Notes: Thanks to LaCasta for the feedback!

Ruby Truth - Valentine Michel Smith

Clark stood at the rail at the edge of the dam. So long afraid, so long concerned about what people thought, how they would feel if only they knew.

Now, he didn't care. He could do what he wanted, when he wanted, how he wanted - and who could stop him?

He would be loved - or feared. It didn't matter.

No longer afraid. No longer afraid of anyone or anything.

He snickered. Why? Why had he held back, clutched the fear so long?

Right. Jonathan Kent. Martha, though to a lesser extent.

Now, he was free.

Clark climbed atop the rail and balanced, stretching out his arms.

He felt free enough to fly.

Clark turned to the first members of The Circle and stepped from the rail, feeling the tug of gravity before refusing it.

He appeared suspended after the initial drop, then drifted slowly upward, in an instant becoming something other than what he'd been.

No longer a boy.

No longer bound by the pretense of "normal."

He accepted the inevitable as he swiveled, unfettered by his own weight, basking in looks that ran the gambit from astonishment to mad props.

Behind him, the sun bestowed kisses, rimming his hair and body in golden light.

It felt so good.

Clark embraced his deviance, determining he would offer one small concession to the humans. His new moniker would still openly identify him as one of them.

But Clark Kent, dear, sweet, stupid Clark, was dead.

He thought of Lana's query, posited that school day a lifetime ago.

The alien smiled.

Long live Superman.
