Together Again
"Cana, I'm sorry but as much as I want to go with you to Tenrou Island, I can't" Lucy said with much regret to her friend."
"Why not?" Cana said with much confusion.
"Well…" Lucy began to say when a certain salmon haired mage interrupted them.
"Because, Lucy is pregnant Cana. You of all people should know that." Lucy turned towards her husband and tried to calm him down but it didn't work. There had already been a full out fight between everyone. The master was finally able to make them stop and said, "Listen brats, we leave tomorrow so it is best to get as much rest as you can tonight."
Natsu turned to Lucy and said, "Are you sure you'll be okay."
"Of course I will. The baby isn't due for another month or two and you'll probably be gone for a couple of weeks, right?"
"Don't worry, I'll come back to you" Natsu said while holding Lucy.
Little did any of them know though that Lucy wouln't see him for another seven years.