The glow from the Eiffel Tower night light gave the room a dim glow as Jess slowly rocked Donna Alosia 'Ally' Flack against her breast. Ally's fussing started rising in volume when Sarge, the family cat, jumped off of the back of the rocking chair. Jess turned to glare at the fuzzball.

"Shh, ma petite." Jess murmured, brushing the baby's soft cheek with her forefinger. "This is a lullaby that your Grand-Mѐre used to sing to me when I was your age," Jess tapped Ally's tiny nose. "Frère Jacques, frère Jacques, dormez-vous? Dormez-vous?" Jess relaxed as she sang the familiar lullaby to her daughter. "Sonnez les matines! Sonnez les matines! Ding, daing, dong. Ding, daing, dong."

When Jess repeated the lullaby for the third time, Ally's eyes started to droop and eventually fell close with the heavy weight of sleep upon them.

Jess stood up carefully and tip toed over to the crib to place her in. She paused gazing at the beautiful baby, brushing back a strand of black hair from Ally's face.

"Je t'aime aujourd'hui plus qu'hier, mais pas autant que demain."

She leaned in and gave her one last kiss.

"Goodnight Ally."

The end.

Thank you for reading.