Hello! This is a reverse harem Kuroko no Basket! I still haven't decided the end and official pairing though! Please enjoy and review! And sorry for any mistakes!

Life is a crappy game, if you win too much, you abandon and if you lose too much, you get abandoned. That's why I love games, unlike reality, if you win too much you gain only more points and if you lose you can restart whenever you want.

Unlike life, if neither winning to much or losing too much can do the trick, you have to be average

But I don't want to average, I'd rather be alone and still win, if none can get to my level then I'm sorry, I'm not going to bring myself down to their level

"Renji chan? Well, she looks cute but I just can't seem to talk to her, she is weird always alone playing some adult game called chess"

"Mummy said she is really smart so she looks down on us, so I don't really like her and she isn't fun at all"

Well, sorry for not acting like an elementary student, not my fault I'm smarter than you all.

I hate elementary, everybody is just so empty.

"Renji chan"

I looked up to my teacher, while holding the black chess piece in my small hands

"You should go play with the others more" she said sweetly

I turned my attention to the rest of the class, they looked uncertain and not mention clearly not inviting, so I just looked back at the chess board making my next move

The teacher sighed and moved on without another word, really how long is it going to take for her to learn, that it's not my fault but their fault?

Then one day, he came

His red hair and red eyes, I still remember them clearly, they were really pretty

But what struck me the most was the atmosphere around him, at first I thought of him just as empty as the rest, always faking a smile and everything, though it turned out he was someone I could talk to

"You are making a wrong move"

I remember the first words he said to me

I looked up with the chess piece still in my hands, I remember staring at him uncertain whether or not I should talk back, but then something told me to do so

"I know that, I want to win this round without sacrificing any black pieces" I said in a small voice

"Eh..." he stared for a few more seconds before pulling one of those short stools to the opposite side of the board "May I?"

"Sure..." I wanted to give him a chance, even though I knew he wouldn't win

Oh, how wrong I was

"I lost..." I looked unbelievably at the broad

"That was close..." he said smiling in relief "...but if you didn't give yourself that kind of handicap I would have lost"

It was weird, it was my first loss, but I felt refreshed, even if I wasn't playing seriously, somewhere deep inside me I was happy

I remember I smiled genuinely at another person apart from my family for the first time in forever. I couldn't stop grinning from ear to ear

And from that day on, I made my first... friend? I'm not sure if we were close enough to call friends, we only stayed together at school after all

"Looks like I won" he sighed scratching his head frowning a bit " But you are still keeping that handicap, looks like I need to get even better"

I just stared at him with a poker-face, I'm still not used to show any kind of expression, I admit I was secretly looking down on him, I still use the handicap so he can win, but I really am just waiting for him to get on my level, plus it was better for me this way too, I could see how far I can improve with a handicap

And with a expressionless face I brought his hands closer to my everyday twin tailed orange hair and made him hold on both of them and held them a little higher like a little bunny

"Ryuu...what are you doing?" he asked sweat dropping, I don't even remember since when since we were on first name basis

"It's called bunny charge" I explained with my famous poker face, he just stared like I lost my mind " At home they do this a lot to me, so I can transfer some of my IQ and energy to them"

"Huh" his confused looked turned into one of amused ones, as he tugged gently at my hair "Well, then I will help myself then"

And that was the second time I smiled

But one day he wasn't here anymore, I remember our last game, when he told me that he was transferring, some part of me fell apart. On that day I played seriously against him for the first time and won. And after we just part ways without saying anything, and then the next day he was gone. My life turning back to a dull and uninteresting life it was before I met him

"What?!You want to stop going to school?!" both mum and dad asked shocked, while my older brother dropped his chopsticks in surprise

"Are you getting bullied?!" mum asked panicking, the whole family adored me and were kinda overprotective

I shook my head in denial as I continued to chew slowly

"Are you not getting along with the others?" my older brother Kyoya asked

Bingo, got to hand it to my brother since he understands me the most. I nodded in responce

"But you know that's unreasonable" dad said seriously

"I promise I will go to middle school so..please" I said getting teary eyed

"Okay!Okay!We agree! Just don't cry!" they all rushed over hugging me and patting my head

So that's how I, Renji Ryuu, 8 years old turned into a shut-in and a neet ( not in education, employment or training), oh, and game obsessed. My mum is a famous actress and dad is a famous director so right now they are traveling around the world to film different kinds of movies. My older brother is the one looking after me he is in his first year of high school.

"Ryuu!" Kyoya banged at the said girl's room door, she tend to stay inside most the time in front of her computers, their parents defiantly spoiled her.

Why not? She was their cute genius bunny, she was known for defeating a chess program that was designed to defeat 20 professional players

"I'm coming in!" he announced opening the door after not getting a response

Unlike other neet's rooms, his sister's is always kept spotless, but it tends to get messy once in a while

He blinked under the light coming from her 4 screen computers and a laptop on the floor, he looked around and saw a figure on the bed. He sighed as he went over to the curtains and pulled them open "Rise and shine!"

"My eyes!My eyes!" the figure shouted blocking her eyes with her hands and rolled around "This room is supposed to perfect shelter from morning rays!"

"It's afternoon now!" Kyoya shouted back at her as she rubbed her eyes and yawning "Do you know what day is it today?!"

"Does it matter for a neet?" she replied tiredly

"Of course it does! Since your neet life is coming to an end!"

"Eh?!" Renji froze "Why?!"

"Because you are attending middle school starting from tomorrow!"


"NOOOOOOOOOOO!NII (shorter version of onii, it means older brother) I CAN'T DO IT!" Renji shouted as she clutched her brother's shirt

"I'm sorry but you promised" he said patting her head

No way...

"Don't worry our uncle coaches at the same school, so you can join his club, it would easier that way"

"Still! I can't do it!" Renji said getting teary, making her brother mentally cry at the sight, sighing, he took her hands and made her hold her messy twin tails and pulled it up a little, using the famous bunny charge on herself

"Fighto!" he cheered for her as she just bit her lips

This can't be happening, I thought I still had a few more years before middle school! I'm not mentally prepared! I looked at the full length mirror at our living room, I had tried on the uniform, it feels so weird to wear something else apart from my shorts and hoodies/T shirts

I frowned at the uncomfortable feeling I was having as I thought of a way out from this situation which unfortunately I could not, Nii is totally serious about this. He even left a few days after the opening ceremony so he could transfer me into the school, so I won't have to take the entrance exam.

Nii said that at first they didn't agree to it, I mean, I don't even have a elementary school graduation certificate and on top of that I didn't take the exam, it was natural, but after Nii thought him in Renji Akira's (mum's name)daughter, they quickly changed their minds, apparently they heard of me for defeating that boring chess program as well

I sighed again playing with the black ribbon around the collar

Well, might as well go, who knows, maybe something interesting would happen, even though I'm waiting for that to happen in real life with low expectations.

Little did I know,that on that day of clear blue skies the gears had already started spinning

Well, I will end it here for now, I hope you guys enjoyed it, and in case you have questions or suggestions, please leave it in a review! ^^