Authors note: HIIIIII, this is my first fanfiction ever, so dont get too mad if it has errors ^^. any comments are appreciated. I am lazy so if you want to see more stories give me encoragements, I feel resposible to my readers. ^_^ if any.


My mother died when i was six

The 10 year old Hanyou ran through the forest, panting heavily, he looked wildly around, trying to find a place to hide. The forest was oddly quiet.

I dont remember my Father that well

He was running from another yuokai, one who he had managed to piss off greatly. That wouldn't be much of a problem, but the youkai was strong, and unfortunatly VERY pissed, and had been chasing him for the past few days. He was tired, no far more than that, he was almost dead on his feet.

Feh, im getting all sentimental

Looking franticly he saw the well, with luck the yuokai would pass right by. It wasn't much but it was his last bet. He couldn't run much more. So he jumped and hoped.

So when I dropped into the well I wanted somplace safe

As he fell somthing strange happened, somthing far more disturbing than what he expected. Sort of like falling into a mire or walking through jello.

or maybe it was somthing different

When he hit the bottom, disorentated and confused he was frantic, and jumped out.

maybe it was my soul, lonely as it was keening for something

It was a wooden house, and it seemed deserted. To tired to ponder he determained there were no real dangers and curled up in a corner trying to rest.

and something responded

He didn't notice the little girl who had seen him, or the way her eyes widened. as she crept up to feel his ears.

for that though i will never admit it I am glad

He leaned into the hand, as she giggled at his soft sigh at scratched his ear. He slept deeply, trouble may come later, but for now he was at peace, and maybe finally...



Hope you liked review or email, your choice ^^