Disclaimer: I don't own glee

A/N- Its been awhile on this story so I will be working my best to try to update this as soon as possible.

Broken Strings

Will pulled away from Finn, "I'm sorry Finn" Sorry I'm lying, sorry Quinn is lying, sorry Quinn is pregnant, sorry for helping Quinn cheat on you, sorry I slept with her. Will thought inwardly. Guilt was consuming him. This couldn't be happening. Maybe he should talk to Quinn. Then maybe he shouldn't. She's hiding it for a reason, lying for a reason. But I have to know. He thought with a sigh.

"It's okay... it's not it's your fault. You didn't get her pregnant" Finn shrugged looking at the floor. He didn't really know what to do now. He was going to be a father and there was no way he was ready. He couldn't help but to wish that this was all a bad dream, or that it wasn't his... but that would mean Quinn cheated on him. He wasn't sure what was worse. Yes he was. A baby at sixteen was definitely worse. He stuck his hands in his pockets and headed back into the choir room.

Will watched Finn leave and ran his fingers through his hair. He couldn't help but feeling conflicted and hurt. He wasn't sure what was going on but he knew that he needed to talk to Quinn. The problem was when and how... right now he just couldn't process. He walked back into the choir room with a fake smile plastered on his face as he turned to face the group, "That was a great job guys... we're going to head out okay? I'll see you all tomorrow"

Quinn slowly picked up her bag getting ready to leave. Finn took his time as well almost hovering over Quinn. Neither of them noticed that Puck was taking his time to leave as well. "So um Quinn... can we talk about this situation? I mean what are we going to do?" Finn asked nervously.

"Well I'm not going to get an abo-" Quinn froze when she heard Puck drop a book behind them.

"What's going on?" Puck asked feigning confusion.

"Uh... nothing"

"Then why is Quinn-"

"Stop looking for information Puck" Quinn snapped, "It doesn't concern you"

"Maybe we should just tell him" Finn suggested.

"I don't think so" Quinn swallowed thickly.

"He's my best friend" Finn argued.

"Okay Finn... but I'm not ready to tell anyone else. Just leave it alone okay?" Quinn grabbed her bag and stormed out of the choir room leaving Puck and Finn behind. Quinn got home and sat in her room doing her homework. She wanted to dive into her work where maybe she could forget all of the problems that clouded her mind. No such luck. Just as she was finishing her reading for the night her phone vibrated on the night stand. She lifted it to see Puck's name flashing across the screen. She hit ignore. No sooner had she done that did it ring again. It was Puck again. She huffed letting it go to voice mail.

Quinn got back into her homework. A few minutes later she went downstairs to make herself a snack before dinner. She bit into a granola bar leaning against the kitchen counter. From there she heard the doorbell ring and then the sound of her mother's heels against the wood floors as she went to answer the door. "Quinn" Judy Fabray called, "There's someone at the door for you"

Quinn shut her eyes and said a quick prayer before walking out into the hall and over to the entryway where Puck was standing with his hands in his pockets, "What are you doing here?" Quinn snapped.

"I'm here for that project we're supposed to be doing. I did call." Puck smirked. He knew that thiswas risky, coming into Quinn's house like this. He watched her eyebow rise in anger, her arms were crossed over her chest, her lips were pressed together. Everything was telling Puck to back down, but he didn't.

"Right, the project." Quinn huffed, "We'll be upstairs." Quinn walked quickly up,to,her room almost slamming the door behind her before Puck caught it.

"We need to talk" Puck stated.

"I know" Quinn admitted defeated.

Puck reached into his pocket and pulled out a carefully folded photo of the ultrasound. "I got your picture." He sat next to Quinn on the bed, "So this is our baby?" Quinn nodded, "I'll be honest, Im not sure what is what in this picture, but I do know I want to help with this baby" Puck stated.

"I don't know what to say... I mean... I just don't know what to do" Quinn bit her lip feeling that familiar sting of tears in her eyes. She cried a lot lately. "I'm sorry Puck" Quinn wimpered before Quinn broke down sobbing into his shoulder. He didn't say anything and just held her tightly to him.

That night Will Shuester was cleaning the choir room now that he'd taken on the janitorial job in order to pay for a house for Terri. As soon as he entered the choir room a wave of emotions fell over him again about Quinn. Why hasn't she told him? Why did she say Finn was the father when it was clear Puck was falling hard for the blonde? Why was she doing this to everyone? To herself?

He was just about to mop when he saw a slip of paper where Quinn usually sat. He picked it up and unfolded it to find an ultrasound photo with the words 'Fabray, Lucy' at the top. Will felt tears in his eyes. His hand covered his mouth as he sank down on the floor sobs shaking his body. He could be looking at his baby. His baby that was inside Quinn. His baby that was mothered by one of his students.

He sat for a long time looking at that picture after he had calmed down. He folded it and put it carefully in his pocket before finishing his job without much enthusaisam. Will walked down the halls thinking that maybe this could be a good thing that she hadn't told him. He could lose his job, his wife, his other child by his wife, and he could lose Quinn as a friend.

The next day Will waited for Quinn to walk into the school. When she walked by he easily stepped next to her, keeping pace, "Meet me in the auditorium during lunch." He stated walking past her to his class room.

Quinn's steps faultered a bit but she shook it off, maintaining her composure as Finn took Will's place next to her. During lunch Quinn hesitantly walked up to Will who was leaning over the table they usually sat at. "You wanted to see me." Quinn stated.

Will took a breath, "Yeah," he reached into his pocket, "So this, this picture... do you want to explain this to me?" He asked showing her her own copy of the ultrasound picture. "Is it mine?" He asked trying to stay calm.

"Where did you get that?"

"The choir room... please answer me Quinn"

"I can't tell you its not yours, but I don't think its yours. The timing is not right-"

"So it's Finn's?"

"No... Finn and I are not involved that way... its probably Puck's." Quinn swallowed thickly, "I didn't think you'd find out this way, but I just want you to know that I'm so sorry." Quinn breathed.

Will backed away from Quinn, "I can't even look at you right now. You lied to me, and to Finn. You cheated on Finn with not one but two men Quinn. I'm not going to tell you that you got what you deserved by getting pregnant because I care too much about you to hurt you like that... but you have GOT to STOP lying Quinn. Tell Finn the truth! He deserves that much at least. Just because your life is changing you cannot take that away from someone else. Tell Finn the truth. If you don't you'll ruin his life too" Will finished and stormed away from Quinn before he looked into those hazel eyes, undoubtedly filled with tears, before he fell apart.

Quinn was, again, crying. She felt her heart breaking. Everything Will had said was the truth and it hurt to know that he was right. She had to tell Finn. She pulled herself together long enough to pull herself off the floor and walk down to the choir room.

Puck half heartedly worked on his song with Mercedes in the room before glee club. "Okay Pu Puckerman. What's going on." Mercedes snapped getting irritated with his bad boy attitude.

"Don't act like you dont know. I told big mouthed Berry you all know."

"About Quinn? Well yeah Rachel kinda told us she was pregnant but we agreed not to say anythin until Quinn told us... wait why are you so worried about it? This isn't because you like her Puckerman right? That baby need it's father. You can't take that away from,it because you have a thing for Quinn. Finn is the father Puck so you really need to step off of her." Mercedes advised.

Something inside Puck snapped, he threw a music stand across the room and kicked over a few more. "Puck stop!" Mercedes shouted.

Puck stopped breathing hard, "Don't you get it?! Finn isn't the father! I AM!" He shouted banging his fist into a wall. "Finn wasn't what Quinn wanted and that baby is mine. There is no way in hell it's Finn's!" Puck finished.

Mercedes stood there stunned. There was nothing left to be said as the rest of the glee club began to enter. Quinn entered just before Finn did.

"Finn. We need to talk."

Quinn could see Finn getting nervous, "What's going on?" He asked once they were alone in the hall.

Tears formed in Quinn's eyes, "Finn... I lied to you... the baby, the baby isn't yours. Its Puck's" Quinn waited on Finn's reaction.

"You-you lied to me? And cheated on me?" He quickly snapped to anger and stormed into the choir room. Quinn followed after him only to see him slam Puck from his chair onto the hard floor. Finn threw punches all mostly getting Puck's face. Quinn rushed to break it up but got the wind knocked out of her by Finn's elbow accidently colliding with her stomach.

She sat on the floor gripping her stomach, trying to catch her breath. Seeing Quinn on the floor Puck started to fight back. Finally, Will entered immediately running to break up the fight. He ripped them apart, "Hey! Stop it you two are best friends."

"Not anymore." Finn glared. "Best friends don't sleep with their best friend's girl. I'll never forgive either of you" Finn snapped and left the choir room.

"Quinn are you okay?" Puck asked leaning over her.

"What happened to Quinn?" Will asked getting conserned.

"Finn accidentally hit her when she was trying to get him off of me." Puck explained. "I'm taking her to the nurse." He stood up and picked Quinn up in his arms. Her told the nurse what had happened and then had to wait for an ambulance. He could see the panic in Quinn's eyes. A hospital visit wasn't going to go unnoticed by her parents. "What do we do?" He asked, fully expecting her too come up with another lie.

"I think I have to tell them the truth." Quinn stated thoroughly surprising Puck. "There is nothing else to do. I can't keep secrets anymore. It's not good for me or you or anyone else to keep lying. People are going to find out eventually and there's no sense keeping it from my parents any longer... It won't make it go away." Quinn sighed.

At the hospital Quinn's mother and father arrived together. Puck sat in the room with Quinn and sat straighter inthe chair when her parents arrived. "What happened?" Russell Fabray asked coming to his daughter's side. Puck explained what had happened and was met with a follow up question, "Why is she in the hospital for an accidental hit? It couldn't have caused that much damage"

"Well, Daddy I need to tell you something... I know you're going to be angry." Quinn took a deep breath, "Mom, Daddy... I made a huge mistake and now I'm-I'm pregnant." Quinn's voice fell to a whisper ads she watched her father get angry.

"Who is the father?" Russell snapped.

At this point,before Quinn could say anything, Puck stepped up to speak, "I am."

It was like a storm. Quiet and eerie until the lightening starts to strike and the thunder booms. Mr. Fabray 's voice was the thunder as he shouted his disappointment for the entire hospital to hear. The lightening came as he began to calm and speak again, "I want you out of my house Quinn. Tonight." he left without looking back. The rain came shortly after with Quinn's tears that were streaming down her porcelain cheeks.

"I'm sorry." was all Puck managed to get out before a nurse came in to discharge Quinn.

This was it. Now everyone knew. There was no going back.

okay everyone so I may be a little stuck on where I want this story to go. Please leave a review with anything you wanna see in the fic. Thank you all so much for continuing to read my work. It really means SO much to me. Xoxox Kat