does he ever stop eating?"

"Jeez Natsu, even when you eat you're annoying." Gray commented as he leisurely sat in the bench opposite Lucy.

"Oh yeah, why dontcha say that to my face!" Salamander challenged as pieces of food flew from his gaping mouth.

Gray glared back at Natsu "I just did, idiot."

Eyes blazing, Natsu hopped off his stool & took a fighting stance, while still holding his half-eaten turkey leg. "That's it you icy freak! I'm gonna wipe that smug grin off your face, then use it to mop the floor!"

Gray merely cocked an eyebrow, "What?"

"Would you boys knock it off? I'm getting a good buzz here." Cana replied aggravated, her arms wrapped protectively around her barrel.

Lucy sighed quietly "We can't help it Cana, there's just nothing to do right now."

Cana gave Lucy a mischievous look, "Of course there is."

Lucy blinked, confused, before Cana pulled up another large barrel & slammed it down on the table in front of Lucy & Gray. "Grab a mug & start chugging!"

Lucy looked to Cana, then to the barrel, then back at Cana. "You serious?"

After a long swig, Cana exhaled contently "Ya, why not? I wouldn't mind having a few drinking buddies."

Before Lucy could protest, Cana grabbed a couple of mugs & began filling them.

Just then, Juvia came strolling into the hall from the pool, wearing a blue & white polka dot bikini & was lightly fluffing her hair with a towel.

"Juvia?" Lucy called, making the water mage look up.

"Juvia, it's the middle of the night, what are you doing in the pool?"

She smiled softly, "There's nothing quite as refreshing than taking a midnight swim under a starry sky."

Juvia noticed Gray silently staring at her, causing her to blush. "Hello Gray."

Gray tried not to gawk openly at the bluenette, he just wasn't used to seeing her this way. Who would've known that underneath that heavy blue dress she always wore, was a pair of killer long legs, round hips & a full ample bust.

Despite his best efforts, his mind went blank as he tried to reply. "Uhh...I..."

Suddenly, Cana roughly jabbed Gray's side with her elbow & laughed. "A speechless Gray? What's next? Natsu taking a vow of peace?"

She let out another hearty laugh as Gray sent an icy glare her way. Lucy tried not to giggle as she instantly imagined Natsu in a monk's robe chanting "Violence is not the answer."

Natsu turned to Cana defensively, "Hey, just what are you trying to say?!"

After Cana shoved a full mug into Gray's hands, she walked over to Natsu & gave him a mug as well. "Ah, don't take things so seriously. Drink!"

Natsu grumbled something under his breath & took the drink, knowing Cana wouldn't take no for an answer.

Cana turned toward Juvia & waved her over. "Hey Juvia! Why don't you come over here & have a drink. There's plenty to go around!"

Juvia put her hand up to her mouth & shifted awkwardly "Juvia doesn't know..."

"You don't want Gray sitting here all by his lonesome, do you?"

Gray quietly growled into his mug as he wished Cana would stop putting him in these awkward situations.

Juvia immediately perked up & a big smile spread across her face. "Not to worry my darling, Juvia will keep you company!" With that she trotted over happily to Gray & plopped down right next to him, her eyes sparkling with joy.

When everyone settled down & got their drinks, a thought popped into Lucy's head. "Hey, why don't we play a game or something?"

"Like a drinking game?" Natsu asked as he made his way over to join them.

Lucy nodded "Yeah. Now let's see..."

Cana took another huge swig from her barrel & an idea suddenly came to her. A sly grin crept to her face, before she announced her decision. "Truth or Dare."

Silence fell over the group as they all looked at Cana.

"Truth or dare? Tch, that game's for babies." Natsu finally said.

Cana shoved a finger in Natsu's face & spoke with an authoritative tone "All who mock Truth or Dare, are too gutless to play!"

Natsu bristled at that, "Hey, I'm not scared to play that stupid game!"

Cana leaned toward him then, a wicked smile on her face, "Then you're up first."

Natsu met her gaze with equal intensity, before squaring his shoulders. "Fine! I'll-"

"Now just hold on there Natsu, we're gonna play it my way tonight. Just to mix things up."

Natsu huffed & crossed his arms over his chest.

"So, what do you have in mind Cana?" Gray asked.

Cana quickly went over to the bar, rummaged around, then came back & set an empty glass bottle on the table.

"Here's how we're gonna play it. First off no truths, just dares. We're not gonna have people wussing out & choosing truth over & over again. We'll sit in a circle & the person who's up, spins the bottle. Whoever it points to, you have the power to choose the dare for them. And they have to do it, no exceptions. Got it?"

The rest of the group took a couple seconds to think about it, then nodded in agreement & sat in a circle on the floor.

"Natsu, you go first." Lucy said & took a swig from her mug.

Natsu nodded at Lucy, a fierce determination coming over him as he reached for the bottle & gave it a good spin. Gray took a swig of his beer as he thought to himself, 'This is going to be interesting.'

"Natsu, I'm all for getting shit-faced, but that bottle of Rum is Master Makarov's favorite drink. He'll kill me if I take it!" Cana barked at Natsu.

Natsu smirked evilly, unfazed by her resistance. "A dare is a dare, Cana. And besides, Gramps won't be back from the council meeting for a few days. Can't you just replace it before he gets back?"

Cana glared at him, before she caved in & let out an exasperated sigh. "Fine, whatever."

Quickly, Cana stood up & walked behind the bar, searching for the forbidden bottle.

Meanwhile Juvia, with her cheeks tinted pink from the alcohol & close proximity to Gray, leaned toward the ice mage & smiled. "Gray -hic- where did your clothes go?"

Gray, who was holding his liquor a little better, merely looked down & noticed he had shed everything except his boxers. "Damn it! When did that happen?"

Juvia giggled softly, making Gray snap his head back to her. He was momentarily taken aback by her incredibly adorable & flirtatious laugh that made his chest twinge in response.

"Juvia doesn't mind." she purred.

Gray's eyes widened & he froze in place, unsure of how to respond.

Just then, Cana came back & sat down with the bottle in hand. She removed the cap & took a long gulp of the fine liquor.

Lowering the bottle, Cana sighed loudly, her cheeks flushed & a lazy smile formed on her face. "Alright you lil' spit-fuck! Now it's my turn. Pray that it doesn't land on your ass!"

Lucy quirked an eyebrow & muttered. "She's getting that crazy look in her eyes... I'm scared."

With an almost unnecessary force, Cana sent the bottle in a wild spin. Everyone watched the bottle in nervous preparation for whatever insane dare Cana was about to dish out.

Ceasing it's twirling, the bottle stopped & pointed its long neck directly at Gray. Cana's eyes flashed to Gray with a devious amusement reflecting in them. A bead of sweat rolled down the side of his face as he braced himself.

"Heheh, okay Mr. Snow Cone," She began.

Gray furrowed his brows, "Mr. Snow Cone?"

"I double dare you... to give Juvia, a good spank!"

Gray paled, & the rest were stunned silent.

"What?!" Gray bellowed.

"Right on the Ass!"

Gray's jaw dropped as he felt his face begin to flush.

To everyone's surprise, Juvia positioned herself on all fours in front of Gray & lowered her chest to the floor, pushing her rear up in the air. Juvia turned her head toward Gray, her cheeks flushed bright pink & a hungry look shone in her eyes. "Juvia's ready."

Gray was almost floored as the sensation of electricity coursed through his body & lingered on the most sensitive part of him. He involuntarily shivered in response. Despite himself, Gray couldn't help but gaze at her perfectly round derriere & her skin that looked so soft & supple. His face really started to heat up at that point.

"And don't you give us one of those sissy slaps! I want you to bring your arm up real high, then whip it down hard!"

Gray glared daggers at Cana then slowly turned back to Juvia's behind. He swallowed hard, his heart racing.

"Come on, don't be a wuss!" Natsu finally said & he gestured toward Cana to refill his mug.

That did it for him. No way was he gonna let that pink haired freak call him a wuss & get away with it.

"Fine!" Gray finally snapped & he straightened himself up. He grabbed his mug & downed the last of his beer for some liquid courage. He positioned himself behind Juvia & with a sharp inhale, cocked his arm back then brought it down with such force that the loud smack echoed through the hall. Juvia gasped loudly as the blow jerked her whole body forward. Gray let his hand cup her ass for a second, before he pulled away & sat back down, turning his head away in attempts to conceal his bright red face.

"Wow Gray, I'm impressed! I didn't think you had it in you." Cana smiled, eyebrows raised in surprise.

Juvia bit her lip & tried to keep her shaking to a minimal as she lowered herself back to a sitting position. Her breath hitched in her throat when she landed on her freshly sore cheek, before quickly shifting her weight to the other side. She tried desperately to calm her breathing & hide her excitement, but she had never been more turned on in her life!

Cana shot a gaze toward Juvia & smiled mischievously. "You're welcome Juvia."

Juvia blushed fiercely & hid her face with her long blue hair. Gray groaned quietly, he should not have enjoyed that as much as he did. He kinda felt like doing it again, except it being just the two of them alone in his room.

Shocked by his thoughts, Gray shook his head & decided he had to change topics quickly. "Ok, it's my turn now." He reached out & spun the bottle, ignoring Cana who pushed his freshly refilled mug toward him. This time, it landed on Natsu, much to Gray's delight.

His dark eyes fixed on the arrogant salamander. "Well well, Pinkie.."

Natsu's eyes burned with a sudden fury. It really pissed him off when Gray called him that.

In silent contemplation, Gray scanned the room, before he fixed on something & got up. Walking over to a table, he seized the unknown object & then came back to the circle. A wet smack sounded, as Gray dropped a dirty old dishcloth in front of Natsu. Amusement playing on his features, Gray crossed his arms over his chest & looked down at the dragon slayer.

Natsu stared blankly at the cloth before tuning to Gray with a confused look on his face. "You.. want me to clean the tables? That's pretty weak, man."

Gray slowly shook his head. "No, you Eat it."

After a few seconds, Natsu contorted his face in disgust. "This thing's nasty! And it smells!"

A smug grin crossed Gray's face as he challenged, "You're not backing out, are you?"

Natsu narrowed his eyes at the ice mage. "I never back out of anything!"

Gray simply smirked, then went back to his spot in the circle.

Lucy cringed as she leaned away from Natsu & his dish cloth. "Uggh, that stinks!"

Natsu paid no mind to her & squared his shoulders as he held the cloth in both hands. "I gotta do it!" He yelled before chomping down on the rag. Everyone gaped as he ferociously chewed on the cloth. Lucy turned away & gagged, Cana shrugged it off as she took another shot of the Rum. Gray looked very content as he watched Natsu eat the nasty dish cloth. Juvia shook her head & turned away.

As always, her eyes fell on Gray. She put a delicate hand up to her mouth as her cheeks burned thinking about that spank he gave her. Feeling her gaze, Gray turned toward Juvia & nearly jumped when he saw that clouded, lustful look in her eyes. A rush of heat swept through him & he felt a tightening sensation in his loins. Realizing she was staring, Juvia averted her eyes to the floor. Gray inwardly cursed and quickly looked away. What the hell was going on with him?

Natsu groaned loudly as he finished the last of the dish cloth & forced to keep it down.

After taking a big gulp of his beer, Natsu set his mug down & glared at Gray. "Alright you sick bastard, now it's my turn. I'd watch out if I were you."

Gray seemed unfazed. "Bring it on."

With a twisted chuckle, Natsu spun the bottle hard. Cana was now the victim & Natsu rubbed his hands together evilly. Cana simply rolled her eyes & took another swig of her alcohol.

"Ok Cana, I dare you to take this marker & write on the request board; I, Cana Alberona, hereby decree that Natsu Dragneel is the coolest & most powerful wizard in Fairy Tail... P.S. I have a super huge crush on him."

Silence fell over the group as Natsu let out a hearty laugh, obviously proud of his dare.

Cana's brow twitched as she balled her fist. "You cocky lil' Prick!" She bellowed before throwing her fist into Natsu's laughing face.

Lucy gasped as Natsu was knocked backwards, silencing his laughter. Cana picked up the marker with a growl & made her way over to the request board.

Gray watched in astonishment, "She's really gonna do it? Man, she sure does stick to her word."

Juvia nodded in agreement. "She is brave."

"Natsu! Say something!" Lucy shook the dragon slayer forcefully as his eyes spun dizzily.

To everyone's amazement, Cana wrote out the whole message. Even the P.S. part. Capping the marker, Cana strolled back to the group. Natsu finally came to & sat up with Lucy's help. Taking her seat, Cana grabbed the bottle & took another swig.

Gray's shoulders began to shake, making Juvia cock her head in confusion. "What is it, darling?"

Gray raised his head to reveal his wide smile, "I just imagined everyone's face when they see that message tomorrow morning. How do you think Erza will react? Hahaha!"

Suddenly, Cana tackled Gray to the floor, much to Juvia's horror. She roughly grabbed Gray's cheeks & shoved the bottle of Rum in to his mouth. "You think that's funny, huh?!"

Gray choked down the liquor & Juvia dove towards Cana, trying to push her away "Cana, stop hurting my Gray!" Satisfied, Cana released her hold on him & sat back down with her bottle.

Gray sat up, dazed & coughing while wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. Juvia rushed to his side, placing her hands on his neck & gazing worriedly into his face. "Are you alright, my love?"

Blinking rapidly, Gray swayed & tried to regain his composure. "Yeah, I'm..." Gray finally focused his eyes on something, only to realize they were Juvia's breasts. His eyes widened drastically, they were so close & so...big. He hadn't realized till now just how busty she was & it made his mind race with all sorts of thoughts. Juvia blinked rapidly, then released her hold on Gray & turned away with a blush.

Gray raised his hand to try & explain, but Cana spoke up "Alright children, get ready cause here I go!" With that, she sent the bottle spinning. All eyes watched the bottle complete it's journey & land on Lucy.

The blonde gasped in terror & she tried not to tremble when Cana's devilish grin fell on her. "It's about time girl. Now let me see..." Natsu watched Lucy shake with fear & looked back at Cana for her decision. "Heheh.. Okay Lucy, I dare you.. to lick Natsu's ear!"

All four wizards yelled in unison, "What?!"

Cana stood by her dare. "You heard me, lick his ear! Just along the outer edge, you don't have to go digging in there like a gopher."

Natsu's jaw dropped to the floor & Lucy turned bright red as she stuttered. "Umm.. I.."

Quite unexpectedly, Juvia chimed in "What are you waiting for Lucy?" This made Lucy snap out of it & whip her head towards the bluenette.

Gray smiled, pleasantly surprised by Juvia's sudden boldness. "Yeah Natsu, what are you, scared?" A sudden burst of fire appeared around Natsu as he glared at the ice mage. Gray & Juvia softly chuckled before they turned toward each other smiling, then quickly looked away embarrassed.

Natsu sighed heavily "Alright Luce, just get it over with." Lucy squeaked nervously & inched closer to Natsu, a bright blush heated her face. Juvia's taunting resounded through Lucy's thoughts, causing the blonde to narrow her eyes. The celestial wizard leaned in to Natsu, who was unmoving arms crossed over his chest & trying to hide his nervousness. Cana, Gray & Juvia, watched anxiously, not saying a word. Lucy leaned in close & flicked her hot pink tongue along Natsu's ear in one quick movement. Natsu's eyes bulged out & his face flushed as red as a tomato. Lucy recoiled back to her spot & lowered her face to hide her own red cheeks.

Cana burst out laughing & slapped her leg. "That a girl, Lucy!"

In response, the blushing pair immediately started gulping down their beverages. Gray snickered lightly, thoroughly enjoying seeing the salamander freak out like that.

Lucy lowered her drink & set her gaze on the bottle. "Finally, it's my turn!" A small grin crossed her features & she reached out to twirl the bottle. After a few rounds, the bottle stops in front of Gray, earning a quiet gasp from Juvia.

Lucy put her hand up to her mouth as she thinks. "Hmm.." Suddenly Natsu perked up & he leaned in to whisper something to Lucy. Gray raised an eyebrow suspiciously. Natsu pulled away with a mischievous smile & Lucy quietly giggled before announcing, "Okay Gray, I dare you to dance..The Macarena!"

Gray paled & was momentarily paralyzed. Meanwhile, big pink hearts formed in Juvia's eyes as she clapped her hands together in excitement. Cana quietly laughed into the bottle she held in front of her mouth.

Gray broke out of shock & his eyes turned dark as he growled through clenched teeth. "You gotta be fucking kidding me."

Natsu grinned evilly "Dance Monkey!" Gray glared back at the salamander with a look so cold, everyone could feel the chill.

"You can do it, Gray!" Juvia cheered as she threw her arms up in the air & smiled.

Gray sighed heavily then swiped the bottle of Rum, ignoring Cana's protest, & tossed back several big gulps. Gray lowered the bottle with a loud exhale, his body immediately feeling warm from the liquor. Cana took the bottle back & he then rose to his feet swaying just a little.

Gritting his teeth, Gray extended both arms & started doing The Macarena! Cana gave a loud 'Woo hoo!' & raised her drink. Juvia blushed wildly & put her palms on her cheeks & Natsu rolled on the floor laughing as Lucy barely hid her snicker. Gray half growled, half mumbled the tune of the song to match when he had to turn in the dance. Almost completing the circle, Gray put his hands on his hips & thrust his pelvis forward, which happened to be right in front of Juvia. Overloaded with desire, Juvia gasped, put a hand to her forehead & fainted. Natsu continued laughing while tears formed in his eyes.

At the very last part of his dance, Gray suddenly yelled "Aaiiiyaah!" then sent his foot flying right in to Natsu's face. Everyone, except for Juvia, gaped at his sudden outburst. Gray returned to his spot & took a long swig from his beer nonchalantly.

Natsu quickly recovered & balled his fists with fire engulfing them. "What the hell was that for Snowflake!?"

Gray replied calmly, "My foot slipped."

Natsu glared murderously at Gray. "Oh yeah, well my Fist is about slip right into your face!"

Lucy put a hand on Natsu's shoulder. "Natsu, calm down. It's not worth it." The dragon slayer growled in response, so Lucy leaned in to him, her full chest brushing against his arm as she gave him a pleading gaze. Natsu swallowed hard, a light blush coming to his face. Losing his fire, he sighed & sat down, earning a sweet smile from the blonde.

Juvia finally came to, a little dazed & slowly pulled herself up. Blinking & looking around, the water mage noticed Gray lean forward & spin the bottle. She instantly smiled & blushed remembering his dance that sent her over the edge.

"Hey, Cana!" Cana looked up to see Gray smirking at her.

Confused, she peered down to see the bottle pointing straight at her. "Ah, great."

Gray fumbled around, then picked up a black marker & tossed it to Cana. "I want revenge! I dare you to take that marker & draw a big mustache on Lucy's face!"

The blonde wizard gasped in horror & tried to protect her face. Cana arched an eyebrow then shrugged her shoulders, before turning to Lucy. "Noo!" Lucy yelled, but Cana pinned her down in a flash & started scribbling on her face. Lucy squealed & kicked her feet in protest, but to no avail.

Gray softly chuckled & Juvia tried to hide her own snicker. Releasing her prey, Cana stepped back & let Lucy sit up with a groan. A second of dead silence passed before the group suddenly erupted with laughter. One half of the mustache was full & curled upward, but the other side was squiggly & lopsided. The whole look was completed with a bushy goatee.

Lucy huffed angrily & crossed her arms over her chest. "Stop laughing you guys!"

Natsu was the first one to quiet down as he put an arm around Lucy. "Lighten up, Luce. You gotta learn to laugh at-" Natsu turned away from her face & barked out another laugh.

Lucy growled & pushed him off her. "Shut up!"

Cana wiped away a tear & sat up "Ah, that felt good. But it's my turn now."

Everyone quickly calmed down & they watched Cana launch the bottle in to another wild spin. Slowing down to a stop the bottle pointed to Juvia this time.

The water mage bit her lip nervously & looked to Cana. "Alright Juvia, since I'm getting such a kick outta watching Gray squirm," The ice mage sent a dangerous glare her way. "I dare you, to kiss Gray...'s collarbone." Juvia immediately blushed & Gray's eyes widened as his jaw dropped slightly. Cana raised her hand to specify, "Right here." She pointed to the spot above the collarbone, at the base of the neck.

Gray gulped loudly & Juvia slowly turned her head toward him, her index finger gently resting on her bottom lip. That innocent & playful look shining in her dark blue eyes, was making Gray's heart race.

With out prompting, Juvia placed her hands on the ground & started crawling toward Gray. A shiver ran up his spine & again he felt that tightening sensation beneath his boxers. Juvia was giving him a generous view of her ample bust as she inched closer to him. Gray leaned back on his hands & reluctantly shifted his legs so she could kneel between them. Juvia stopped right before him, moved an arm to the outside of his hip & leaned in.

With her lips mere inches from his chest, Natsu moved to Lucy & put a hand up to his mouth as to whisper something, but it came out rather loudly. "I bet ya she wishes she was kissing his other bone."

Gray immediately stiffened & his face turned bright red. Juvia's eyes widened & her blush intensified. Lucy gave a jab to Natsu's ribs & a stern 'Shh!' Then to Gray's utter surprise, Juvia very subtly glanced down to his package & bit her bottom lip seductively, making his heart pound wildly inside his chest. He suddenly wished he could cross his legs to hide his growing excitement.

Acting as if nothing happened, Juvia brought her gaze back to his neck & leaned in to him once more, her hot breath on his chest. The moment her lips touched his skin, Gray instantly imagined her soft full lips on his member. His entire body shuddered at the image & he fought to suppress a groan. He balled his fists & clenched his jaw, trying to stop his body from reacting the way it was. Thankfully, Juvia didn't linger & pulled away from him to return to her spot in the circle. Gray released a shaky breath & as discretely as possible, pulled his legs close to his chest.

"Whew! Is it just me, or did it get hotter in here?" They looked over to see Cana wafting herself with her hand & smiling deviously. "Made me feel like I was watching something I shouldn't have. Hahaha. Hey Gray.. you cool? Haven't melted over there have you?" She finished with a wink.

Natsu let out a snort & Gray rolled his eyes, exasperated by her ridiculous ice puns.

"Hey Juvia, it's your turn girl."

Juvia snapped out of her daydream & looked to the group. "Oh! Y-Yes, sorry." She gave the bottle a good spin & anxiously waited for it to stop.

Once again, it landed on Lucy who let out a miserable groan. "Why?!"

Cana shook her head, "Today's not your day, Lucy."

Juvia's eyes lit up "Juvia, will get revenge for Gray as well!"

The rest of the wizards blanked, before collectively asking, "Huh?"

She then pointed a finger at Lucy, "You are hereby dared, to go over there," Lucy followed her finger to the part of the circle opposite where her & Gray sat, "Call forth your spirit Taurus & flash him your breasts for three seconds!" Everyone gaped at Juvia, taken aback by her bold dare.

"Are you Crazy!?" Lucy demanded, her face steadily getting more & more red.

Juvia shook her head, making her blue wavy locks fall about her shoulders. "No. That is your dare."

Lucy stood there unmoving, smoke coming from her cherry red face.

Cana's hearty laugh broke the silence. "Wow, that's quite a dare. I'll bet Taurus will pretty much do anything for you if you give him a peek."

Lucy simply groaned in aggravation & fiddled with her gate key.

Natsu finally spoke up, "Come on, just do it & get it over with."

Lucy gasped at the dragon slayer, not quite sure what to make of that.

"Yep, just do it real quick like a band-aid." Cana added & took another drink.

Lucy exhaled loudly, releasing any last bits of frustration then raised her head. "Okay." She went over to the spot where Juvia pointed & turned away from the group. Taking a deep breath, Lucy raised up her golden key & said, "Open gate of the golden bull, Taurus!" A bright light appeared & then Taurus's cow bell chimed. Lucy grimaced, then pulled up her tank top to reveal her jugs to the pervy bull. But Natsu was also within sight & he poked his head up to take a look. His jaw dropped wide open & his face turned bright red. As soon as Taurus noticed Lucy, huge hearts appeared in his eyes & he ran toward her exposed top yelling "Moooooo!" Lucy screeched, covered herself back up & closed the gate key as fast as she could.

When Lucy was sure Taurus had vanished, she put her hand over her heart & sighed. Cana chuckled to herself & Lucy turned around only to notice Natsu's face still bright red & in shock. Lucy gaped & stomped her foot "Natsu!" The dragon slayer held up his hands defensively, expecting a blow from the irate blonde.

Gray sighed & shook his head in embarrassment. Juvia tucked a lock of hair behind her ear & gave him a sweet smile. Gray noticed & started to smile back, but then his eyes were drawn to her full chest. They looked so squeezable & bouncy. He quickly caught himself leering & tore his eyes away, trying to act nonchalant.

Lucy came back to the circle & sat down, a clear scowl on her features. "Alright, my turn."

Reaching out, she spun the bottle & waited to see who it would land on. It pointed to the ice mage who narrowed his eyes & looked at the blonde. She was stroking her chin contemplatively, forgetting she had a drawn on goatee.

Gray couldn't help but smirk as she started to smear the marker around her chin. "Hmm.. Ah! I got it."

Gray braced himself. "Gray, I dare you to tell everyone right now, how you really feel about Juvia."