Update across all my stories

Well guys, my stories are, at this point in time, in a semi-permanent state of hiatus until such a time when I miraculously get updates out and when I actually feel like it. Just so you guys know, I'm a college student so I have to "focus" on my studies and work my ass off and possibly, just possibly, die a couple of times before I can actually get to updating stories. Now, if you guys have been keeping up with my recent activities, you'll know that I've been more active on YouTube and I actually have a question to ask: do you guys want me to do an LP of God Eater 2? Of course, it's a Japan-exclusive game that I can only emulate because God Eater 2 Rage Burst is a PSP Vita and PS4 game and I own neither of those. Also, I might consider doing an Azure Striker (Armed Blue) Gunvolt LP if I can figure out some stuff. Please tell me what you guys think. I will also be putting up a poll under the question, "What do you guys want me to do?"

Sore ja, mata na! Trans-Am!