Hello my friends, I have return with another Jack Pumpkinhead fic. This one, unlike my last one, is not entirely concentrated on him, it's more of a group thing. This is the cliché Christmas gone wrong story. Christmas has been introduced in Oz but they're not entirely sure how to do it. The dialog may get a little OOC because a few of the characters I haven't read in a while, so I apologize for anything completely out of the ordinary. On with the show,

Dorothy was wondering down the Winki country side, looking about the yellow bushes and trees, when she tripped on a stone set right in her path. She'd been looking at a yellow bird when the rock jumped in front of her. She stubbed her toe and stumbled to the ground, scraping her knee on the pebble lined walkway. "Ow." She cried, holding her bloody knee "Oh dear, oh that burns." She mumbled, standing up and going on a search for a Winki home. She hoped that if she found one they'd be kind enough to let her wash out her knee or even wrap it up.

She came across no villages but instead ended up at Jack Pumpkinheads pumpkin patch. She would have much preferred The Tin Woodman's Tin castle, knowing that he kept material in his home to meet the needs of those made of flesh. Seeing as this was a farm, however, Dorothy assumed that he at least had water she could use to rinse the dirt from her wound.

She made her way to the giant hallowed out pumpkin set right in the middle of the patch, dodging pumpkins as she went. When she reached the home there was no one inside. She scanned the field, looking for Jack, and eventually finding him in the far corner watering young vines. Dorothy, despite the stinging knee, hopped and skipped to his side "Good evening Jack." She greeted, hopping right beside him. The tall man turned his head to her "Oh, hello Dorothy. What brings you here?" he asked, then going back to his watering.

"I scraped my knee on my walk and was wondering if I might be able to wash it out here." Explained the young princess, lifting her knee so he could see.

"Oh," Jack put down the watering can "Of course." He whipped his dirt covered hands on his pants before leading Dorothy back to the house and showing her the faucet where he filled the watering cans. Jack turned on the water for her "You're fine from here, yes?" he asked before standing from his kneel. Dorothy nodded "Alright, good. Help yourself to anything you need, Dorothy," he was about to go back to watering when he suddenly remembered something "Oh, Dorothy." He called as she scrubbed off the knee "I have this plant in my home. Ozma gave it to me, she told me it can heal people." He drifted off, wondering if that was what she'd said "Would you like to use it?" he offered with a shrug. Dorothy turned off the water and wiped her hands on her dress "I've never heard of that before."

"Well neither have I but, considering I know very little about the magic within Oz, I tend to listen to Ozma on the matter."

They wondered inside. Dorothy sat in a chair while Jack clipped off a piece from the thick green horns of his magic plant, cut it in half, and rested the raw inside on her knee. They both stared a moment, waiting for something to happen "Nothing's happening." Dorothy pointed out after a moment.

"Hm," Jack pulled it away "She must have said it did something else."

Dorothy inspected her knee "Well it doesn't hurt anymore." She stated, leaning back in the chair, one of the only furnishings within the small house "I quite like your house Jack. You made it yourself right?"

Jack nodded "Yes, it took a long time to clear it out. Getting never tired, however, most likely cut the time it would have taken in half. Someone made of meat might have gotten tired and had to rest. I did not." He stood "Can I offer you anything to eat, Dorothy, before I go back to work."

"Oh no, I'm fine…why are you always working Jack? Whenever I visit that's all you seem to be doing."

"Well I do have a great field to take care of. Hundreds of pumpkins, during certain times of the season, need hours of work. They need to be watered and watched and what not. Not to mention that I never tire and due to that I often get bored."

"Well then why don't you join us at the Emerald City once in a while?"

"I do, Dorothy, don't you notice me there?"

"Oh, now that I think of it, yes, I do. I can't believe I didn't remember, I'm sorry Jack. Why don't you come over this evening, we'll be playing a big game of blind man's bluff."

"I might stop by later, right now, though, I have to water the young vines and plant new seeds, but after that I am entirely free."

Dorothy hopped off the chair "Alright then, I guess I'll see you later Jack."

They said their goodbyes and Dorothy went her separate way, heading back to the Emerald castle. Fatigued by pain and an already long walk Dorothy blew a whistle around her neck summoning the Sawhorse and it's carriage.

The ride to the castle was quick and swift as only the Sawhorse could manage.

Later in the day Scraps, Ojo, Tik-Tok, Scarecrow, Tin Woodman, The Shaggy Man, and Jack Pumpkinhead arrived at the castle to take part in a game of Blind Man's bluff. Everyone rushed about the yard, The Shaggy Man sitting out for most of the time, taking enjoyment from simply watching the fun. He laughed as Scraps was forced into a cart wheel to avoid the blind folded Dorothy.

When night grew near the game was forced to an end, and everyone made their way inside. Ozma treated Ojo, Shaggy Man, and Dorothy to dinner while the rest of the horde sat about and conversed with each other.

"So, Jack, how goes your pumpkin growing?" asked The Shaggy man, finishing the last bit of food on his plate. Jack shrugged "The same as ever. Due to the constantly nice weather in Oz they never spoil, their season is forever."

"Oh, how lucky for you."

"Yes, quite." Said Jack, leaning on his hand and staring blindly at the wall. The Shaggy Man leaned over to look in his face "You seem quite out of it, Jack, is there anything wrong?"

"No, No, I'm fine." He sighs "Just running out of things to keep me occupied."

"Well, I'll be leaving on another journey in a week or so, would you like to join me?"

"No thank you, Shaggy Man, I'm afraid the long journey's you take may ware out my joints and I will have a difficult time walking. I cannot keep a pumpkin patch if I can't walk."

"Oh, I suppose you're right. Why don't you just replace them once they're worn?"

"I suppose I could do that…Although if I were to have to replace my entire leg I'm not entirely sure if it would be alive like I am."

"I guess you're right. If you change your mind, though, I'll be here, for a few more days at least."

"I appreciate the offer at least." Jack then turned his attention to the window at the far side of the room. The outside looked strange for some reason. It was night, yet the sky didn't look dark as it usually did, it looked gray. A thick layer of cloud covered the sky in a gray blanket. Jack thought a moment "Must be rain." He mumbled out loud. The Scarecrow, hearing this, looked to the window and spotted the clouds "Oh-" he started "It seems as though I must stay here tonight. You also, Tin Man."

The Tin Man looked to the window "I suppose so, if it rains before we leave."

Jack tapped his chin "Rain." He mumbled to himself "I didn't see any signs of rain earlier." He shrugged, knowing that rain is not always predictable. Suddenly something jumped upon his head "I'm not afraid of any rain!" called Scraps, leap frogging over Jack, and flipping onto the floor. Scarecrow leaned forward "But Scraps, my dear, if you get soggy you won't be able to go anywhere, you'll be too heavy and flimsy" he pointed out.

Jack put up a finger "Not to mention if not wrung out correctly you could grow moldy, and nobody wants that. I once had a moldy head when I kept it on for too long, and it was very unpleasing to both the mind and eye."

"Hm!" Scraps huffed "I'm not afraid of any mold or rain," she laughed "Why Jack, you should know! I don't gave a care about how I look, why I'm such a unique person it doesn't matter at all!" she laughed again before cartwheeling across the room back towards the table. The Scarecrow shook his head "Scraps, my dear, why would you want to ruin your beautiful quilt colors with mold." Scarecrow scowled with disgust at the thought of it. Scraps laughed "Don't worry Scarecrow, I'm sure you'd still find me quite stunning."

Shaggy Man cut in "You will always be quite a creature, Scraps, mold or no."

"Why thank you Shaggy Man," replied Scraps, walking around the table. Everyone who ate had already finished their food and was now conversing. While everyone laughed and told stories Jack thought about the rain. While he wanted to join the fun the fact that rain was coming bothered him "It's not the rainy season." She said aloud again. Scarecrow leaned over the table "Are you still worried about the rain Jack?" he asked, snapping Jack out of his thoughts. Scraps jumped upon his head once more, wrapping her arms around it "What do you have to worry about with rain Jack? You are wood, not cloth

You should be able to scoff

At the possible mold

That your body can hold

For you can be dried off

With fabric or air

You shouldn't give a care!" she laughed, then standing unsteadily on the chair beside him "The rain falls!" she cried, falling backwards onto Jack, who tried his hardest to catch her. She ended up, despite her light body, nearly knocking him from his chair as he put out his arms to catch her. Scraps took hold of the sides of his head "But you have nothing to worry about." She hopped off his lap and danced through the room.

"Snow!" Dorothy cried from the end of the table, her small finger pointing at the window. Everyone seemed to stop. Ojo and Dorothy raced towards the window, Ozma close behind but going much slower. The Shaggy Man stood and went to the back door beside the dining room. He stepped out briefly to investigate the strange phenomenon. "Well," he sifted the snow between his fingers "I've seen popcorn snow before, but, never had I seen real snow in the Land of Oz"

Despite the cold Dorothy ran out in her dress and began frolicking in the snowy wonderland with Ojo. Even Ozma joined in the fun, never having experienced snow before. "Oh this is so exciting!" cried Dorothy, having not experienced a lot of snow in her life "This reminds me of the time I went to Wyoming to celebrate Christmas." She said, falling back on the ground and creating a snow angel. Ojo grabbed his arms "Dorothy, aren't you cold?"

Dorothy hugged herself, suddenly realizing how cold it was. She stood up and dusted herself off "Oh yeah, lets go inside for now. Maybe Ozma can find us some winter clothes."

Scraps approached Dorothy's snow angel "Why that looks fun!" she cried, then falling beside it and creating her own.

While Scraps flourished in the snow Jack and the others stared at the sky in wonder. No one in the land of Oz had ever truly seen snow before. They'd heard a few stories from Dorothy, but, being from Kansas, she didn't have many stories to tell. The Tin Woodman saw the snow melt o his tin body "Oh-" he panicked slightly "I should probably stay inside, I don't want to rust you know." He explained to the scarecrow, then heading inside.

Scraps jumped to her feet and looked at her work "Wonderful!" she cried, then running over to her friends, still standing at the door. She grabbed the scarecrow by his arms and threw him onto the ground "Try it!" she demanded happily "It's fun," she said, then taking Jack by the arms and throwing him beside the Scarecrow. Scarecrow stood up quicky "Scraps, you'll get me all wet."

"Oh no I won't" she said, putting up a finger "It just sits on the surface of your clothes, it won't get your straw wet at all. "

Jack sat up "It may," he pointed out, putting his arms out for the two to grab and help him up. They got the message and hoisted Jack back to his feet "If you get snowy enough." He concluded, then heading back to the door. He stopped, suddenly, as a cool breeze ran by. Although he couldn't feel it's coldness he could feel a strange sensation. It wasn't like the warm sensation like when he takes pies out of the oven, but it was different, it made his head feel harder.

"My pumpkins" he mumbled, suddenly having a terrible realization "The cold will freeze my pumpkins! That could ruin my entire patch." With this Jack rushed out of the court yard and back to his home in an attempt to save his beloved pumpkins.

Jack never liked wasting pumpkins, if he couldn't use one as a head he's use it for something else like pastries or other forms of food. For a man who could not eat Jack made a lot of food. Of course, though, with a pumpkin patch so large it is nearly impossible not to let any pumpkins go bad. A few here or there will always rot eventually. The frost and snow, however, could wipe out his entire crop. Pumpkins can stand up to some frost, it will just kill the vines, but if it gets colder it could ruin the pumpkin as well.

Jack had planned on carving himself a new head the next day, his currant one was getting groggy. When he got home he carved himself a head quickly before they all froze over, not wanting to live with a rotting head if the snow did not subside in a couple of days. The mouth was lopsided and the eyes slightly different sizes, but a head was a head.

While Jack worried about his precious pumpkins, Scraps took interest in something that she'd heard Dorothy say earlier "Dorothy." She said, sitting beside the young princess in one of the sitting rooms "What's Christmas?"

I realize the sequencing of this might have seemed a little strange, but I'm still attempting to get the story entirely organized. Is Dorothy having a whistle for the Sawhorse a thing, because I thought it was. Also, did anyone else watch Oz Kids when they were a child? Because I recently rediscovered it and I thought it was just a dream my head made up, like a memory that wasn't real, but it turns out the nameless children's show I've had in my head for years was Oz Kids, and I found that very funny, considering I only recently discovered my love for Oz a few years ago, but have actually loved Oz all my life. HaHa, funny isn't it? Alright, well, hope you liked it so far, read on my friends, there is more to come. R and R please. J