The back story for this is based off a multiple fandom RPG based off of The Mortal Instruments- Sebastian has brought people to New York to make an army and help him in the war. Everyone ends up at the Institute and they live there unless they join Sebastian. Then he puts them in a hotel. Sebastian and Blaise made an arrangement. She'll help him, if she gets what she needs, has a human to play with, and Sebastian sweetens the deal by offering good sex. It'll be three chapters. I wrote this as a birthday present for my friend, so happy birthday, Lissa 3

Sebastian made his way inside the house, unclasping his bracelet as he walked in the door. He found his present from Blaise to be quite useful. Especially with his realization this morning when he woke up. He did some things around the house, before going up to his room. Blaise will still sound asleep in his bed, her lack of clothing covered by the sheet that laid over her body. He set the stuff he brought with him aside, before crawling into bed with her.

Blaise's eyes fluttered open as she felt the bed shift, smiling some as she saw Sebastian laying next to him. It was apparent that he had been out; He was fully clothed. "Morning," she murmured, stretching some. "Where'd you go?" She asked.

Sebastian leaned over, pressing a kiss to her lips. "Morning. I figured out a reason you could have been pissed at me yesterday when I came over," He said, propping himself up on his elbow, looking at her.

Blaise's brow quirked in response. He'd thought she was mad at him the previous day when he asked her to come over because she'd been distracted and didn't seem as happy to see him when she answered the door. She asked him if she had a reason to be mad at him and he said she didn't. Now he was telling her that she had a reason to be? "What's that?" She asked.

"I realized that I missed your birthday. Between everything going on, and the fact I really couldn't go out, it slipped my mind," He said, giving her an apologetic look. "So, I wanted to make up for it," he said, a mischievous grin forming on his lips.

Blaise's brow went up higher. "I didn't really expect anything, which is why I didn't mention it," She answered. She had to admit, she was curious as to what he prepared to make up for it.

"Well you've been such a darling. Your birthday should be celebrated.. If I'd had more time, I would have thrown you the best birthday party a girl could imagine. But, we can have a party of our own. Just us," He replied, sitting up. He reached over to his bedside table, grabbing a small box, holding it out for her. "Part one," he presented.

Blaise shifted, holding the sheet up as sat up. She took the box and opened it, her mind running wild with curiosity. She opened the box slowly, looking to see what was in it. Inside was a silver pendant necklace; A crescent moon with a pentagram inside. There was a emerald jewel in the middle of the pentagram, her birthstone.

"That was actually a lot harder to find than I thought it'd be in New York," Sebastian said, looking to see her reaction. She seemed pretty stunned, unsure how to react. He knew it was a pretty big surprise, and he doubted she'd been expecting something personal. "I'm not sure if you're much of a Jewelry wearer.. But I figured you'd like it," he said.

"It's beautiful," She said, looking over at him, giving him a kiss. "Thank you," She said with a smile.

Sebastian had come to learn that she played down her emotions. But he could see in her eyes and in her smile that she did genuinely like it. "You're welcome," He said, shifting out of bed.

"Now onto part two, if you're ready," he said, offering a hand to her.

"Are we staying in the house, or going out?" She asked, unsure what she needed to dress for.

"In the house right now," He told her. She got out of bed, pulling on her underwear from last night, and grabbed his shirt, pulling it on. She'd agreed to move into the house to keep him company, but after their.. fun last night, they hadn't really had time to get her stuff from her hotel. He took her hand, going with her toward the kitchen and dining room. He had breakfast made, a variety of different things between pastries he had picked up while he was out, to fruit, eggs, and waffles. He was still learning what she liked, so he decided to go for variety.

"It still amazes me that you can cook," Blaise said with an amused smile.

"What'd you think I did? Go out every time I wanted food?" He asked, pulling out a chair for her. While he may not be the hearts and flowers type of guy, he could still be a gentleman with a special girl.

She sat down, giving him a smile as he sat down with her. "I didn't really think about it. Then again, I also wouldn't have guessed you lived in a big house alone either," She said with a shrug, starting to get some food.

"Not alone anymore," He winked as he got his own food. She laughed softly as they ate. "So I don't have any other plans 'till the end of the day, so if you want, we could go back to your hotel, and pack you up, then officially move you in here?" He offered while they ate.

"I'd like that," She said, sipping her drink. "Do those other plans today have something more to do with you making up for my birthday?" She asked, seemly out of curiosity

"That it does," He said. "Do you think me making up would just be a pretty necklace and breakfast?" He asked, though it was mostly a rhetorical question.

"Well then, I look forward to seeing what else you have planned," she told him, giving him a smile while they ate.

They finished up a little after and Sebastian cleaned up what they had used, putting away any left-overs. Blaise got ready while he did as much, putting on her cloths for the previous day and fixed her hair hat was a mix between bed head and sex hair. She came down afterward, ready to go.

Sebastian grabbed the bracelet Blaise had made for him. She found a magical way to mask his appearance and alter it so he could go out in public without detection. He wouldn't need it for being in her hotel room, or going in and out, but he figured it'd be better to have it in case they went anywhere else. They got into the car and he drove back into town, toward the hotel he'd been having her stay at. He pulled up, parking, and got out. He went with her inside, and up to her room.

She didn't really have too much to pack. Some cloths, some of her witch stuff, and things of entertainment. Blaise got changed into something clean before they started packing up. They put her clothes into a suitcase. He let her take care of her personal items in the bathroom, while he worked on packing up her books and other craft stuff. It only took a couple of hours to get it all done. She took the stuff out to put it in his car while he officially checked out. Once they were done, they got back into the car.

"Want to grab lunch before we head back?" He asked, looking over at her. He was still trying to buy some time until his plans for later. She nodded in response. He clipped on his bracelet so they could go someplace. They found a simple restaurant, going inside.

"Any hints to your plans for later?" Blaise asked while they looked over their menus, deciding what they wanted.

He shook his head. "Nope. I want it to be a surprise," He said with a smirk.

She made a face, still curious about what he had planned. She learned not to assume anything with him. He was always surprising her with different things, so she had no idea what to expect. The waiter came over, taking their orders and menus.

"So are you wanting to room with me, or do you want your own room at the house?" He asked. They'd talked about her moving in, and she accepted his offer, but they never discussed rooming ideas.

"Hmm.. I'm not sure," She said, thinking as she sipped her drink. She hadn't really thought about it. But then again, after she gave her answer, they'd ended up in bed..

"We could always set up a room for you, put your stuff in it, and you can switch off between which bed you sleep in," He offered. He knew she didn't mind sleeping with him after sex, and he even stayed with her a couple of times, but he wasn't sure what she really prefered.

"That could work," She agreed with a smile. They got their food shortly after, occupying themselves by eating and enjoying each others company. He paid for the meal once they were done, going back out to the car with her.

Once they got back to the house, he let her pick which room she wanted. There were quite a few spread around the house, and only one was occupied. She picked one down the hall from him. Enough distance not to be right on top of him, but close enough if she wanted to see him, she wouldn't have to go clear to the other side of the house. He helped her unpack, getting everything sorted. She could decorate it more at a later date, but at the moment they just wanted everything in the room.

"How much do you want to know what I have planned later," He asked, smirking over at her as they finished.

She made her way over to him, linking her fingers in his belt loops, giving him a seductive smile. "I am very curious, that's for sure," She said, looking up with her cloudy gray eyes.

"How curious?" He asked, looking down at him.

"Well.. I'd be very grateful," She said, pushing up against him.

"Mm, I do have an addition for your room.." He said, pulling her with him back to his room. Sebastian went to his closet, getting out a hanger with a black cover over it. He held it out to her.

Blaise rose a brow, taking it to the bed, and laid it out, unzipping the bag. She found a black strapless lace dress. It appeared like it'd hug her frame and go to the mid thigh. "It's pretty," She said, giving him a smile.

"I was hoping you'd wear it to dinner tonight," He said with a smirk. She looked over at him with a question look. "You wanted to go out to a nice place last night. I wanted our first date to be somewhere where you'd actually me about to see me, not the magic alter of me," He said. "But tonight.. If you'd like, we could actually go someplace nice," He offered.

"That sounds lovely," She said, zipping it back up, setting it aside, before she went over and gave him a long kiss. "Thank you." She wrapped her arms around his neck.
He smiled. "You're welcome," He said, slipping his arms around her waist. "You know, we've still got some time to kill before we need to get ready.." He stated, running his fingers along her side.

"Mm.. Any ideas how to kill the time?" She asked, quirking a brow playfully.

"Hmm.. I have a few ideas," He said, leaning down, kissing her deeply. She returned it, leaning into him. "We could christen your new bed," He suggested, pulling back a little.

"Sounds like a good idea to me," She replied. He grinned in response. She grabbed her dress, bringing it with them as they went to her room. She hung it on her closet door, before making her way over to him.

The next chapter is rated M. It isn't required to be read to understand the third part of the storyline. Reviews make me happy.