"I can't keep avoiding my mom forever," Charlie pointed out. "I have to go talk to her today. Make her realize she was wrong."

Bass turned his head to look at her without lifting it from the pillow as he told her, "You could still stay here, even if she does realize."

"You want me to live here?" She questioned.

"You kind of already do," he pointed out.

"Yeah, but that was always temporary," she countered. "Are you talking permanent?"

"We already got used to living together, so why not?" He asked as a playful smirk formed on his lips. "Already sick enough of living with me?"

"I've been sick of living with you since the first night," she teased before bringing her lips to his. "I'll think about it."

With that she pulled away and got up from the bed. The only thing that kept Bass from complaining was the view as she walked to grab a set of clothes. Once she started to actually pull them on though, he found something else to complain about.

"Can't you leave those off?" He grumbled.

"You're right. I should just go to see my mom while I'm still naked," Charlie retorted. "That'll work real well at stopping the fight."

"Go later," Bass told her. "Keep your clothes off and stay here now."

"You have to go meet Miles anyways," Charlie pointed out. "Besides, I want to get this over with before I change my mind."

Bass reluctantly sat up as he agreed, "Fine, but those are coming back off later."

Charlie walked into her house with the hope that her mom would be home, along with the hope that she'd be in a good mood.

She found her mom in the kitchen and slowly walked into the room to sit down across from her at the table.

"Charlie," her mom said in a surprised tone. "What are you doing here?"

Charlie was relieved that her mother didn't sound angry that she was there and instead just seemed surprised. She hoped that was a good sign.

"Are things over with him?" Rachel asked when her daughter hesitated.

"No," Charlie responded. "I'm here because I don't want to be fighting about this anymore. I've been staying with him and things are going well. I'm not just some one-night stand."

"I've been waiting for you to come back, Charlie," Rachel told her. "When I told you to stay away from him or leave, I didn't think that you'd actually go and not turn back."

"I'm not staying away from him, Mom," she responded.

"You can still come back. I never meant to actually throw you out."

Charlie looked down at the kitchen table as she admitted, "Bass wants me to stay at his place and actually move in."

"What do you want, Charlie?" Her mother asked.

"I want us to be on speaking terms again," Charlie told her. "But I'm staying at his place."

Rachel knew that there was no way that she was going to be able to outmatch her daughter's strong will and she had learned that ultimatums were not going work. She didn't want to go back to the way things had been ever since she had found out that there was something going on between her daughter and the model, so she saw no real choice in the matter as she responded, "We could do that."

"Really?" Charlie asked as a wide smile tugged at her lips.

"Really," her mother responded with maybe a hint of reluctance.

By the time that Charlie got back to the apartment, Bass had already beaten her home. A smirk formed on his lips when he noticed the bag that she was carrying.

"Does that mean that you're staying here?" He asked.

"I kind of already was," she retorted, mimicking his response from that morning. "But I'm here for good now."

"Does that mean that you're finally going to unpack your first bag?" He teased.

"I'll go do it now," she responded.

She moved to walk towards the bedroom, where her other bag still remained half-packed, but he turned and grabbed her around the waist from behind to stop her. His voice was husky in her ear as he suggested, "Or you can unpack later."

"That works too," she agreed before turning in his arms to bring her lips to his.

The End

A/N: Please read and review! Another gigantic thanks goes out to driver picks the music, sweetliz1961, and LemonSupreme for being awesome and reviewing last chapter! :D