AN: HEYYY! What's up? So, I've never written anything like this before. I appreciate if anyone would like to offer their constructive criticism, and I will have my own real life friend read each chapter before hand to tell me what they think. Right now, however, I would like to clarify a few things about the story. This will in fact be MaBill, and I know the summary doesn't say it, but it didn't give me enough space for the summary and the other stuff. If you don't like MaBill, don't fret friends, its not the main plot of the story, its just more of a side thing, but that may changed as the story goes on. BUT, enough of my rambling! Let's begin the story.

Disclaimer: I don't own Gravity Falls or any of its characters.

Bill dragged his triangular body through the halls of a large, dark building hidden somewhere in the mountain. A dark blue, almost black liquid dripped from his fingertips, leaving a trail behind him. He used to think he was completely immortal, but as the dark liquid fell, and he grew weaker and tired, he started to wonder if that was really true.




The sound was the only thing keeping him awake. He focused on it and pushed on through the long corridors.

"Keep going," he thought to himself. "Stay awake. Don't stop to rest or they'll find you."

He stood up against stone wall, the dark blue liquid still falling around his feet, pooling below him.

"I'm going die… Unless I do something." He whispered to himself, in an unbelieving tone. He didn't ever think it was possible for him to be this close to death. It was frightening.

"I need to do something. Now." He continued to whisper, panicked now. "The only way to be away from them is…" he thought, for a moment, and became slightly disgusted with the answer he came up with. "Is too become human."

The mere thought of the word made him want to cringe. Humans. So vulnerable, so useless. They only served to annoy him when he wasn't too busy laughing at their stupidity. But now wasn't the time to be picky, as he felt his eyelid become heavier. He just wanted to rest, but knew that he would either die in his sleep, or they would find him and kill him then. He forced himself to stay awake. The amount of energy it was going to take was enormous, and he had to be 100% focused.

He prepared himself, and, if he had a mouth, would have taken several deep breaths. His hands began to glow a light electric blue, and this soon spread to his legs and the rest of his body. A slight twinge of pain formed in his hand and arms. The demon ignored it and concentrated on his own mind for a moment.

"I need to have no memory of any of this, of being a demon. If I do, I risked being found." He thought. The glow became brighter as the light moved and pulsed around him. The twinge grew stronger.

"When I wake up, I'll be human."

He felt himself stretch and change shape. It hurt. It hurt like hell. The twinge became a ripping sensation throughout his body and it felt as though someone had stabbed a dagger in his back and dragged it down his entire body. The blue liquid dripped faster.

Drip… Drip…

Drip… Drip…

Drip… Drip…

The pain momentarily distracted him, but he fought back the instinct to cry out in pain, and instead focused once more on his thoughts.

"When I wake up, all I will remember is my name."

The pain grew too much for him to bear, and he screamed out. All he could hear was the new human blood pounding through his new human ears, and a faint dripping sound. The screamed died in his throat, as it gave out and burned. The last thing he remembered before blacking out was a four letter sentence.

"My name is Bill."

As he thought this, a humanoid shape vanished from the corridor, leaving nothing but a dark blue, almost black stain on the red and gold carpet.