Aki's Perspectiveeee

We decided to rent out a venue in the Akane resort. There's a church especially for weddings that opens out onto one of the beaches. Blue Pegasus took care of decorating the space, and they did a flawless job. The sky is clear and the winds are calm. I almost can't believe how perfect this day is.

The reception is in a large venue overlooking the beach where we can watch the sun set from the dining room. Food is set up buffet style so everyone can eat as much as they like, and of course there'a an open limitless bar. Levy has already made Cana swear to go easy on it.

Mirajane set up the seating arrangements, and put Natsu and Lucy at the head table in the center, with the groomsmen and best man on Natsu's side, and the bride maids and maid of honor on Lucy's side. On the table to the right of the head table, a large wedding cake sits, waiting for its time to shine. On the other table, there are cards and gifts, though I'm not really sure what Natsu and Lucy could possibly do with them. I don't know how well earthland items transition to the spirit world.

Half way through dinner, I notice Gray stand up. "Hey, listen up!" Gray calls to get everyone's attention. "I gotta make a speech or whatever. I didn't really plan anything. n fact, I completely forgot I had to do this."

"Thanks, man. You're the best," Natsu says sarcastically.

"Stuff it," Gray retorts. He looks at Natsu and Lucy for a second before speaking again. "Ah, anyway. I've known Natsu since we were kids, since he showed up at Fairy Tail. We've competed ever since then because this idiot can't go a second without picking a fight with me. Even though he's a complete numb skull most of the time, this guy is always here for anyone who needs him. And he doesn't know how to give up. Those qualities in him have saved all of our asses at least once. I met Lucy when Natsu dragged her to Fairy Tail that one day. At first I thought it was weird; I figured Natsu only brought her because she was some cute girl he met and she was a fan of one of the guys in Fairy Tail. Like Loke or something. Remember when Loke used to be in that magazine as a most eligable bachelor? Man he acted like such a tool back then," Gray pauses so some people can laugh. I look over to the zodiac spirits sitting around their table. Leo's laughing along with everyone else. "Anyway. I kind of just thought she was just some girl, nothing special. man was I wrong. Lucy ended up being one of my best friends of Fairy Tail and a team mate who I couldn't imagine not working with on jobs and stuff. She's a good person, always forgiving and empathetic And she's smart too. She has a lot of the same blind guts and perserverence that Natsu has, which has made her the perfect partner for him. I have to admit I didn't notice that they were into each other at first, but then when they both announced it, it made a lot of sense to me. I can't think of two people who are more perfect for each other. Congrats Natsu and Lucy."

"Yep, it sounds like you just pulled that out of your ass," Natsu remarks. Despite the tone of his voice, he's beaming up at Gray, grateful for his speech.

After the noise dies down, Levy stands up to give her speech, which focuses more on specific stories and anecdotes about Natsu and Lucy, and she gives more insight to how she watched their relationship grow. She ends her speech with, "and that's exactly why I saw this coming from the start! I'm so happy for you two, Lu-chan and Natsu!"

After dinner we all move to another room for dancing. There are tables and couches along the walls to lounge around, but most of the room is a dance floor. There is a bar along the back wall where people can get snacks and drinks. The first dance is supposed to be the father-daughter dance, but since Lucy's dad is gone, Master Makarov will dance with her. For the mother and son dance, Natsu dances with Erza.

I watch the four of them dance and smile, it's so sweet how this guild is just one big family. Even though not many people are tied by blood, everyone has a connection to one another. It really is a beautiful thing, and it makes me wonder who I'll dance with, who will stand in for my father. Or who I'll even marry.

I shake the thought out of my head. It's way too soon for me to start thinking about that.

After the parent-child dances are over, Erza hands Natsu off to Lucy and Makarov hands Lucy to Natsu. Elfman takes my hand and along with the other four pairs, we join Natsu and Lucy on the dance floor. after about a minute, everyone else floods onto the dance floor. People start to switch partners: Levy hands Gray to Juvia and takes Gajeel in return, and I excuse myself from the dance floor, feeling tired. Erza and Jellal stay together and Mirajane and Laxus stay together until the end of the song.

At the bar, I find Cana talking with Gildarts. She takes one look at me and asks Kinana for a specific drink for me. "It's something pretty awesome that'll perk you right up. Can't have you passing out before the party gets good. We need you conscious so those two can stay earthland bound."

"They're both trying to use their own power too, but it's still taking a toll on my energy," I admit to her, accepting the drink from Kinana gratefully. "They've both been here all day, which is a lot longer than I'm used to."

"Lucy said she'd help you with stamina and spiritual power and stuff, right?" Cana asks, patting the seat next to her.

"And Natsu's helping me with fire magic and combat," I add. "I think he's trying to teach me his magic. I don't think he realizes dragon slayer magic is more complicated than regular fire magic."

"They're helping you out a lot, huh?" Gildarts asks me.

"I know. I can't believe how good they are to me," I tell him between sips of my drink. Cana was right, I am starting to feel rejuvinated. "In return I promised them I'd help them with some things they never got to take care of. It's the least I can do. I'm helping Lucy restore her old estate, and I'm going to help Natsu find Igneel."

"Along with regular jobs and finding gate keys, huh?" Cana asks me, almost skeptical. "You're going to be pretty busy, Dandelion."

I stare at her in shocked silence. "My parents used to call me that… a dried up stem with all the fuzz ripped off," I tell her, hurt that she'd keep that nickname alive.

Cana laughs, "You're pretty dumb if you think that's what I meant! No! You remind me of a new dandelion, all bright orange or yellow, strong. Dandelions always come back, you know? They can grow anywhere. Don't you dare think any of us would call you a dried up weed, Aki." She takes a swig of her liquor. "I'm not the only one who calls you that, anyway. Natsu's been calling you Dandelion, too."

"Oh. Well anyway, don't worry about us. We can do it!" I assure her, letting her know I am 100% determined to take control of my life so I can become the best I can be for my friends and for myself.


Well, there will be epilogue chapters, like I said a few chapters back. But that's the end of the actual story.

The epilogues will come randomly. Like, whenever I feel like posting them. I think there will be five epilogue chapters? idk? Don't hold me to that. I said there'd be 52 chapters of this and there are 55. I lied because I don't know how to conclude things.

Oh well.

Ehhh, so I hope you all enjoyed that. Leave me some reviews and messages and let's conversate! because I love talking to people about writing and fandoms! 3

Check out some of my other stuff. I have a bunch of other fanfictions in the works, some of them are co written and others are just BSy blargs that I don't even know if they'll go anywhere but we'll see!

Message me if you have ideas for other fanfictions you'd like me to try. I will more than likely do it.

I like to write gore

and psychologically messed up

and... romance

and comedy

and pretty much anything I will write.


Okay I'm gonna stop babbling now.

Peace out.