Chapter 6: New Life

After Mary had left Bobby and Kelly along with Megan could tell there was tension between Felix and Tamora. Felix was still being affectionate but not pushing too many wedding questions on Tamora. She too was trying to be affectionate but whenever a female customer came in and Felix greeted her or asked her what she wanted to eat. Tamora's eyes would lock on her and Felix and she would give the girl a death glare. "This is all Mary's fault why did she have to come back?" Megan demanded as she washed the dishes. Only as she did her grip tightened and broke yet another plate.

"Easy NutMeg keep that up and we will run out of plates before dinner rush," Bobby said taking the broken plate from her.

"I am sorry Bobby it is just Felix was finally happy again and he and Tamora were finally going to have a new life together. Everything was fine and peaceful and then boom little Miss Home Wrecker shows up and now both Felix and Tamora are miserable. If I wasn't so gentle natured I would have given Mary a good punch to the face," Megan grumbled.

"Hell I would just pull her hair out," Kelly said while putting the plates that didn't get broken away.

"I can't believe I am saying this but violence won't solve anything," Bobby said gently. Both girls looked at him with shock for Bobby at times could be a real rough neck. To hear him even suggest a non-violent way to solve his problems was a tad shocking. "I know I am shocked too but Felix and Tamora need to know that they still love each other. Now how should we go about it?" Bobby asked scratching his head.

"Hmmm well some time alone would do them both some good," Megan said slowly calming down.

"Yeah a date would be good a nice quiet dinner maybe at the park and we can set it up and once they eat we can scram and let them be alone and clean up when they are done. It is full proof," Kelly said smiling.

"I like it," Bobby said grinning.

"So, do I," Megan agreed.

"Great Operation Date Night is a go let's do it this Friday for Friday is a slow night," Bobby said and they all agreed and began to plan a date for Felix and Tamora.

On Friday afternoon Felix was going over wedding ideas, so far Tamora and he had everything planned. Yet, he was still afraid that she was having second thoughts. He knew that when she first tried to get married. Well it didn't go very well for the groom died. Still Felix wanted to make sure that Tamora knew he loved her and her only. He was just as shocked to see Mary back but was happy with himself that he didn't fall for her tricks. "Oh Tammy in just a few months you will be my wife, I just hope you still want to be my wife," Felix said sadly.

"Hey bro, it is getting close to closing time and I want to take you somewhere," Bobby said.

"Bobby I really don't feel like going anywhere other than home," Felix said sadly.

"Oh come on please it will be fun," Bobby said.
"Okay, where are we going?" Felix asked.

"First let's comb your hair a bit and wear your blue jacket yeah that is good," Bobby said.

"What are you doing?" Felix asked getting annoyed.

"Trust me, now wear this blindfold," Bobby said. Felix was about to protest but did it anyway and allowed Bobby to lead him to wherever they were going. He heard birds chirping and smelled flowers everywhere. Once the blind fold was lifted he was sitting in a wooden chair by the lake at the park. Two plates that had spaghetti and meatballs with garlic bread and red wine along with peach pie were on the table. Before Felix could say a word Megan and Kelly showed up with Tamora who was blindfolded like he had been. They sat Tamora down and took off the blindfold and once Tamora opened her eyes, she saw Felix.

"Well we will let you two be alone, call us when you need us to clean up," Megan said and the trio scampered off.

"I see Bobby talked you here like Megan and Kelly did to me," Tamora said.

"I guess so," Felix said blushing.

Then they both blushed and said at once "We need to talk".

"You go first," Felix said.

"No you," Tamora said. Then she saw that look in Felix's eyes and began to talk. "If I have been acting weird it is not because I don't want to marry you," she said.

"Was it because of Mary? If yes you don't have to worry I am not leaving you for her I love you and I want to marry you," Felix said.

"It's not just her, a few nights ago I was dreaming that I was getting married to you only you died like Brad did and I was scared history would repeat itself," Tamora said sadly. She gripped Felix's hand as she looked at him with a serious face. "I can't lose you Felix, I just can't" she said.

"Oh Tammy," Felix said getting up and hugging her. "I am just as scared but I can't promise what the future holds only to tell you that I love you and I want to spend the rest of life with you. We don't have to get married if you don't want to I just want to share my life with you. I can still call you my wife we don't need a ring or a piece of paper to say we love each other," Felix said.

"Thanks Felix, but I do want to marry you and I want to share my life with you, but I am scared too," Tamora said hugging him.

"Then let's be scared together and face our future together," Felix whispered.

"Sounds like a good idea," Tamora said smiling.

Soon the wedding came and Felix stood at the alter nervous but excited. Ralph, Bobby, and Kurt were his groomsmen, and his mom was playing the piano. Vanellope came down the aisle in a pink dress scattering yellow daisies on the floor, as Megan, Kelly, and Aunt Scarlett dressed in blue dresses walked down the aisle. Then Felix looked at the most beautiful sight in the world. Uncle Jim in his tux was escorting Tamora wearing her old wedding dress down the aisle. She looked like an angel dressed in white and it made Felix's heart skip a beat. Soon she stood before him and the preacher asked them to say their vows.

"Felix, when I first came here I was all alone. I had no family or any friends just a broken heart and a desire to start a new life. Till I met you and your family, you took me in and treated me like I was a member of your family. Then soon you stole my heart with your kindness and gentle nature. I know we had some rocky pasts and I know we will probably have some rocky points in our future but I know that I love you and I want to share that future with you. With this ring I take you as my husband," Tamora said slipping the ring on his finger.

Megan shed a tear as Ralph was trying very hard not to cry. Kurt had to hold baby Ana for she was fussing. Yet all was calm again as Felix took Tamora's hand and said his vows. "Tamora, I know I am not a perfect guy. I had my heart broken and had to take a lot of responsibility for my family. When I first met you I was not looking for love. Yet I fell for you for your bravery, your courage and your beauty. You filled my heart with the love I always dreamed of and hoped I would get. You are right we have had rocky pasts but with you by my side I know I can accomplish anything. I love you Tamora and with this ring I take you as my wife," Felix said as he slipped the ring on her finger. Once they kissed the whole family cheered and Felix and Tamora both knew the future was uncertain. But one thing was certain they loved each other and would start their new life together as husband and wife.

The End

Author's Note: Hope you all enjoyed this story. Thanks to everyone who helped me make this story great and please review. Till next time.