Sorry for taking so long to update! I'm so busy with school right now! Anyways I don't own anything! It belongs to Peach-Pit! On with the story! Oh and to KL(Guest) yes, I consider fireworks as a form of fire since explosions can't happen without fire, right? Warning! I don't know what will happen myself even though I'm the author! I make ideas as I type!


Oh this is going to be so much fun.

Who does this pervert think he is!? Some kind of prince!? Yeah, right! He infuriates me! I'll burn him to ashes! Wait, what!? Gahh! Seriously? Burn him to ashes? Since when have I become a sadist? More importantly, why am I saying those things? Have I really accepted being... A fire freak?

"Well, Amu-chan, fire freak isn't really the correct term to use, it should be Fire Elemental,"

And there I saw an older version of Tadase. I have gone crazy, haven't I?

"Wait, what?! You know about these powers!? And how did you know what I was thinking?!"

"Yes, I do know about your powers. I know because I'm a Mind Reader, I think that answers some of your questions,"

Then he turned to Ikuto, aka, the perverted alien.

"Now Ikuto-kun, you don't plan on letting her get hurt, right?" The older Tadase said with a sickeningly sweet smile.

"Tsukasa, don't you have faith that I'll bring her home unscathed?" Unscathed? Does he mean it's all right for me to get hurt as long as I don't have injuries!? That bastard!

"Do you really want me to answer that, Ikuto-kun?"

"I'd rather not,"

"Just what the hell is going on!?"

"A lot of things. And you would have known if you weren't so busy yelling," Ikuto said somewhat teasingly and seriously at the same time. Is that even possible?

"I only yelled once!"

He smirked. He smirked. Why is h- Oh. That damn bastard.

"Not counting this and the other one!"

"You're so slow,"


"Your element suits you, you're hot-tempered and feisty. I like it,"

"Damn you!" I shouted as I attempted to punch him to only be blocked.

"It's fun to piss you off,"

Tsukasa coughed.

"Well, Amu-chan let's start with the basics,"

"You see, there are people who are born with powers which are called MEU, which stands for Magic and Element Users. There are people who uses Elements and there are people who uses secondary magic, like spells for example, enchantments, curses, incantations and many more. Originally, there wasn't a single mage in Earth. Mages were born in another world called Mystica. Mystica used magic in everyday life, even selling magic, in the form of spells, enchantment rings and other magic that can be obtained through objects. There was a country who was most abundant in magic as it was it's main source of living, and the country's name was Estrella. There, the high council rests."

"The high council?" I asked while raising an eyebrow. Truth to be told, I am quite curious about Mystica. I mean how did I end up here if not a single mage was supposed to be on Earth?

"Let me finish, Amu-chan," How did he... Oh yeah. Almost forgot. Mind reader.

"Yes, you forget things quite easily,"

"Don't you think you're too young to be forgetting things? Or are you older than you look?" Ikuto teased. Honestly! Is that the only thing he can do!?

"Baka! I'm perfectly young at the age of 15!"

"Really? Because you look like about 78 years old."

I roundhouse kicked him where the sun don't shine and flipped him, but as I was doing so, he pulled me with him. Oh, so that's how you want to play. If you're going down you're bringing me down with you. I ended up underneath him. That damn bastard's gong to pay, and big time too.

"My, my, if you wanted to be in this position with me, you could have just said so,"

"GET OFF ME YOU DAMN PERVERT!" I shouted as I felt some burning sensation, it was like my energy suddenly boosted. All I heard next was his screaming of pain.

I saw his shirt was burned and he had a scorch mark. Oh no! I didn't mean to!

"Hmm... Strange. Your magical energy should be drained after that tremendous release of magic. It seems your magic strengthens with rage. That's quite a good thing since it would be an advantage to us in battle," Tsukasa concluded.

"Wait! What battle!?"

"What do you mean us? I'm not joining you, nor is Utau,"

"As I was saying! The high council is a group of one of the most powerful mages all over Mystica. They decide on what a mage's fate will be, inprisonment, death, freedom and sustainment. Kind of like the court if you think about it."

"Wait, aren't you in the slightest bit worried about Ikuto's scorch mark?"

"No, why should I?"

"Umm... He's injured?"

"He'll live. He's a Water Elemental after all. He can stand against fire, and it'll heal quickly if he takes a dip in water,"

"Were you worried about me, strawberry-koi?"

"N-no. It's just because I feel guilty because I was the one who caused you that scorch mark." Damn it! Why did I have to stutter!?


"Ahem. To answer your question, the high council, with permission of the king and queen, sent mages whom were called light mages to Earth because dark mages were reeking havoc and manipulating the balance of the universe. After the light mages defeated the dark mages, the high council erased all memories about magic of the people of Earth. In case that were to happen again, they kept the light mages on Earth. But 400 years ago the light mages died because of an eternal dark mage, Hoshina Kazuomi."

My eyes widened. H-Hoshina K-Kazuomi? The man who tried to take away my magic when I was a child? I froze, my heartbeat quickened and my breathing stopped.

Hoshina Kazuomi...

Suddenly images of his face and his voice that had so much venom was ringing in my ears.

"Your powers will be mine soon enough." Wait... That voice... No! It couldn't possibly be..!

Hoshina Kazuomi. Where are you coward!?

"In time you'll see me again and I'm afraid you are much too weak to fight me right now, you wouldn't last a second against me."

"-mu-chan! Amu-chan!" Someone, presumably Tsukasa shouted.

"Amu! Amu!" Wait. This was a different voice. Ikuto?

I snapped out of my trance and I saw Ikuto and Tsukasa sweating badly. I blinked.

"What happened?"

"You were caught in some sort of daze and froze then the room suddenly felt hot, to the point of scorching hot, Amu what happened?" Ikuto seemingly worried asked.

I took a deep breath and tried to slow my breathing.

"I-Ive met Hoshina Kazuomi,"

Their eyes widened.

"When!? How!? Why!?" Tsukasa asked.

"When I was five. I think he mentioned something about me and my friend's tremendous magical power. He wanted to steal our powers,"

"Wait, there's more of you!?" Ikuto asked.

"Well, yes. I'm not sure if they remember since our memory got wiped out but yes they do have powers, the same as me. But they moved so I really don't know now,"

"Got wiped out? Oh I see. You must be the three Dia erased the memories of. My sincerest apologies for keeping this from you, but it was for you and your friends sake's. But how did you even know your memory was wiped out?"

"I think that when I unleashed my powers it pulled some kind of trigger so I think that's how I remembered but I'm not too entirely sure,"

"Anyways, back to business. As you know, Hoshina Kazuomi wiped out the light mages thus ended the alliance, but my ancestors decided to continue the alliance and thus they formed this school which served to be training grounds in disguise. The light mages, before they died, gave birth to children and that is how it was passed on. Hoshina Kazuomi is a very powerful dark mage, but there are many people stronger than him. Much, much stronger. He's just an underling. This was proof that dark mages have gotten powerful, so that's why we train Elementals that we can find. To put a stop to them."

"Here come's the question..."

Wait, what question?

"Will you join us in our fight?"

Normally I would have said hell no, but, there are lives at stake. It's not just about me anymore, it's about the whole world, no, the whole universe. But... Would I risk it?

"No classes Wednesday to Friday for training for those who join,"

"I'm in!"

"How about you Ikuto-kun? Utau's dead set on joining,"

"If she won't back out, then I'll just protect her, as an older brother,"

"Good choice, Ikuto-kun,"

Then suddenly, Ikuto turned to me with a mischevious smile.

"Brace yourself, because hell's just about to begin."

Oh don't you worry. I'm dead aware.

After all this time... I finally got to see Amu! Me and Yaya were very overjoyed when we saw her, but... she acted as if she didn't know us... Could it be possible that she... forgot? No! I refuse to believe that! We made a promise!

"Ne, Amu, when something would happen to me and Yaya-chan and we had to leave, would you forget about us?" The 5 year old me said.

"Ri-chan, you and Yaya-chan can't leave me!" The 5 year old Amu said while standing up harshly from the swing making a creaking sound.

"Amu, I'm not saying we're leaving you, but what if it would happen in the future? Would you forget about us?"

Amu stayed quiet as tears formed in her eyes. No... I never meant for her to cry that day.

Amu looked up and mustered the best smile she could.

"Of course I won't forget about you! I will forever remember you because you and Yaya-chan played a big role in my life. If you really happen to leave, well... I would just try my best to keep smiling for you and won't forget about you, and you do the same, promise?" Amu said as she held up her pinky.

I smiled and help up my pinky and we held our pinkies.


And that was the day I did the most important pinky promise in my life.

Sigh... I missed those days... The days where I was just Ri-chan and not Rima the Ice princess, and besides... I think it's ironic because I hate the cold.

"Rima-tan! When are we going to visit Amu-chi!?" Yaya, who I didn't realize was there, questioned impatiently. I just noticed that we were in the garden where I would go to think. It was quite a hidden place. If you aren't as small as me and Yaya you probably wouldn't have gotten through.

"I already did. It's only you who didn't. Even Kukai already visited."

"What!? You said you would go with Yaya! Ughh! Amu-chi must have gotten home already!"

Ring... Ring... Wait, wasn't that my phone?

"Excuse me."

"Moshi moshi."

"Rima, where are you!? I've been waiting for an hour! Something that your father wouldn't have probably done and leave you and make me pick you up," My mother ranted.

Honestly... My kidnapping happened 7 years ago! Don't they realize that just seeing them fight and unable to smile hurts me too? Do they even spare a thought to me and my feelings?

"I'll be there soon, Mama."

Then the line went dead and I walked out of the garden as fast as I could.

"Rima-tan! Rima-tan! Where are you going!? Don't leave Yaya!"

"Yaya, I have to get home. Mama is waiting for me outside."

"Go on ahead, Rima-tan and don't worry. Maybe someday they will get along again and when that day comes you'll be able to smile a real smile again. Ri-chan will be back."

I smiled and raised my hand as a sign of goodbye.

"Ja ne, Yaya."

As I walked out of campus I had a small smile on my face.

I really hope that day will really come, Yaya.

Okay, so I really don't know what happened but it somehow ended there.

Now I need OC's. I need:

Heart's King's Chair(Fire Elemental)

Heart's Jack's Chair(Fire)

Spade's Jack's Chair(Water Elemental)

Clover's Ace's Chair(Earth)

Clover's Joker's Chair(Earth)

Diamond's Jack's Chair(Air)

Diamond's Ace's Chair(Air)

Diamond's Joker's Chair(Air)

Please PM me if you want your OC in the story. Remember first come first serve.

Please, include name, age(14-15), gender, element, appearance and personality, the limit is two OC's per person.