Have you ever been scared? Like, really, really scared? The bit after that source of distress pops up; the bit where there is no one to hold you, no one to calm you down and make you feel safe. When you reach that point, you're done for. It's always the ones on their own that die first in scary movies.

My name is Tweek Tweak, and maybe I would have someone, be it my parents or a friend, like Clyde or Token, if I wasn't so far away from them. If I wasn't an abnormality. It's what Craig says, that last part.

If I could ever love someone to death, that person would be Craig, even though death scares to death! But recently, just after we moved out of South Park, worried that people will hate us for being together, he's gotten more and more…mean.

I don't know how to explain everything, and I don't want to. I don't want to show you the bruises and cuts I have, and I don't know how to get help. After all, it is my fault. I made Craig fall in love with a twitchy little freak, and now his whole life has been ruined.

It was kind of fun at first. We had both saved up our salaries and waited until we were ready to go. We bought an apartment somewhere in Denver, and as I say, it was fun! We spent most of the first week cuddled up on the sofa, watching a movie or kissing or making love, anything that made us happy. It was so nice.

Then it started to go downhill. The money was running out, fast, and we knew we had to start working again. I got a job in the local Café and Craig became a mechanic, what he has wanted to be ever since he was little, for some reason. But, even more problems began to arise. We came within close range of our old friends whilst shopping, and spent the rest of the day just staring at each other, wondering if all the hiding was worth it. It is for me… But for Craig?

I know he hates me. I know he blames me. How could I not, when he tells me every day? The only reason he's still staying with me is because we can't go back. I mean, what would we tell everyone?

Back to what I was saying earlier, and being scared. I guess I was scared when someone shoved me into an alleyway, and then a gun was placed to my temple. I was terrified out of my mind, though, when I realised there was no one to save me, no one to comfort me, reassure me that it was all going to be alright.

And then when the man had finished raping me, I knew it was all over. I was going to die. He took a shot just above my heart and walked away, satisfied in knowing I was sure to die.

It hurts so much.

Just as I feel myself finally slipping away, my mind beginning to black out, I have just one thought.

That person? The one I've been talking about that holds you, calms you down and make you feel safe? The one I've described that saves you, comforts you and reassures you?

Maybe it isn't so much them, but what they represent. Hope.

What's the point in trying to live when you don't have hope?

What's the point in trying to love when you don't have anybody?

Goodbye, Crai

A/N: Tweek was supposed to not finish his sentence because, well, you can guess.

If I get 5 reviews, I will post another chapter, perhaps showing how Craig reacts when he finds out about Tweek's death, or one that focuses on the people back in South Park, and how they dealt with their friends leaving them. So review, favourite, follow and stuff!