
"This is the story of a girl; who cried a river and drowned the whole world"

The first night she snapped her neck.

Elena was dreaming of Damon."I'm not sorry that knowing you has made me question everything, that in death you're the one that made me feel most alive...but I am not sorry that I'm in love with you. I love you, Damon. I love y-". She could feel his lips crushing hers, the passion, the love, the power, their connection. She could feel it as if he was still there, standing in front of her, pulling her into him as if he wanted to pull her inside of himself. She never wants to wake up from this dream. She never wants to let him go.

Elena knew that something changed, she could sense it, the dream had changed but she can't look away from the scene unfolding in front of her eyes. She sees herself running into Damon's arms and she remembers the feeling she had at the time. She had never felt so safe, never been so relieved to feel his strong arms wrap around her body. Elena instantly recognises when this took place, she remembers it was the night that Katherine passengered her way into her mind but she can't understand why she is seeing it. Suddenly something shifts, the change is almost imperceptible but she knows now that this is Katherine's memory and she still can't tear her eyes away from it.

"I've been looking everywhere for you. We need to talk" she hears Katherine say to Damon.
"...you know how bad I screwed up? I wussed out Elena. I bailed because I was convinced I'd ruin you..you are literally the best person I've ever known and for me to think I could change you gives me way too much credit; and you..not nearly enough. You are the best influence on me. I need you. You are the good...and I need a little good in my life. Because without it; there's an awful lot of darkness" Elena sees Damon reach out and rest his hand on Katherine's cheek and she watches as Katherine pulls away and turn her back to him.
"That's a lot of pressure Damon..I love that I make you a better person. I love that I make you happy, but I don't want to be the only thing you live for..it's about you, about the person I can't change. The person you really are. That person was right to let me go. I'm sorry Damon, but it's over. We're over." Elena watches as Katherine turns and walks away with a twisted smile on her face. She watches as Damon's heart breaks in front of her.

"DAMON" Elena bolted upright gasping and sobbing, crying his name. It has been 3 months and she dreams of him every night. It's a never-ending cycle of love and torture. Every night she wakes up screaming and crying, sobbing, gasping. She feels her heart breaking all over again. She doesn't know if she can survive this. She doesn't know if she wants to survive this.

"Why am I remembering this? How am I remembering this? What's going on?" Elena asked herself as she gazes over the room searching for some kind of explanation. She doesn't understand why she is dreaming Katherine's memories. Damon had never told her how Katherine broke his heart that night and now she knows she can't bear the knowledge. Elena reached out to switch on the bedside lamp when she heard a soft cough come from beside her. Spinning round in shock and apprehension she was not prepared in any way for the sight in front of her.

"Hello, Elena." Katherine.

"Oh my god, I'm losing my mind. I'm actually losing my mind, I'm going insane...what's wrong with me?" Elena cried out. She jumped out of bed and darted across to the other side of the room, eyes wide and not comprehending.

"You are NOT here. You are DEAD" she screamed at Katherine.

"Actually.." Katherine started speaking

"NO, no, no, this isn't REAL!"
"Stop it, stop it, get out of my head" Elena wailed grasping her head in her hands and pulling wildly at her hair.

"Elena, calm do-" Katherine tried again to make Elena listen.

"NO" she screamed and then Elena sped back across the room to stand in front of Katherine. It took less than a second to snap her neck and Katherine disappeared instantly leaving Elena alone once more.

She dropped back down to the bed feeling completely lost and utterly alone. Throwing herself backwards she crashed into her pillows and pulled one over her face before she started crying again, the pillows absorbing her wracking sobs. After a few minutes Elena tried to pull herself together again. She'd never felt so alone, it was such a heavy feeling but entirely her own fault. 'Maybe I can hallucinate Katherine again' she thought to herself wryly. 'Of all the people to make up, why the hell did it have to be Katherine?' She was convinced she was losing her mind, it made sense after all. Elena had locked herself in this room for 3 months, she hadn't spoken to anyone, of course Stefan, Caroline, Jeremy, Matt and Ric had all tried to get through to her but she just didn't want to know.

Elena knew it was selfish and that her friends were hurting too but she just didn't want to hear that it would get better, that they'd be okay, that they could get through it if they would just stick together. She didn't want to stick to anyone, all she wanted was Damon and he was gone. He'd left her. He'd promised to come back to her and he'd lied. Logically she knew it wasn't his fault and she wasn't angry with him, she didn't blame him. She simply couldn't bear the thought of never seeing him again so she'd locked herself in here and refused to think about it, she'd locked herself away with her memories and cried and slept and existed and pretended that he was still there. For 3 months. So Elena figured it was about time she lost her mind. She was barely functioning in any way. In fact the only reason she hadn't turn to ash yet was because Caroline stopped by three times a week and left baskets outside her door. Filled with blood bags. Elena knew it was Caroline because her scent filled the hallway when Elena opened the door. And because once, Caroline had still been there when she opened the door. Elena had grabbed the basket and slammed the door on her face and now after these months of utter isolation she was finally losing her mind and hallucinating Katherine, of all people.